Crown of Silence

Chapter 795 The Loser's Silence

Chapter 792 The Silence of the Loser

Six hours ago.

In the wilderness, a long stream of people moved forward along the road ahead. The grass on the ground still had short stubble. On the road that had just been opened, traces of wild animals could often be seen in the distance.

After the rain, there were mud and puddles on the ground.

The sound of chanting and singing came from afar.

Barefoot farmers pushed carts loaded with all their belongings, followed the guidance and call of the gods, and took insignificant rations to embark on the road to the ice and snow.

In just a few months, the originally barren Caucasus seemed to have become a paradise on earth.

Fertile soil everywhere.

There were endless wheat fields on both sides of the road from time to time, and heavy wheat ears fell, reflecting the dazzling smoothness like gold. If you are hungry, there are figs on the trees everywhere on both sides of the road. If you are thirsty, there is endless clear water in the stream, with the sweetness of milk and honey.

It's like heaven.

Accompanied by low shouts, several burly farmers pushed hard, the driver whipped, and the old horse neighed, and a carriage stuck in the mud drove out of the pit.

The passing farmers patted the mud on their bodies and were about to leave when they were stopped by the old man in the carriage. The old man took out a few silver coins and thanked them for their help.

"No need."

The leading farmer smiled honestly, and when he saw the old rose rosary on his wrist, his expression suddenly became clear: "Are you also here for the Son of God? Then we are all believers, and we can't take your money."

He couldn't tell the difference between Orthodoxy and the Holy City, nor did he understand how important the rose rosary that seemed worthless was to the Holy City.

In the carriage, the old man didn't insist on explaining anything, but just smiled gently, "To some extent, it's probably so."

"Are you a priest?" A young man came up and asked.

The old man nodded, "I am."

"Then please bless me."

The old man nodded.

Pressing his palm on the face with a little mud, he blessed the believer on behalf of the gods and chanted the gospel that made countless people crazy in the past.

Soon, the peasants left.

The old man retracted his gaze.

No majesty and coldness.

Not like the Holy Throne at all.

Not like the Supreme Red King.

"It really turned the Caucasus into a fertile land." The Red King said: Your child is a very good person. Abel, you taught him very well. "

Few people noticed that there was another person in the carriage.

The same old age, but rarely any breath, dull and dull, always lowered his eyes, not attracting attention. Hearing what the Red King said, he just nodded and didn't respond.

The Red King looked at him, "You don't seem happy."

Abraham was silent for a long time and closed his eyes.

"I'm sad about this. "

The carriage continued to move forward.

Towards the kingdom of the gods.


Three hours later, the carriage drove into the main palace that was once the imperial palace. Under strict security, the Red King was welcomed into the conference room.

Carrying a heavy box in his hand.

As if it was full of treasures.

Half an hour later, the door was pushed open.

Gaius walked in, wearing winter clothes.

The weather had begun to warm up, but he was still wearing thick clothes. After taking off his hat, strands of white hair were revealed.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty."

He stood in front of the door, looking at the old man with his back to him, his face as gloomy as water.

So, the Pope nodded:

"Long time no see, Gaius. "

Gaius walked around him and went to the other end of the conference room. After pulling out a chair, he sat across the long table from him and looked at him.

"We have been dealing with each other for so many years, so let's skip the remaining polite words. Forgive me for being frank..."

Although he was in his own palace and his own country, he seemed to be wearing armor and holding the hilt of a sword. A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and his tone became simple and straightforward:

"——What is the purpose of coming?"

"Of course, congratulations to you."

The Red King lowered his eyes, as if he did not notice the cold chill that permeated the entire headquarters, and just slowly pushed the box in front of him to Gaius.

"Congratulations, you now have everything that once belonged to the Holy City."

He said, "You win, Gaius."

"Next, I will cooperate with you. In addition to the economic agreement and financial contract required by Anglo, all the files and materials in the Holy City, and even the government agencies, will be gradually transferred to the Caucasus. It's up to you to decide what to do next.

Just as you planned.

In the future, Anglo will become the center of the world's economic operation, and the Caucasus will dominate the operation of this world..."

As if admitting defeat, he did not wait for Gaius to take his time and handed over the true foundation of the Holy City.

Gaius still did not look happy about this.

"So, who is talking to me?"

He stared at the old man in front of him, his tone indifferent: "Gregory, the sixth generation Red King with the most profound wisdom? John, the third generation Red King with the most devout faith? Hansel, the ninth generation Red King with the deepest compassion? Or the immortal Red King, the first generation closest to the gods..."

Gaius paused, read out the name, and his eyes became sharp:

"Inhuman Peter!"

After a brief silence, the Red King shook his head and laughed to himself.

"Peter died three hundred years ago."

He calmly revealed secrets that the Order had kept hidden for centuries.

"——Self-shutdown, never restart.

If you are not at ease, you can destroy his last body in this world. I remember the location... well, it is under the holy emblem of the Holy Resurrection Cathedral. That guy really chose a good place. "


Gaius was stunned: "Why?"

"If you want to say why..."

The Red King picked up the cold coffee, smelled the smell with a hint of burnt smell, and lowered his eyes: "After using theology as a bridge to truly understand what it is to be a human being, he has completely understood the nature of human beings. Are you desperate?"

Gaius said nothing.

He never thought that he regarded him as a formidable enemy, and even worked hard all his life, tried his best, and spent countless sacrifices and costs to defeat the enemy... whom he regarded as a monster hidden behind the scenes that had controlled the world for hundreds of years. It's already dead.


Is it that simple?

"Don't worry, I won't lie. Nibelung recorded his records before his suicide in detail. The recording method cannot be forged and is enough to win your trust."

The Red King said calmly: "The brainstem of the third generation Red King John has long been decayed. After leaving a copy of the record, his self-awareness has dissipated.

The sixth generation Red King Gregory has been silent for decades and has never said anything again. The ninth generation Red King had gone crazy and was removed from the connection with the Nibelungs sixteen years ago... Before dying of exhaustion, he confessed his sins day and night and cursed his soul.

He did not ascend to heaven after death, but fell into hell before death.

This is man's original sin, Gaius. "


After a long silence, Gaius looked at the old man in front of him, as if he wanted to penetrate his body and see clearly what was hidden under the shell.

"——So, who is it that is talking to me?"

The Red King smiled self-deprecatingly.

"He is an alternative who has been waiting for decades and failed to become the Red King." He said, "He is the 'last Red King'."

As he spoke, the old man lifted up his hair, revealing the subtle scars under the hairline, and tapped his skull - the brainstem, brain marrow, gray matter...everything in the brain had been removed.

In the empty skull, precision machinery was running silently, with only a dim green light showing 'normal operation' on the forehead.

The long, thin scar looked like it hadn't completely healed yet and was still brand new.

"More than ten days ago, I succeeded the new Red King and became the dominant consciousness of the Nibelungs, but at this time. It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

The old man said to himself: "'I want to become the Holy See.' This has been my goal in my life since I first opened the cover of the holy book.

I had been waiting for such a long time and finally had the opportunity, and I couldn’t give up just because the title was meaningless. "

Gaius was silent.

"The existence of the Holy City has no meaning. From the beginning, the existence of the Order has been to allow humans to survive better. Since humans have chosen to let the Order withdraw from the stage, then the Order will withdraw from the stage.

Before coming, I had already destroyed the last set of surgical chambers capable of performing brain extraction. "

The last Red King looked at him and congratulated sincerely: "Congratulations, you have completed a great deed that has never been completed by anyone in the past - the inheritance of the Red King will be cut off after me.

From now on, you will dominate the world and determine the future of mankind. "

Gaius said nothing.

This iron-cold old man lowered his head and clenched his fists. There seemed to be anger in his eyes, but they seemed empty.

It’s hard to conceal the loss and exhaustion.

Gaius closed his eyes.

In the silence, there was only the sound of the Red King opening the box and taking out the contents one by one.

"This is my last job as the Red King. Anyway, let's take a look at it, Gaius." The Red King held something in his hands and said over and over again: "The original copy of the Book of Return to Ruins was once kept secret by the sect. Technology, even the secrets that the Cardinal Church cannot access, are all here.”

Finally, he took out the items from the bottom of the box.

He placed the thin six-page paper in front of Gaius.

"And this, for you, this is probably the most important thing."



The Red King looked at him: "After I succeeded the Red King, the history of the order compiled by Nibelungen - if there are still history books in later generations, six pages, this is how the Red King can make a difference in real history. It only takes up a little weight.”

Six thin pages.

From the Dark Ages to the present day.

There is no description of countries, no wars, or even a list of the major actions taken by the Order over the years. Its content only revolves around one point, the changes in the religious order under the Red King in each generation.

Starting from the first generation, there are the inhuman Peter, the cruel William, the pious John, the incompetent William II, the persevering Paomen, the wise Gregory...all the way to the iron-blooded Ian and the cunning Ludovic. and The Last Nameless King.

Five hundred years of time, just six pages.

The great first generation founded the Order and created the evil consequences of today; the cruel second generation carried forward the Order and turned it into a monster; the pious John brought faith but failed to detect the corruption inside; the incompetent William tried to cleanse the Order but was deserted by his friends and relatives; the resolute Paomen relied on the Order of the One Hearted Monks to restore the original intention of the Order, but it was difficult to return to the past; the wise Gregory created a new balance of power, but turned the Order into a thorough authority and began taboo research...

Under the efforts of non-humans, after 120 years of hard work, it was difficult for the Order to maintain its original purity and integrity. Constant remedies and innovations made this monster more bloated and huge.

Indulgences, loans, finance, canonization...

From its establishment to save mankind, until the cardinal sympathized with the people and drank wine, he issued the statement "Only one heaven is not enough to reward such a wonderful feat", it was only a hundred years.

Until now, the cult can still maintain a trace of its original intention, trying to correct the out-of-control world... It is a miracle that the popes of all generations have sacrificed themselves and relied on the immortality of the Nibelung.

"See? This is the beginning and end of the cult."

The Red King looked down at Gaius and whispered softly: "No matter what the original intention is, a hundred years later, it will become an ugly desire.

This world is the same, and humans will not change. No matter what kind of system and political system, the long years will give humans more and more greed and madness. From protecting what you love to the abnormal greed for wealth, compared to the long history, it is just a brief moment.

You overturned the shackles of the cult, eradicated this cancer, did what the Red Kings of all generations could not do, and planted a new beginning.

Now, it is your turn to experience the curse that once entangled us. "

"Is this your plan?"

Gaius threw down the manuscript indifferently: "Use this kind of thing to make me compromise?"

"No, this is just the silence of the loser, the distress that the winner has to face."

The Red King laughed, full of mockery: "You have already got the new generation you want. I hope that ten years later, you can still maintain your original intention, and the world will still be what you want."

"Don't worry." Gaius's expression was cold, "I will."

"Well, I never doubt this."

The Red King looked at his white hair and sighed softly: "It's a pity that you are old, Gaius. When you die, who will support your new generation?"

Gaius was silent.

The Red King raised his fingers and knocked on the table. The table made an empty sound, like the dull echo of a coffin.

"Who will come? Your godson Hein? Your deputy Frank? Or your student Brightman?"

With each name he said, the Red King's eyes became more compassionate, "Gaius, they are all dead, and you have no successor. Think about it, Wolf Flute is not a talent for governing the country, and Paganini is just a pure musician...

Or is it the son of God that you have high hopes for?"

Gaius did not speak.

"Well, a living god, an eternal emperor in the world."

The Red King seemed to have seen what he was thinking, "If that's the case, it's indeed much better than us. For miracles, eternal immutability is not a delusion.

It's just that there is a premise for all this..."

He didn't continue.

Because Gaius was looking at him, his eyes showed a deep murderous intent.

If he said one more word, Gaius would destroy him here.

After suddenly getting everything and fulfilling his life's wishes, Gaius finally realized what the former Red Kings felt.

It was like a curse.

A hallucinatory laugh sounded, echoing in the deserted corner of the palace, lingering like a ghost.

That was the former king of the Caucasus... He had died long ago, but his body was buried underground, staring at the world with laughter, waiting for this day to come.

Just as he said, the person who released the monster will one day experience the pain of being devoured by the monster.

Gaius closed his eyes and calmed the dizziness in his head.

The doctor told him that he must take medicine if the symptoms recurred, but he didn't want to show weakness in front of his enemies. He could only let the dizziness and drowsiness spread in his mind, as if countless people whispered in his ears, one after another.

Those who followed him and died for him are still lingering here.

Questioned softly.

- Gaius, you created the gods, but will the gods really obey you?

Gaius didn't speak again.

"No matter what, I have handed this problem and the solution to it over to you."

The Red King took his coat from the coat rack, put it on, and nodded to the new Lord of the World: "Then, goodbye, Gaius.

I hope that a hundred years later, you will not become a sinner in this world."

He retracted his gaze, closed the door, and left a final whisper: "I also hope that...humanity can truly be destroyed in its own hands."

The door closed.

In silence, the last nameless king passed through the slightly dilapidated palace, got on the carriage again, and left.

On the steps at the door, Abraham smoked.

From beginning to end, he was silent.

I originally wanted to add another 200 words to make up 5,000, but after thinking about it carefully, I decided to forget it...I am too conscientious.

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