Crown of Silence

Chapter 799: Walking into a Trap

Chapter 796 Please enter the urn

Looking back now, it still seems like yesterday when I parted ways with Bai Xi in the Holy City.

But it seemed that after only a short day of separation, she was no longer the dead child she used to be, and Ye Qingxuan could no longer treat her as the annoying and mischievous child she used to be.

Staring at her face, Ye Qingxuan sighed softly: "You have really grown up, Bai Xi."

"How is it? Are you surprised for a moment?"

Bai Xi blinked, thought of something, and couldn't help but pout: "Actually, I was planning to put on makeup, but unfortunately, you came at the wrong time, so you can't see it today."

"It's good to see you." Ye Qingxuan said, "It doesn't matter if I can't see the others."

Bai Xi smiled: "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

Bai Xi's smile became weird: "Do you want to watch it for a while?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed helplessly and said nothing.

"I mean, you can watch it as long as you want later, but before that..." Bai Xi lowered his head and looked at the chain on his body, "Can't you help me untie this thing first?"

After an awkward silence, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly cut off the chain and coughed twice in embarrassment:

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention..."

He was answered with a long-lost hug.

But the feeling is completely different from the past.

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Xi hugged him hard, as if she wanted to hang on him: "I forgive you."

With such great strength, it was like knocking him down, no, it was more like picking him up, cuffing him, tying him up, and carrying him with him.

Become your own thing.

So hard...

"Bai Xi?" Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at her side face blankly.

"I'm sorry for dragging you in here, it's my fault."

She whispered softly, "I can obviously avoid all this... but I still want to see you come here, I want to see you come to save me."

She closed her eyes.

"I'm so, so despicable."

At that moment, he felt Bai Xi's body stiffen.

Immediately, it cooled down.

It was like a volcano turned into a glacier in an instant. The overflowing impulse was no longer there, and it became quiet and cold.

Then, my neck hurt.

Like being pricked by a needle.

My eyes are dark.

A warm and dull heat spread through the body along with the pain, wrapping him up and dragging him into a deep sleep little by little. He looked up in shock and collapsed on the ground.

"Bai Xi..."

He saw Bai Xi's face, so familiar, but his eyes were so unfamiliar.

There was no anger or hatred, no nostalgia or joy, just looking at him quietly.

That's not Bai Xi. No matter when, Bai Xi's eyes are flowing, like flames. Whether it is anger or happiness, it must shine through clearly.

But now, these eyes have become so quiet.

It's like a new person.

At that moment, he finally understood something.

A sudden realization.

"You are...Chaoyue..."


In Weiyang Palace, Bai Heng shook his head in disappointment.

"That fool has hinted to him so many times how important the blood of the nine surnames of Dragon Vein is to Cathay -" He threw the empty wine glass on the table and sighed softly:

"I still don't understand the result."

Outside the palace, someone slowly walked in, prostrated on the ground, and kowtowed to the supreme emperor.

"I am here to see you, Your Majesty."

The man who looked gentle and elegant knelt down and reported respectfully: "Thanks to your Majesty's foresight, the traitor Ye Qingxuan has been captured by the little girl Chaoyue."

That look was clearly that of Yunlou Qingshu, who was once crazy, depressed, and in a state of embarrassment.

But now it seems that this slightly older prince looks heroic and energetic, and he is definitely different from the past.

Bai Heng took a glance and understood what happened, and sighed clearly:

"It's still unreliable, Mr. Yunlou. First it's the Holy City, then me, and finally His Majesty. It's really not easy to do this 'house slave with three surnames'."

“Good birds choose trees to roost in.”

Yunlou Qingshu just smiled: "That's all."

Bai Heng was not angry, he just shrugged slightly and sighed softly: "What a headache. Originally, I planned to let you control Bai Xi and assassinate His Majesty.

Now that you have defected, I have no choice..."

The emperor didn't seem to hear.

Yunlou Qingshu just prostrated on the ground and kept saying a lot of flattering words, "Your Majesty can see thousands of miles away, and he can only use jade to eat and show his power and blessing. I would like to congratulate Your Majesty..."

"If it's not relevant, let's talk about it after it's over."

The emperor stood up from the throne and walked towards the quietly opened door behind the dragon chair, "My dearest lords, please follow me."

Yunlou Qingshu naturally followed behind.

Bai Heng, on the other hand, looked at the two burly soldiers beside him, smiled to himself, got up and followed.

The passage down is so long.

Compared to Yunlou Qingshu, whose eyes were astonished, both the emperor and Bai Heng were extremely calm, as if they had experienced such changes in time countless times.

"After all, he is a country bumpkin. He has never seen anything."

Bai Heng chuckled.

Yunlou Qingshu's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes became gloomy - only this sentence made Yunlou Qingshu unbearable than any other insult.

Before today, even if he was named Yunlou Gong, he had never had the opportunity to enter the capital.

Even the annual pilgrimage is not his share.

How could a mixed-race person be able to meet the emperor?

From the ground down, all the way to the Iron Temple, without the emperor's words, naturally someone dressed completely different from the palace people picked up Ye Qingxuan from the ground and placed him on the iron chair.

Those people were all dressed in pure white clothes, and even their eyes were wrapped behind glass goggles, leaving no gaps exposed. After placing Ye Qingxuan on the iron chair, he pulled out the shackles and tied him tightly.

Ye Qingxuan hasn't fallen asleep yet.

In other words, he is still resisting the medicine injected into his arteries.


His eyes were stubbornly open, his empty pupils beating slightly, looking at 'Bai Xi'.

Bai Xi still stood there, motionless, as if he was not breathing and unconscious.

"Well done, Chaoyue."

Yunlou Qingshu nodded to Bai Xi: "Now, come back and come to father's side."

In an instant, Bai Xi's eyes closed, and he collapsed to the ground, falling into a coma.

And in the dome of the Steel Temple, a crack slowly opened, and an iron chair that was indistinguishable from Ye Qingxuan slowly dropped from it - a girl who was indistinguishable from Bai Xi was sitting on it.

It was as if there was no pain, even though cables were connected to the whole body and the gap behind the neck was removed. A long nail was wedged into the neck bone, as if it went straight to the brain, and the blood had not yet dried up.

She looked at Yunlou Qingshu, the only withered lips that could move in her body opened and closed slightly, but no sound came out.

"Ok, I know."

Yunlou Qingshu reached out and stroked her hair, his eyes were gentler than ever before, and he praised his sacrificed daughter unstintingly: "Chaoyue did a great job, father is really proud of you."

As a result, the corner of the girl's mouth lifted slightly.

Smiling happily.

In her eyes, a furious light flashed for a moment, but soon it disappeared without a trace.

That was Bai Xi who was locked into the depths of his consciousness.

"See? The resonance and connection of dragon blood is deeper than you think."

Bai Heng was still holding a plate of peanuts taken from the dining table. He was leaning next to Ye Qingxuan's iron chair, stuffing salted peanuts into his mouth one by one, and was talking about them in a non-salty way. :

"If your Ye family hadn't died until you were the only one left, you would have experienced this feeling.

You don't know how much your father loves you, Ye Qingxuan. Otherwise, as long as he is willing, you will become his puppet... and it will not be difficult to even be reborn.

The gap between heavenly beings and common people is absolute, and the superior heavenly beings' control over their children is astonishing. The "Yunlou" system is originally a man-made heavenly being, and its upper and lower control is even worse than others. What's more, Chaoyue and Bai Xi originally came from the same origin... Ah, by the way, peanuts, do you want some? "

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, he just breathed, breathing angrily.


"I've hinted at you so many times along the way, Ye Qingxuan, so many times, you should be more careful."

Bai Heng slapped Ye Qingxuan on the back of the head angrily: "In the end, I didn't even figure out who your enemy was. Don't you think about it, besides Mr. Hu, do you have any other friends in Cathay?"

Seemingly impatient with the noisy Bai Heng, the empress looked over.

Bai Heng spread his hands, finished the last few peanuts, and threw the plate aside.

"So, the Zhao family, the Bai family, the Ye family and the Yunlou family of the royal family, as well as the specimens of the 'Xiao family' that are frozen and sealed in the central control room..."

Bai Heng sighed: "Among the nine surnames of Dragon Vein, no, it should be said that the nine top members of the 'Crew Committee' of the Asian immigration ship back then, more than half of the genetic authority they inherited is in your hands.

Congratulations, Your Majesty, after fifteen years of taking the throne, you are finally recognized by the central control room and become the real emperor. "

Bai Heng's face was as dark as water. No pain or sadness could be seen, but his eyes became gloomy.

As the steel dome opened, an iron chair identical to that of Ye Qingxuan fell down behind him, waiting for Bai Heng's arrival.

After trying every possible means and trying every means to stop it for fifteen years.

He finally came to this day.

"Please, my dear."

The emperor urged calmly: "Don't embarrass me."

"Don't worry, admit defeat, I will."

Bai Heng stroked the back of the chair, but was not in a hurry to sit on it. Instead, he asked calmly: "Rong Sin, let me ask you one more question. After Your Majesty obtains the approval from the central control room and awakens the core of the immigration ship again, he will prepare to do it again." What? To clean up the long-standing shortcomings and work hard to fix them? Or do you have any other grand ambitions?

For example, ‘Reverse the Great Wall’? "

Without realizing it, Bai Heng said this outrageous and even heinous conjecture out of his mouth.

He looked at the emperor, staring into those eyes.

Expecting even the slightest response from her.

Ahem, you don’t even dare to stab your beloved in the back, how dare you say you love him?

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