Crown of Silence

Chapter 815 Trial (II)

Chapter 812 Judgment (II)

The first thing I noticed was the ‘vibration’.

The sound of the bees flapping their wings echoed in my ears. The sound seemed to have substance, filling the air, swallowing up all the noise, occupying the only main axis, and transforming into a hideous and sharp form.

That was the iron pillar vibrating.

It was going to shake the sea and the nations, turning everything into dust. It was only in the preparatory stage, but it began to erode all the space in the entire sea area and completely rewrite all the laws of physics.

Then, six hundred and forty-one iron pillars burned red.

That was the sound of a mighty bell.

The heaven and earth were resonating, and everything was trembling. After the same movement was repeated six hundred and forty-one times, it turned into the aftermath of destruction.

The bleak white air waves swept in from all directions. Wherever they passed, the ether boiled, gathered, and collapsed inward, as if condensed into a solid.

The pure and terrifying density brought a threat of terror that was no less than any natural disaster.

No, I'm afraid that the natural disaster can't exert a stronger power than it at this point?

Even if the breathtakingly beautiful mercury wave is changed beyond recognition, if the observation ability can not be shocked by the appearance, it can be perceived in an instant.

——Silver Tide!

The Holy City has already secretly mastered the power to re-create the Silver Tide! And it is one of the eight most destructive phenomena.

It's like in an instant, the world that countless musicians are accustomed to is turned upside down, and all laws and common sense are overturned.

Since when did the power of the natural disaster also become mass-produced?

Even the legendary warship condensed by Longwei was only scratched by the edge of the wave in this pale air wave that submerged the world, and half of its body was quietly swallowed up.

In a flash, more than half of the sixteen harmony instruments exploded, and the fleet that Longwei intended to transform into was instantly extinguished by half under the direct ravages of the natural disaster.

Far away in Anglu, countless sleeping musicians suddenly trembled, climbed out of the iron pool, and blood oozed from their mouths and noses.

On the sea, destruction was rampant, and death was about to come.

The more the waves of death converged in the middle, the slower the speed.

Blocked by invisible repulsion.

They entered a boundary that did not belong to them.

It was the Nomadic Mountain.

Directly below the Nomadic Mountain, the sea surface that had been ravaged after solidification had sunk deeply, but in that strange depression, a light was lit.

The light spread to the surroundings, like water rushing, resisting the pressure brought by the terrifying resonance, and then... in the sound of the steel hissing, the pressure of the encirclement was gradually expanded.

Countless sparks flew out of the void.

Iron and iron were colliding and rubbing.

They competed with each other.

Even at this moment, the sky was dark and shrouded by dark clouds. But above the sea surface that had turned into ruins, a flawless pure white shadow quietly appeared.

The projection of matter rose from the other end of the mirror, broke through the limitations of the mirror, struggled out of the illusory bondage, and then... rose to the sky!

——The moon rises from the sea!

Just like the reappearance of Ye Lanzhou in the past, the bright and perfect moon rose from the sea, scattering the light of salvation in all directions.

From the endless deep sea set up by the enemy, the flawless moon was forged. At this moment, it passed the total of 641 iron pillars, towering above the sky, hanging high between the sea and the sky, illuminating the only light.

Finally, it fell on that palm.

The moonlight illuminated the indifferent eyes.

Ye Qingxuan closed his palms and crushed the moon in his hand.

Countless lights shattered and fell apart at the fingertips, and the perfect moon wheel also showed an indescribable beauty when it was broken.

The mirror was broken, and countless lenses flew away. Every fragment reflected the broken moon wheel, and every moon wheel was a broken light.

Thousands of moonlights shone between the sea and the sky, colliding and rubbing against each other, but bursting out the sound of swords.

The empty moonlight collided with iron, bursting out a sharp and sad sound.

When the moonlight went out, the iron pillars burst out with a wail.

At that moment, the six hundred and forty-one pillars fell apart, as if they were chopped by countless swords, and completely turned into debris under the sharp moonlight. The broken iron fell into the sea and collided with the hard sea surface, and the harsh sound continued.

Then, the clenched palm loosened and turned over.

The ice sea melted.

The waves were surging, the waves were sweeping, and countless broken waves flew into the sky, turning into heavy rain and falling from the sky.

At that moment, countless steel towers in the holy city twisted, broke, fell to the ground, and raised dust. In mid-air, the musician who presided over the bell tower fell to the ground and broke into a pool of meat paste.

"It's just a trick, nothing more than that."

A sneer came from the distant sea, and the sound echoed in everyone's ears, causing all the surviving musicians to fall to the ground, their faces flushed, and purple-black blood oozing from their mouths and noses.

The chapter of fate that was forcibly lifted by the bell tower was shattered in an instant.

It was like a piece of thin paper that was crushed into a ball in the sneer, torn into pieces, and turned into paper ash all over the sky.

"The devil... that guy... does he think that he can shake the foundation of the holy city with such a devilish trick? Dream on!"

In the Central Cathedral, the cardinal who led the attack was already incoherent, shouting: "Come on, ring the bell, awaken the Holy Spirit! Take down the rebellious Hand of God... No, he is no longer worthy of this title! This is a blasphemy more tragic and abominable than the fall of the Morning Star! Blasphemy!"

So, the magnificent bell rang again.

From behind the high walls of the Holy City, burning stars slowly rose, and cold eyes stared at the fleet riding the wind and waves on the sea.

Soon, those stars gathered together, like a battle formation, and the stars pressed down on the sea surface, like the collapse of the sky, and countless whirlpools and storms rose from the sea surface and raged.

The huge gravity pulled the tide, shaped the ocean, and created rapids and thunder.

At the highest point of the warship, the revelation musician on the lookout could no longer bear the huge pressure and fell to the deck in embarrassment.

"Sir, they violated the natural disaster agreement and awakened the Holy Spirit!" The lookout coughed up the rain in his mouth: "A total of 41 Holy Spirits are against us..."

"Kill them."

Ye Qingxuan interrupted him and looked away coldly, "Don't leave any."

On the deck, the Grand Inquisitor turned back to the cabin and brushed past his stunned subordinates: "How does the Inquisition do things? Do I need to teach it?"

There was a dead silence on the bridge.

Only the young man who was temporarily acting as the head of the Knights laughed, patted his knees covered with a thin blanket, and raised his iron-gray eyes.

"What's wrong? Didn't you hear the Grand Inquisitor's order?"

He waved his hand and said calmly: "Now, teach those bigwigs in the Holy City... how the Inquisition does things."

In the silence, he couldn't help but curl up a grim smile at the corner of his mouth.

Sniffing the blood in the air.

As he slowly raised his hand, the shrill sound of drawing a sword rang out from the deck, cutting through the rainstorm. One by one, the iron blades faced the rainstorm like a curtain, reflecting a cold light.


That was the roar of countless people.

As that hand fell, on the deck of Nomadic Mountain, thirty-one catapult tracks burst out with great power, pushing the knights in armor to fly toward the sky.

The stars of fire fell from the sky, and the stars of iron rose from the sea.

The collision of stars and stars burst out with a roar.

Two hundred and seventy witch hammers flew into the sky, the armor burst out with a clanging low hum, and the iron wings with sapphire plating spread out, tearing through the rainstorm and lightning.

On the wings, the complex alchemical matrix lit up, emitting a fanatical temperature, burning the wings red, evaporating the rain, and leaving pale traces wherever they passed, as if countless ghosts were flying toward the sky.

Then, the dragon breath armor came from thousands of miles away along the etheric net.

It was as if hundreds of Ye Qingxuans were simultaneously giving meticulous blessings to each armored knight, not only strength, not only speed, but also forcibly giving them power that was not inferior to the blessing of the clock tower.

In a flash, thousands of music pieces were equally and luxuriously squandered, and then, after a short pause, the glory of the day of God's wrath attached to each sword!

Finally, a series of blazing halos rose from the heads of the armored knights!

That posture was like an iron angel patrolling between heaven and earth, spreading the judgment and punishment of the gods!

This was a result that the Holy City had never dreamed of.

After possessing the supreme authority of the central core, how could Ye Qingxuan let it continue to sleep in the dust? After possessing the terrifying computing power of the central core, the efficiency of the etheric network for power has increased hundreds of times.

This kind of processing of tens of thousands of music threads at the same time may be difficult for ordinary musicians to dream of, but for it, it is not even a warm-up!

When the Holy City thought that the power of the united countries was enough to suppress Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan had already grasped the key to unlock the last shackles and completely released the monster of the Ether Net into the world!

Just as Hermes once said...

From now on, the old authority, the old power and even everything old will die with the old gods, and in the new era, new protagonists will take the stage!

And anything that dares to stand in front of it will fall apart in the tyrannical wheel of the times!

At that moment, the sharp blade representing the anger of the gods fell towards the Holy Spirit, and the tragic fight began above the sky.

Between heaven and earth, countless hot flashes came one after another.

But Ye Qingxuan was even too lazy to observe the result that was no longer meaningful.

He just remained silent, staring at the surging tide ahead, watching Nomadic Mountain break through the rainstorm, move forward between the burning and falling stars, crush all the dust blocking the way, and head towards the Holy City.


And forward again.

Until it broke through the last defense and completely entered the coast of the Holy City, the port and the city wall were already in sight!

Then, under everyone's observation, Nomadic Mountain slowly raised the bow, and the black main gun aimed at the towering steel wall in front.

The City of Glory, which gathers all the essence of the golden age of mankind, has entered the range.

Destruction is already at hand.

It was not until this time that the emergency communication from the Central Cathedral of the Holy City came to the bridge.

Not too early or too late, just right, full of the essence of compromise and wisdom.

Albert's sad face appeared from the upper projection.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Holy City, this old ghost was the only one who could talk to Ye Qingxuan, but even so, Ye Qingxuan's expression remained indifferent and did not change at all.

There was no anger or emotion.

Just calm.

The calmness chilled everyone.

Albert's expression became more and more depressed, and he opened his mouth several times to speak, but all turned into a sigh. In the end, he tore off his last remaining hair and asked feebly:

"Why is this necessary, Ye Qingxuan? Isn't there a better solution?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him as if he were an idiot: "Why don't you ask your Holy See this question?"

Albert's face flushed.

Fed up with the restrictions imposed on himself, he stomped his feet in despair, "Don't you understand? There is no room for a living god in this world, otherwise everything that humans insist on will be gone, even Angel It is impossible to give up everything and bow to a god.”

He looked at Ye Qingxuan and said almost pleadingly:

"Stop it, you will only push the whole world against you."

"Then please stand opposite me, just like in the past."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, that smile was so mocking and cold:

"——I think this is good."

Close hand?

Friend, what joke are you telling?


Or is it that he didn’t take the bloody reality in front of each of you?

Unless he slaughters the entire Holy City, those mentally retarded idiots will understand how much Ye Qingxuan wants to go crazy now!

After the Great Wall removed its shield and connected to the outside world, the news that Ye Qingxuan had been waiting for for several days and nights was finally delivered to him.

Everything that happened in the past few days overlapped and came to him.

First came the unrest in the Caucasus.

And then there's the end of Ciel.

And finally...the news of Abraham's death.

This was a mocking slap from fate. After he gained power that no one could stop, he lost his teacher.

After losing his family, Ye Qingxuan gained a new family in Avalon, but now, the family members he wanted to protect at all costs have left one after another...

If Bai Xi hadn't been by his side, at that moment the out-of-control music in Ye Qingxuan's body would have completely transformed into abyssal music theory, absorbing divinity under hatred, replacing the Hundred-Eyed One, and becoming the new god of evil!

Unless the Order is destroyed, unless the Red King is beheaded in front of him, unless Gaius is executed, unless the Shire is safe, unless everyone pays the price...

Otherwise, there would be no need for the Holy City and the Caucasus to exist!

"Open the Holy City in five minutes!"

This is Ye Qingxuan’s ultimatum, word for word:

"——Otherwise, the entire Holy City will be bombarded!"

Albert was stunned, staring blankly at those eyes. He quickly reacted, turned around and ran away, sending the countdown to the war to the Cardinal Church.

When the projection dissipated, only the sound of heavy rain outside the window was left on the silent bridge.

Ye Qingxuan reached out and touched his pocket, but found nothing. Just when he frowned, a cigarette was handed over.


Ye Qingxuan took Watson's cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and frowned again.

It's like solving a huge problem.

He nodded slightly and ordered:

"Forget it, let's start the bombardment immediately."

"Aren't you waiting for the reply from the Holy City?" Watson asked, "Maybe you overestimated the strength of those old ghosts..."

"Ah, maybe there will be good news."

Ye Qingxuan flicked away the fine cigarette ashes and lowered his eyes: "But I just remembered... They didn't give the teacher a chance, why should I give it to them?"

Watson smiled and bowed his head piously:

"I obey, Your Majesty the Grand Inquisitor."

Thus, amid the roar of the rushing ether, the flashes of thousands of scorching suns converged on the main gun.

The melodious melody of "From the New World" resounds throughout the world, running between every wave and rain, as light as a soul, soaring freely, bringing the gospel of the new world to this place.

"Teacher, please look up in the sky."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, prayed for the dull and silent old man, and crushed the burning cigarette in his hand.

When those eyes opened, the weakness and hesitation that belonged to the young boy had disappeared, replaced by something as sharp as iron.

"Notify the entire domain——"

The hoarse voice sounded from the sky, like thunder or a hammer, hitting the City of Steel, making the huge city buzz.

It also brought the announcement of death.

"The Holy City will be burned with wrath this day."

Amidst the piercing sound of the bell, Ye Qingxuan's raised palm fell down, as if he wanted to completely cut off everything rotten in front of him from thousands of meters away:

"——This is the noble revenge for Abraham!"

Who said the protagonist can't be more handsome than one chapter? stand out?

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