Crown of Silence

Chapter 824 Hell

Chapter 821 Hell

The barren land is flat. When you step on it, you can feel countless dust flying up from the ground and slowly falling down, just like sinking to the bottom of the water.

The dust seems to be mixed with iron filings, with the flash of metal.

Gray and silver are mixed together and extend to the distance.

Apart from this, there is no vitality, and no trace of anyone can be seen.

The riverbed is dry, the mountains are broken, and all life seems to be drained away in an instant. Only the ether surging like fluid in the air reminds Ye Qingxuan where he is.

When he raised his head, he could see the giant tree of light rising from the center of the earth in the distance. The countless magnificent branches pierced the sky and spread the blazing light.

And its roots are hidden under the earth, absorbing the magnificent power that humans can hardly imagine, lying in ambush for thousands of miles, and occasionally there are aerial root-like branches extending from the soil, forming a huge thorn that is tens of millions of meters long.

The glowing thorns floated on the ground, winding and climbing on the silver-gray earth, sometimes forming a scene like a dense forest, and sometimes like a grassland with no end in sight.

There were flowers in the thorns.

The crystals formed by the high-density ether were adsorbed on the veins of the thorns, like flowers cast by silver, with thousands of petals unfolding, reflecting the beautiful and enchanting light.

"If I had known that you were so artistic, I would have saved money to send you to the Art Academy."

Ye Qingxuan reached out and touched the edge of the petals, letting the rust color spread on his fingertips, and finally peeled off in vain and fell into the dust.

If he had foreseen it at that time, all this would not have come to this point, right?

Perhaps, he could save something.

At least...

"Little Leaf, you are here."

A familiar voice sounded from behind Ye Qingxuan, the tone was calm and peaceful, as if smiling.

Ye Qingxuan looked back and saw the person standing in the vast dust.

It was like the only life in this desolate world.

He was wearing a white robe, stepping barefoot on the ground, with a smile on his well-defined face, but that smile was definitely not the kind of joy that Ye Qingxuan was familiar with.

Instead, it was as peaceful as the ocean.

Facing everything with compassion.

"Long time no see, Charles."

After a long silence, Ye Qingxuan spoke, continuing the greetings when old friends met again: "What are you busy with recently?"

"A lot of things."

Charles thought about it and laughed: "Sometimes I really feel busy, but after completing it, I still feel quite accomplished. I obviously haven't studied at an art college, but I feel very smooth when practicing.

Maybe I am the kind of self-taught person?"

He turned around and waved to Ye Qingxuan, eager to show his new discovery:

"I'll take you to see it, follow me."

Subconsciously, he followed his direction and took a step forward.

It was as if I had finally passed through the thick deep sea and arrived on land. The heavy feeling of suffocation disappeared, replaced by a fresh breeze blowing from afar.

The wind carried the fragrance of flowers.

The lush new green sprouted from both sides of the path, interspersed with a few unknown wild flowers, and frogs jumped between the grass, chirping softly, and jumped into the water not far away.

It cruised in the clear lake.

Soon, its traces were obscured by the drooping branches. The branches were full of rich fruits, and the ripe apples fell from the branches and fell in front of Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan bent down to pick it up, but a black shadow jumped out of the bushes in the corner, ran past, and when he passed by, he lowered his head and grabbed the apple from the ground and bit it in his mouth.

Then, he ran away.

Only a pair of huge deer antlers could be seen in the forest.

Ye Qingxuan grabbed nothing, but couldn't help but reach out again to touch the soil on the ground. The soil was grabbed from the ground with his fingers, and then the fertile black soil fell from his fingertips again.

You can vaguely see the fine grass seeds in it.

The shouts of oxen came from afar. Ye Qingxuan pushed aside the grass and saw the cultivated farmland in the distance, and the oxen stopped in the middle of the road, dragging a broken plow next to them.

Several farmers gathered together, smoking and scratching their heads at the broken plow. Until the plow was picked up by Charles and patted the dust on it, he said something to those people. After listening, the farmer ran away holding the plow.

Charles looked back and saw Ye Qingxuan in the distance, waved to him, and motioned him to come closer.

The sound of the water flow became clearer.

You can vaguely see the rushing river at the foot of the mountain in the distance, and there are villages connected by roads. There are galloping horses on the road, dragging heavy carriages.

Farther away, Ye Qingxuan could vaguely see the outline of rain clouds.

Rain fell from the sky, fine and dense, covering the earth.

When Ye Qingxuan walked over, the farmers had already walked away with their oxen.

"The wooden plowshare is indeed too easy to break, but someone just told me that an open-air iron mine was found nearby. I plan to teach them to build an iron smelting furnace here. It just so happens that the charcoal kiln has been built two days ago, and there are many trees nearby, so there is nothing missing."

Char patted the dust on his hands and smiled at Ye Qingxuan: "How is it, not bad?"

"Where is this?"

Ye Qingxuan looked around the scene and couldn't help wondering.

"A peaceful and stable world." Charles spread his hands and happily showed his work to his best friend: "Compared to 'Heaven', I prefer 'Paradise on Earth'."

Is this... Eden?

Ye Qingxuan couldn't believe it.

It wasn't until Charles admitted it himself that he finally realized that it was not his illusion.

So easily, he came to the deepest part of the ether world that was isolated layer by layer, and entered the hinterland that everyone wanted to enter in their dreams.

There was still a black box hanging on his body that could destroy this place in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan subconsciously pressed his waist.

The palm of his hand felt the cold touch of steel.

So reassuring.

As long as he wanted, he could destroy this place at any time.

Burn everything to ashes.

But Charles seemed to be unaware of anything, just holding his hand and walking in front: "This is just the bottom, follow me, there is more ahead."

They crossed the clear stream, crossed the river of milk and honey, and there was a lake in the distance with the sweet aroma of wine. The drunk elks rolled in the grass.

Arrived at a huge city with a surging crowd.

Countless people walked shoulder to shoulder on the street, and the sound of hawking came from both sides of the street. A girl ran through the street with two children, bumping into many people and spreading a string of laughter.

Playfully walked away.

In the center of the city, in the town hall, men in gray robes spoke loudly and eloquently on the podium, waving their hands and discussing obscure and profound philosophy.

About death, about sex, about people, about everything in the world.

They argued with each other, convinced each other, or parted unhappily.

The stonemason recorded their eloquent gestures and carved out the outlines from the white plaster. In the square in front of the town hall, there were already many round and gorgeous statues standing.

There were old men, women wearing gauze and exposing large areas of skin, and naked young men.

Under those statues, young people were sitting in groups of three or four, carrying wine and bread, laughing and talking to each other.

Ye Qingxuan was so absorbed in watching that he didn't pay attention to the road ahead and almost bumped into something.

The dog he kicked yelled at him, baring its teeth, and then a little girl bent over and picked it up, and it stopped barking, burying its head in her arms obediently, its tail wagging.

"You scared it." The little girl looked at him.

"Sorry, I'm not..."

Ye Qingxuan apologized subconsciously, but halfway through his words, he discovered something and froze when he looked at the little girl in front of him.

The girl grinned at him, revealing her chipped front teeth.

She turned around and ran away.

Ye Qingxuan was left standing there, silent, and didn't speak again.

He just followed behind Charles, crossed the city, and continued forward, admiring the world that seemed so huge that it seemed to have no end, as if every outline and detail was perfect.

Until finally, in the early twilight, they returned to the foot of the mountain and looked at the twinkling lights in the distance.

The river of stars streaked across the night sky, casting brilliant light.

"It's so peaceful."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Well, there is no pain or harm."

Charles sat on the ground and stared into the distance: "They can live for themselves, without oppression and plunder, and can freely give meaning to their lives."

Just looking at the countless lights, he smiled with satisfaction.

As if he had gained happiness.

"So, you just keep them like this? Like pets, living a life of ease and comfort..."

Ye Qingxuan's tone was unrecognizable as praise or ridicule:

"I have to say you did a good job."

"At least they won't hurt themselves, right? They won't hurt others either."

"Yeah, dead people won't hurt others either."

Ye Qingxuan's eyes gradually became silent, and he recalled the little girl who smiled at him during the day. The corners of his eyes seemed to be stung, and he twitched slightly:

"So, you took them from the underworld and left them here, right?"

He asked, "You made puppets out of clay, blew on them, filled the clay with past memories, set the roles for them, and let them live a peaceful life in your paradise.

But none of this can change one thing-they are all dead."

"I can make them live."

Char looked at him calmly, answered truthfully, and declared the truth: "Now I can make anyone live."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

No more words.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ye."

Someone waved not far away.

The musician in white stood under the moonlight and smiled at Ye Qingxuan, "You look so majestic now."

Such a smile contained so much sincerity.

But the person who spoke made Ye Qingxuan unable to react.


Ye Qingxuan looked at him and couldn't help shaking his head: "You guys didn't have time to run away?"

Paganini just shrugged and didn't say anything. Instead, Charles explained for him:

"He volunteered to stay here to help me manage this place."

"No matter the success or failure of the paradise, there must be someone to witness it all, right?"

Paganini looked calm, and talked about his plan without hiding it from Charles, and then nodded and said goodbye: "Well, there are still some trivial matters to sort out, let me take my leave."

Rushi turned away calmly and disappeared into the distance.

"You really found him a good job to observe the gods up close."

Ye Qingxuan retracted his gaze from afar and looked at Charles: "So, where is Wolf Flute? Where is he hiding to give me a surprise?"

"He's dead."

Charles answered.

Ye Qingxuan's fingers curled up subconsciously.

"At first I was going to let him go, but after he knew what I was going to do, he challenged me."

Charles shook his head regretfully: "Maybe he is the same person as Gaius? They all have too heavy a sense of responsibility for all this, leaving me no choice."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and asked softly: "Did he lose?"

"No, he won."

Charles raised his palm and showed the narrow and slender gap in the palm: "He touched me."

That was the scar left by Wolf Flute.

After sacrificing everything, paying all the price, and using all the wisdom, it was just a scratch on the skin.

A shallow layer, not even blood was seen.

If Charles hadn't deliberately kept it, there wouldn't even be any trace left.

"According to our agreement, within fifteen days, the paradise will be confined to the Caucasus, no matter what happens outside. This is everything that Wolf Whistle has done for this world, and I also hope that you and the people outside can know it."

Ye Qingxuan smiled reluctantly, feeling a little tired.

"Can I smoke?" he asked.

"As you like."

Ye Qingxuan lit a cigarette, polluting the fresh air in the paradise, leaving human pollution. After waving away the smoke in front of him, he looked around:

"After seeing so much, where is your home?" he asked, "Aren't you going to let me visit it?"

Charles didn't speak.

In a brief silence, Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

As if he understood Charles' answer.

"Is that so?"

He laughed so hard that he was choked by the smoke and couldn't help coughing. He could hardly speak: "I created such a magnificent paradise, but I don't have a place to settle down...

Charles, are you telling a joke?"

Such a huge paradise, an unprecedented paradise, heaven has come to the earth, and everyone seems to be able to obtain peace and joy.

But in such a huge paradise, there is no place for gods.

So day and night, it seems like a ghost wandering in the paradise, looking at countless peaceful and happy lives from afar.

The creator of the paradise has no place in the paradise.

It's like a joke...


Charles' expression was still calm, just staring at him: "I don't need that kind of thing anymore."

"So, what about the teacher?"

Ye Qingxuan pressed on step by step, trying to tear a crack in his calm disguise: "Let me see, where did you put the teacher, is it decorated exquisitely, like an exquisite tomb?"

But the expected anger did not come.

Charles's face was still full of palpitating silence.

He looked at Ye Qingxuan and asked in confusion:

"What teacher?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

Stiff in place.

Unable to move.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little cold.

The coldness came from his bones and almost froze him.

Until now, he realized how stupid his mistake was.

He always thought that Charles was pretending to be calm, deliberately isolating all human emotions, and pretending to be a god overlooking everything.

As long as he broke this calmness and indifference, he could find Charles' flaws.

As long as he saw Charles' anger, he could find Charles' weakness as a human being.

But now, he suddenly realized: how outrageous he was wrong!

After severing everything that had once made him a human being, how much memory of the past did Charles still have?

Even Abraham's existence had been abandoned by him.

Who was the person standing in front of him now?

"What's wrong?"

Charles asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"


Ye Qingxuan said, "Just think I remembered it wrong."

He forced a smile and tried his best to do it.

That smile was so ugly that even he couldn't stand it.

In the end, he lowered his head and put out the cigarette.



When Charles turned back, the sword of the New Testament fell without warning, towards his head.

In an instant, the violent gravity emitted by the magnificent system that almost placed the weight of the entire sacred cauldron on it and penetrated the entire etheric world set off a hurricane in the paradise.

The blazing sword blade was like a scorching sun, tearing the entire night apart and igniting all the darkness.

In the fierce light, Ye Qingxuan looked at his friend in front of him.

Finally, he told his purpose.

"I'm here to kill you."


Violent vibrations came from the blade, as if it had hit something unbreakable head-on. From the countless forks to the main trunk, countless music principles vibrated endlessly, giving off painful wails.

The slashing blade came to an abrupt stop.

It stopped in front of an open palm.

It was only a fraction of a second away from the wound left by the wolf flute.

In this way, it was as if there was a gap between the sky and the earth. No matter how Ye Qingxuan exerted his strength, he could not move forward even a little bit.

That's it.

Until the light went out, Charles lowered his head and sighed softly:

"I thought you would persuade me first."

"Well, according to the predetermined plan, it should be like this." Ye Qingxuan nodded and admitted: "But I thought about it and decided to put myself in my shoes: If you were to persuade me, would I stop?"

"So, what's the answer?"

"I think probably not."

Ye Qingxuan clenched the hilt of the sword and stared into Ciel's eyes: "So, instead of wasting time, why not directly enter the sneak attack plot that everyone is familiar with?"

Even though the swords were now drawn together, there was still no anger or sadness in those eyes.

Just peace.

An unshakable calm.

"There's one thing I'm curious about."

Ciel asked softly: "I know that my existence is a trouble that many people have to deal with, but I don't think they can impress you.

Although I knew what you wanted to do when you came here, but no matter what, I couldn't figure it out..."

"Little Ye Zi, do you have any special reason to kill me?"

"of course not."

This is Ye Qingxuan's answer: "I thought a lot along the way, but in fact... there is no reason why I have to kill you... Just now I was still thinking, maybe you will be a qualified and qualified person..." A selfless god.

Please believe me, this sentence comes from the heart. "

"Then why..."

"But compared to the paradise you have created now——"

Ye Qingxuan interrupted him, unable to bear the pain in his heart any longer:

"——What I would rather see here is hell!"

At that moment, the projection of the etheric network emerged from behind him, and the music theory of the new world emerged from the outline of the sacred cauldron. Thousands of movements extracted endless ether, rising into the sky like stars, turning into torrents, towards Ciel swept away.

The terrifying high temperature burst out in an instant, burning the entire mountain to red. Countless lava was swept by the hurricane and spewed out in all directions.

In the dazzling high-temperature foehn wind, animals turned to ashes in an instant, the stream evaporated, revealing a dry river bed, milk and honey condensed into lumps, burned into black coals, the lake of wine was ignited, and the burning fire Extend into the distance.

In the hands of Ye Qingxuan, the paradise was burned to the ground.

Wails sounded from afar, and the sound of crying resounded, filling the whole world again.

"do not be afraid."

A gentle voice rings in the ears of everyone who cries: "It will be over soon, a peaceful and peaceful life will come again, and salvation will never leave.

Therefore, there is no need to endure it.

If you are in pain, cry loudly.

If you are desperate, just roar and scream.

These are but insignificant memories of the promised land you will receive. "

In the earth fire lava, a barefoot figure emerged, walking on the fire. Wherever it passed, all the flames and pain dissipated without a trace. The clear stream gushes out from the river bed and meanders along.

People who were burning could stop crying. Even though they were not cured, they no longer felt the pain. Just bathe in the light of God, say goodbye to your family softly, and close your eyes with a smile.

Welcome death calmly.

The promised land returns.

Everything is peaceful and peaceful like heaven.

It's obviously heaven, it's so beautiful...

But it made Ye Qingxuan extremely dazzling.

Maybe everything is true, maybe the paradise has really come to this world, but just looking at it, Ye Qingxuan was already so angry that he couldn't restrain himself.

If this is hell...

What if Ciel created hell.

Maybe I can feel his pain, maybe I can...

However, Ye Qingxuan did not see any fire or anger remaining here.

All human original sin has been abandoned outside the realm of God.

This is the paradise on earth.

Truly a perfect kingdom of heaven.

Maybe Ciel will be a qualified and just god, maybe there is nothing wrong with having the world controlled by Ciel, maybe after the old world is destroyed, mankind can usher in happiness or redemption.

But it doesn't matter.

What Ye Qingxuan wanted was never that kind of thing!

Compared to what was sacrificed, the so-called redemption was nothing.

"Why can you still laugh, Ciel?"

Ye Qingxuan asked hoarsely. Just staring at his face, he couldn't help but want to roar: "Including the teacher, how many memories have you given up?"

He was answered with a sympathetic smile.

It was as if he were truly a god, far away from the world, looking down at the suffering in the world and spreading compassion.

Let go of anger and find peace.

Stay away from sadness and gain joy.

Rejected suffering and ushered in salvation.

But, Ciel...

If you give up your hatred, what will you become?

"You haven't sacrificed enough, Ciel!"

"How much do you want to destroy yourself before you give up?"

Ye Qingxuan's expression was distorted in anger. He stared at the smiling Son of God in front of him and couldn't bear the pain in his heart: "You just...want to become a god!"

At that moment, prompted by anger and pain, the sword of the New Testament burst out with a cracking cry.

Countless cracks emerged from it.

The weapon that Ye Qingxuan had forged with all his strength could no longer withstand Ye Qingxuan's full force. Even the World Tree Matrix could not contain the violent music theory.

The terrifying impact of countless suns bursting out from it, all the time.

Until the Sword of the New Testament was completely disintegrated, and the steel was transformed into a magnificent light stream that was so hot that it could not be looked at directly under the scouring of the ether. Pure power fell into Ye Qingxuan's hands and slashed forward!

Towards the gods!

The mighty light stream and the power of the gods collided with each other, and a chaotic torrent burst out from each other, causing the entire ether world to turbulent.

But Charles' expression remained unchanged.

There was not even any counterattack.

It was just under the huge angry light stream that he protected the paradise behind him and the fragile world.

He just looked at Ye Qingxuan who was close at hand.

His eyes were compassionate.

Everything was destroyed and disintegrated, and all power lost its meaning.

Ye Qingxuan almost cried out of exhaustion.

"Don't you have even a little hatred?" He looked at the god in front of him, almost begging: "Take up your pain, Charles, and take revenge, and create hell!"

"At least this way... you are still you!"


Charles shook his head in disappointment: "Haven't you seen enough of that kind of thing outside?"

He stretched out his hand and grasped the terrifying glow that was slashing down on him.

Five fingers closed.

Allowing the uncontrolled power to burn his palm, it was difficult to leave any scars on that palm.

Until the end, it completely dissipated.

In vain.

"Xiao Ye, I have never wanted to take revenge on anyone."

Ye Qingxuan heard Charles' calm voice: "Because revenge has never made any sense."

"I told you a long time ago: I want to end this forever."

In silence, the god stood in front of the paradise, staring at humans: "I will overthrow that cruel and cruel world, let the paradise cover everything, and let everyone be saved."

At that moment, the paradise shook.

The magnificent song sounded from the deepest part of the ether world.

During the observation, the silent Eden lit up with a seemingly eternal divine glow.

In the barren land of the Caucasus, the huge tree of light roared and began to grow again after ten days of silence.

Towards the sky and earth, to the distance, to the whole world.

Countless thorn-like roots pierced the earth's crust, took root, and then spread outward from the soil, digging the earth, shaking the mountains and rivers, and extracting the breath of all living things.

In a flash, it expanded several times.

Wherever it passed, everything fell into silence.

Between heaven and earth, only the magnificent melody of the growth of paradise remained.

Under the pull of paradise, the ether sea completely evaporated, and the etheric world and the material world had been forcibly merged together. It was like an invisible palm forcibly pulling two parallel lines together and tightening them.

In the upheaval, the world fell apart.

But in the terrible disaster, no wailing or crying could be heard.

On the land covered by thorns, all humans instantly disintegrated like dust and merged into the thorns. After losing their bodies, they left all the tortures of the world and came to the paradise on earth.

Redemption, spread all over the world.

"Finally, has it begun?"

In the turbulent waves of the ice sea, on the broken ice floes, Bach lit the last cigarette and stared at the kingdom of God in silence.

After losing the music theory of the Blue King, he was not even as good as an ordinary musician at this moment, and even maintaining a false heartbeat was difficult to support.

But now, his pupils are shining, as if burning his soul, resisting death.

At least, please let me see the final ending...

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