Crown of Silence

Chapter 86: Expectation and Loneliness

Chapter 87 Expectation and Loneliness

When Ye Qingxuan woke up from his coma, it was already dusk.

He was lying in the convalescent ward of the school hospital. The hymnist musician stationed in the hospital told him that he was fine, but he was just suffering from excessive mental exhaustion, long-term malnutrition and excessive mood swings.

Although it didn't sound like he was fine, it was not a difficult disease after all.

"The diagnosis fee is waived. Thanks to you, there is a major operation to practice today."

The doctor rubbed his hands excitedly before leaving, "If you can send more rich young masters like that to our place to be newbies... uh, I mean treatment, we can give you a 20% discount on your prescriptions in the future!"

The door closed.

Only the silent Abraham was left in the ward.

In silence, he stared at Ye Qingxuan with a complicated look in his eyes. Ye Qingxuan was a little embarrassed, "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Abraham was silent, tapping his knees with his metal fingers, as if he was trying to organize his words and find some appropriate and gentle words to communicate, but in the end, he seemed to succumb to his poor communication skills, sighed, and gave up.

"Why don't you go all out?"

He raised his head and said bluntly, "You stopped."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.

"Did you see through it?"

He scratched his face awkwardly, trying to ease the atmosphere, but Abraham was silent, waiting for his response.

He stopped, at the last moment.

At that time, the light of dragon breath was still brewing, and it would take at least two breaths to destroy the matrix. But two breaths were enough for Edmund to kill himself and be burned to charcoal in the destruction he released.

He wouldn't leave a breath like now, he wouldn't be so indecisive like now, and he wouldn't be as resentful as now. That's right, as long as he was more ruthless at that time.

If I had just killed him at that time...

"If I don't stop, it will be very troublesome, right? The consequences of killing people are very serious. Their revenge may be even more severe. Teacher, you will also be under great pressure, and..."

Ye Qingxuan stammered to explain, but he couldn't continue in Abraham's eyes. Abraham looked at him and asked softly: "Ye Zi, I'm afraid these are not what you care about, right?"

"Teacher, I don't understand what you mean." Ye Qingxuan became frustrated: "Didn't I go all out? I have tried very hard. Look, I have already won."

"Winning is the result." Abraham said lightly: "Going all out is the determination to bet everything on the gambling table."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. After a long time, he lowered his head in frustration:

"Teacher, do you mean, should I kill him?"

"Ye Zi, I don't know how you view musicians. But musicians are not as sacred as others say. Sometimes it is just a job.

As for jobs, there are dirty and not dirty ones. But even the cleanest musicians may not be able to do it. Net. Do you understand what I mean? "

Abraham looked at him: "Killing is always bad, but sometimes, bad things may not be the best choice. Because no matter what choice is, it is better than choosing "weakness".

——Weakness means relying on the mercy of the enemy to survive. "

Ye Qingxuan: "I... am sure."

"Confidence is not always there!"

Abraham raised his voice, "To be weak in the duel between musicians is irresponsible for your own life. Is your enemy weak enough to need you to give them mercy?

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and was speechless.

Abraham looked at his depressed look, sighed, and said softly: "I hope this is the last time you "underestimate the enemy", Ye Zi, I don't want my students to die before me."


Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and replied: "I know."

"It's not suitable to talk about this topic now. You should rest first. Other things will be discussed later. "

Abraham finished speaking awkwardly and stood up to say goodbye. But after opening the door, he hesitated for a moment and turned back to look at him:

"Ye Zi."

"Hmm?" The boy looked up at him.


He said softly, his embarrassed expression was also full of relief: "That's all I wanted to say."

The door closed silently.


After a long time, a figure sneaked in, looked around to see that there was no one, then swaggered to the head of the bed, grabbed the fruit in the fruit basket and began to eat it.

Seeing the boy concentrating on thinking, he patted Ye Qingxuan on the back of his head without hesitation.

"Hey, kid, what's wrong?"

Charles lowered his voice and put on the tone of a drunken weird uncle: "Are you worried about the little secrets of adolescence? It's okay, let uncle tell you..."

He was answered with an impolite middle finger.

"Brother, it would be great if your IQ could be stabilized at an average level."

"Aren't you still very energetic? I was worried about you when I was eavesdropping outside."

Charles shrugged helplessly and patted his shoulder: "Relax, the teacher is actually doing this for your own good. Just like the brother is doing this for your own good, right?"

"I know."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his eyebrows with some trouble and leaned on the bed: "It's because I know that I have a headache."

"Why?" Charles was stunned.

"You know what? I... hate being expected by others."

Ye Qingxuan sorted out his thoughts and said softly: "For me, expectations are like if I don't do something, don't achieve a goal, or don't change myself, I will be a failure."

He recalled the faces of the priest and the teacher, and couldn't help sighing: "The more others expect of you, the more disappointed they will be in you. If that's the case, why do you still expect others?"

"...So you're entangled with this?"

Charles' expression was helpless: "Don't be a zhongni, Ye Zi."

"What is 'zhongni'?"

"A kind of thing that lowers IQ and makes people entangled The disease of becoming a literary youth, in the late stage, you will feel that you can only rely on yourself to save the world. For the sake of my sister, I want to defeat the big devil, or even want to destroy the world..."

"Sound good?"

"It's not bad."

Charles sighed, scratched his head, and looked up at him after a long time: "Ye Zi, you are already seventeen years old, I don't know how to tell you.

Expectations may not be a good thing. If you don't want to be expected by others, you will... live a lonely life."

"There's nothing wrong with being lonely."

Ye Qingxuan muttered in a low voice, "I am also very happy when I am alone."

Hearing him say this, Charles laughed, as if he heard an innocent joke.

"Ye Zi, you can live a happy life, but you can also live a lonely life. But it is impossible for someone to be happy and lonely at the same time..." He whispered:

"...You are lying to yourself."


Avalon Dusk

In the quiet alley, Yunlou Chaoyue seemed to be walking aimlessly and casually.

In this foreign city, she looked around at the unfamiliar scenery. When she lowered her head, she seemed to measure the distance between the blue bricks with the amplitude of her footsteps.

Behind her, the old nanny followed her closely, looking at her back, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong, Mammy?"

Yunlou Chaoyue looked back at her: "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Mammy lowered her head and advised softly: "Your Highness is the son of a rich family, born with immortal bones. After all, this is the territory of the barbarians. If something goes wrong..."

Yunlou Chaoyue shook her head: "Besides, there is no one else here, Mammy, you don't have to call me Your Highness."

"But Your Highness is Your Highness, how can you..."

Hearing her words, Yunlou Chaoyue nodded and suddenly realized: "It seems that Yunlou Qingxi didn't tell you anything."

The old mammy's expression was choked, and after a long time, she pulled up the corners of her mouth with difficulty:

"Your Highness, Your Highness is joking again."

"I'm not joking."

In the quiet alley, Yunlou Chaoyue stopped and looked back at her: "You are loyal to my nominal 'uncle', the ' "Orthodox '" "In silence, I looked at her silently. After a long time, her eyes gradually calmed down, and they became cold:" His Royal Highness really looks like a torch, but the old body does not know. "Do you know that there is a saying in his heart, saying that his eyes are the window." Yunlou Chaoyue looked at her pupils, and her eyes were so indifferent: "This sentence is right, because every time I look at your eyes, I feel that you are hidden in your heart. "She raised her hand and took off her hairless sister -in -law, so she scattered from behind her head. With the crackling of the bone festival, her back slowly stood up slowly, her face trembled with old spots and mantras, and she slowly disappeared. Under her skirt, her originally bloated body trembled, gradually tightened, but her skeleton expanded again, becoming more and more rigid. The loose skin on the back of her hand was tight, revealing the texture of fish scales.

In an instant, she no longer looked like the loyal and mercenary servant, but became fierce and fierce. On her skin, the faces of wild beasts were swimming, like hundreds of beasts devouring each other, evolving into a tragic Shura scene.

"Where are the others? Come out too."

Yunlou Chaoyue looked at both ends of the alley: "It's not easy to find a secluded place in Avalon."

Before the voice fell, light footsteps sounded.

At both ends of the alley, two men in long robes walked out of the air, their figures were erratic and their faces were blurred, like ghosts. One held a pipa, and the shadows around him were like ghosts dancing wildly. One carried a huqin on his back, and his feet seemed to be stepping on a cloud road.

With visions in his body, he resonated with the outside world.

All three of them are powerful people who have broken through the barriers of knowledge and perception, and are resonance-level musicians.

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