Crown of Silence

Chapter 88: Provoking

Chapter 89 Provocation

"are you OK?"

"Of course I'm fine, extremely fine. So please don't ever associate me with the noble Yunlou clan again."

Finally getting impatient, the girl's disgusted voice came: "You can go back, the mud outside is not suitable for you. If you want to be a white lotus, you should stay in a clear water pond."

Yunlou Chaoyue's expression dimmed, "But after all, you are..."

"I am nothing!"

Bai Xi's voice rose, interrupting her words, full of disgust: "I am a wild child without a father and a mother. I don't know anything about Yunlou City, and I have nothing to do with the noble Yunlou clan. Thank you for your work." Your Highness, please take the trouble.

Now, I'm going home and you can go too. "


Chaoyue was silent, lowered her head sadly, and after a long time said softly: "Thank you for saving me. If it hadn't been for 'provocation', I might have died here today."

"I asked you to leave. Don't you understand Eastern dialect?"

Yunlou Chaoyue's shoulders trembled, and after a long time he nodded:

"Then...I'm leaving, please be careful."

She reached out and touched the high wall, as if she wanted to touch the girl's cheek. After a long time, she turned and left.

In the long silence, there was no sound in the alley.

Only the embers of the ashes slowly dissipated in the wind.



Behind the high wall, Bai Xi listened silently to Yunlou Chaoyue's footsteps leaving.

It wasn't until silence finally fell again that she knelt down on the ground exhausted, as if she had lost all strength.

It was as if the blood was boiling. On her exposed hands and cheeks, purple-red blood vessels swelled, and she could vaguely feel the blood flowing like lava.

In her nasal cavity, sweet blood flowed out drop by drop. Some blood drops seemed to be boiling, and when they fell on the ground, they burned the stone slabs red. Some have a biting chill.

There are also purple-black blood drops that sizzle when they fall on the ground, leaving traces of corrosion.

Beside her, a handsome boy with waist-length blond hair was holding a cane and watching silently from beginning to end.

Seeing her pain, he handed over the handkerchief with pity, but there was no sympathy in his green eyes - it was not coldness, but some kind of recognition that went beyond pity.

On the back of his hand, two snakes were intertwined and biting each other, forming a black totem.

It was Hermes.

"Above all noises, suppressing the evil spirits of the three realms... Is that the 'Taiyi'?"

Hermes sighed softly: "It is indeed the supreme power in the blood of the dragon."

In the East, dragon blood is a symbol of the strong, precisely because of the innate power contained in it. The so-called ‘Tai Yi’ is one of the best.

No matter where she is, once Yunlou Chaoyue makes a sound, her voice will rise above all other sounds. Ether will only obey her call and will not pay attention to other sounds.

Just like the emperor's order, it is supreme.

Because of this, she was able to easily dispel other people's music, even if the power of those three people was not equal to her own. But in the end, it was not her power that inspired the introduction of "Da Shao"... but it came from Bai Xi, who was very close at hand.

"How lucky I am to be able to see both 'Tai Yi' and the equally famous...'Zhaodang' in one day."

"Don't compare me to a wind-up doll."

In the silence, Bai Xi stood up and panted.

Hermes handed over a tube of healing potion, but the girl impatiently slapped it away, but he stubbornly moved the potion back.

"It's better not to force yourself. You know the consequences of 'promotion' better than I do, right?" Hermes showed all his patience and comforted him: "Just treat it as an advantage. If you don't take advantage of it, don't take advantage of it. Anyway, I have too much money to spend.”

"Are you telling a joke?" Bai Xi looked disgusted: "You sent the letter to me here just to let me take advantage?"


Twenty minutes ago, after sending Ye Qingxuan to the infirmary, Bai Xi received a letter with two short sentences written on it and stamped with the seal of Hermes:

[I know your relationship with the Yunlou clan. I am waiting for you in the alley outside the south gate of the college. 】

"Actually, I just want to take a look at the provocation."

Hermes shrugged: "Don't you have nothing to lose? You also saved someone's life. In Eastern terms, it is better than building a nine-story watchtower."

"Now that you've read it, are you satisfied?"

"Don't say that. I will never be dissatisfied with beautiful girls. After all, I am still your boss. You always have to think better of me."


Hermes was sighing sadly, Bai Xi sneered twice and turned to leave. Hermes sighed and reached out to hold her shoulders.

"Wait a minute..."


In an instant, as if something had been violated, a blazing electric arc jumped from Bai Xi's shoulder! The electric light struck Hermes' fingers, burning them into a black mass and causing the nails to crack. Amid the stench, flesh and blood burned.

Bai Xi's steps staggered and she turned back to glare at him.

"it is as expected."

Hermes looked down at his injured finger and murmured something softly, and the wound healed quickly and was as perfect as ever.

He narrowed his eyes, stared at the turbulent ether wrapped around the girl, and finally determined:

"——Zhaodang's backlash has penetrated deep into his bones."


The inheritors of dragon blood always have innate talents. Some people say talent is a gift from God, but this is not the case. It is a curse from God...

This is the extremely powerful talent in Dragon Blood.

Once awakened, it will single-handedly cause riots in the ether.

At that time, the place where Bai Xi is located will turn into a black area of ​​wild ether, and all ether will be completely out of control and will no longer be tame to the control of others.

And under its blessing, the lethality of even the simplest musical note can be increased tenfold and a powerful that it can't tell the difference between friend and foe, crushing everything within reach!

Including the caster himself.

"You can't control it anymore."

Hermes lowered his head and stared at the raised purple-blue blood vessels on the girl's wrist. Under the almost transparent skin, it was pulsing angrily, and the sound of blood flowing was like the ocean tide.

This is one of the side effects of using talent, the mildest one.

"I just want to chat with you. Why are you running away, Bai Xi?"

Hermes sighed, "If Taiyi is the emperor, then Zhaodang is the rioting people. You can't control it, and you can't suppress it."

"I can control it!" Bai Xi interrupted him.

"I discovered another thing you and Xiao Yezi have in common: you both like to lie to yourselves..."

Hermes laughed softly, the laughter was like mocking the innocence of a child: "It's useless, Bai Xi, didn't you feel it?

Even if you pretend to forget it, it won't go away. The more repressed it is, the more violent it becomes. Every time it wakes up, it becomes more violent and stronger.

If you can't control it, it will drain your life and grow abnormally like a tumor... until the day you are dragged down by your own power.

You are seventeen years old this year, right? But he still looks the same as he was fifteen years old. It has taken away two of your most precious years, and it will take away more..."

"You don't need to worry."

Bai Xi looked at him coldly, raised his hand, and wiped the nosebleed from his cheek with his sleeve.

She no longer looked weak, and became the little girl like a hedgehog again, with unruly and cold eyes: "I'm sorry, you don't need to take care of my affairs, and there is no room for you to interrupt.

Now, if I don't mind, please disappear from my presence quickly and don't waste my time anymore. I still have classes to attend tonight. "

"Attend class?"

Hermes smiled, as if he had heard a joke, "Your Highness, who else in Avalon is qualified to teach you? Abraham? A retired executioner?"

"Give up, Abraham can't teach you, but..."

He stared at Bai Xi, his narrowed eyes filled with fervent fire. That's not greed, it's more like a craftsman looking at the jade in the stone, and then he sees the hunting heart and is happy:

"--I can."

Bai Xi was stunned.

She didn't expect that this mysterious boss with a strange and feminine aura called her here for this reason. She had been prepared to fight to the death, but now she felt so weird.

Being able to control sex and live freely is what she has always dreamed of, but now, she feels that reality has played a bad joke on her, and she can't laugh at all.


"Why? Haha, maybe this is fate?"

In the darkening night, Hermes looked back and looked at the fog lingering on the street again, his eyes taunting, as if he was mocking something.

“Because some things are going to change, someone or something will come to me, and then I won’t be sure whether the consequences will be as I expected.

Either something has been terminated, or I have been terminated. "

Hermes raised his hand and dispelled the blinding fog, his eyes focused and deep, "Before this, I want to find a student to at least pass on some things."

"That's hard to believe."

"Yeah, I think it's ridiculous too, don't you?" Hermes shrugged self-deprecatingly: "How about I do it in the way I'm best at?

Many people call me a trader because I am too lazy to hide my trade. Since the world likes to put a price tag on many things, you might as well treat this as a deal.

I gain a student, and you gain a new path to freedom. "

In Bai Xi's silence, this gentleman-like young man saluted exaggeratedly. It was like meeting a noble and great emperor. His tone was solemn and playful, and his eyes were deep, as if he was peering into her future.

"——Your Highness Princess, what do you think?"



Late at night, Ye Qingxuan woke up from his sleep and found that he was squeezed to the edge of the bed.

He turned around helplessly and saw the little girl occupying the center of the bed. He couldn't help but sigh and carefully took her feet off his neck.

Bai Xi woke up, glared at him, turned over and went back to sleep.

"Where have you gone?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed: "I just came back now."

"Didn't go anywhere."

Bai Xi answered in a muffled voice, as if he was unhappy: "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep, don't pay attention to me."

"...Why don't you go to your own bed and go to the hospital to take my bed?"

"It's thundering, I'm scared."

Ye Qingxuan raised his head and looked out the window. The stars were shining brightly and the night sky was cloudless...

Forget it, if it thunders, let it thunder.

He sighed, closed his eyes, and curled up in the little corner that the little girl had given up. In the silence, his fingers were only a hair's breadth away from Bai Xi's cheek.

"Bai Xi?"


"Next time you cry, don't wipe your snot on my face."


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