Crown of Silence

Chapter 90 Dark Legend (Part 2)

Chapter 91 Dark Legend (Part 2)

Ye Qingxuan has always believed that the so-called ten legends are just fabricated folk rumors. Although many people are sure about this, Ye Qingxuan always feels that these things are too mysterious and unreliable.

But now a whole bookshelf of records is in front of him, and he begins to think that things are not that simple...

Shaman, the mysterious man who set the rules for the entire Avalon criminal world, the dark king of Avalon, once ruled the entire downtown area until he disappeared mysteriously six years ago.

The White Chrysanthemum Hotel Massacre-Three years ago, the top hotel in Avalon was bloodbathed overnight, and all the people in it, regardless of gender, age or age, were smashed into a ball of meat paste. Including Viscount Ferro, who was the target, his head and spine were pulled out of his body.

This is one of the legendary killing records of the Flesh and Blood Butcher.

Soul Eater Shadow, one of the late-night ghost stories in Avalon. Finally, after layers of investigation, it was found out that he was a musician who believed in the evil god and transformed himself into a black snake demon.

Chased by several royal musicians, he fled into the sewer after being injured.

According to the records, the Soul Devouring Shadow was injured and mad during his escape, and attacked a school driven by hunger. As a result, he violated the rules set by the shaman and was killed by his chief killer, the Ghost Hand.

Ghost Hand, the legendary debt collector, the shaman's right-hand man. Anyone who violates the shaman's rules will be hunted down by him, and the fight will not end until death.

Ghost Carriage, the legendary mysterious ghost flying in the sky at midnight. Finally, after the investigation by the Musicians Association, it was determined that this was an ancient alchemical equipment left over from the Dark Ages, with an extremely fast speed, and no one has been able to describe its clear appearance so far. Its user is unknown, and its purpose is unknown...

There are even... people who Ye Qingxuan has seen with his own eyes.

"Investigation and Analysis of the Cause of Death of the Ghost Mother"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and slowly opened the records in his hand.

For several years, the Ghost Mother has been an invisible person in the lower city, and has kept a distance from the major organizations. She does not seize territory, nor does she get involved in smuggling, drug trafficking, or arms manufacturing.

Instead, she provides "goods" to major organizations, but the goods she provides are all alive... Her customers are all over Anglu, providing a large number of needs all year round, including the lack of strong labor in the manor, black slaves in the mines, young and beautiful girls waiting to be sold, and more children...

When the shaman was there, there was no room for her here, but after the shaman disappeared, she did not need to abide by those non-existent rules and resume her old business.

Then half a month ago, she died.

According to the investigation, the ghost mother accepted a commission before she died. The content of the commission was unclear and it was suspected that it had some relationship with the envoy of Yunlou City.

Then, she died. Died in her own nest, bleeding from all seven orifices, with a desperate face. Other survivors also became crazy after inhaling a huge amount of mandrake. Now they are receiving intensive treatment in Arkham Mental Hospital, but there is no hope of recovery.

The hymnist in charge of the autopsy said in the report:

According to the autopsy, her body has undergone a certain degree of alienation, suspected to be "Siren transformation". It should be one of the missing experimental subjects after the attack on the Royal Institute twelve years ago.

Note: For details of the attack on the Royal Institute, please refer to the BP198 file, which requires scepter-level authority, and... (the handwriting here is blacked out).

According to the autopsy, the ghost mother not only inhaled a large amount of mandragora before she died, but also suffered the backlash of the invisible ghost, falling into a state of madness.

But her cause of death was a sudden mental shock. That fatal shock destroyed her will in an instant, completely burned her brain, and turned it into a mess.

Clean and neat.

Although many traces at the scene were erased, according to the measurement of the ether ball, there was a performance above the "scepter level" here. It is suspected that it is related to the strange phenomenon of "a bright moon rising on the sea" in the lower city that night, and it is recommended that the relevant departments follow up the investigation.

At the end, a summary statement was completely blacked out, and the original appearance cannot be seen.

After reading it, Ye Qingxuan silently put the report back to its original place.

Originally, he just thought that the crazy woman was just an ordinary human trafficker, but now he began to feel that there was something fishy going on. Fortunately, there was no trace of himself and Bai Xi in it, otherwise they would not know whether they were in the academy or in prison now.

But this aroused Ye Qingxuan's curiosity about the ten legends. Unfortunately, this curiosity was destroyed when he read the record of the naked man on the moonlit night...

In this record, the Avalon Police Department tried every means to investigate and established the following hypothesis.

Spy theory: This damn naked man is a Burgundian spy who intends to convey certain information to his accomplices through naked running. According to the experts' inference, the place where he appeared and the street he ran on were a pre-agreed code. His accomplices can grasp the secrets of the Avalon royal family based on the meaning of these codes.

Bullshit, the place where he appeared was only related to how much money he had in his pocket at the time, okay? The direction and street he ran in depended on where the person chasing him behind him to run...

Even more ridiculous are the phenomenal theory and the illusion theory. Many experts say that the naked man on a moonlit night is a collective hallucination, representing the increasing pressure on the work of Avalon residents and their desire for release... Some people also say that the naked man on a moonlit night is a mysterious natural phenomenon.

Some people even witnessed that before the naked man on a moonlit night appeared, a mysterious disc-shaped flying object with a cold flash appeared in the sky...

"Brother, take care of yourself."

Ye Qingxuan put the book back to its original place with regret.

Soon, he was attracted by the most terrifying legend among the ten legends, that is, the 'Ripper of Whitechapel'. It is said that this mysterious serial killer roams in the Whitechapel area and specializes in hunting those who engage in the flesh trade, as well as rape criminals, rumor makers, etc. in the dark.

For a long time, the Avalon Police Department has been chasing him closely, but has never found any trace of his existence. In order to catch him, the police sent a young and beautiful policewoman to dress up as a prostitute under the guidance of the prison police. She wandered around the Whitechapel area for six consecutive months and received countless customers, but the Ripper was not caught. Instead, many murders occurred in other places, making this bait plan a complete failure.

"That damn bastard is simply a complete lunatic, absolutely." The psychological analysis expert said in the file. According to the analysis of criminal investigation experts, all murderers are more or less for the sake of seeking benefits, implementing their own ideas or killing to silence people.

But the Ripper, this bastard, has no purpose at all. He keeps killing people as if he is venting. He is still committing crimes continuously and has never been caught. There is no trace of any clues.

Ye Qingxuan was fascinated by reading, and he kept looking for relevant records of the case according to the appendix on the back of the file.

Unconsciously, he walked into the depths of the library.

Until the end, he found that things were getting more and more wrong.

There seemed to be something unknown behind the Ripper's serial killings.

There were several times when the police department had laid a net and was only one step away from catching this guy. But at the critical moment, it always came up empty-handed.

The police department inferred that the Ripper was a musician of the Revelation School, who could predict and perceive the plans of the police department and respond in advance. But even a scepter-level Revelation Musician could not tease the police department for more than five consecutive years... Besides, Anglo was not without a strong man who could block the prophecy.

All kinds of coincidences, after careful consideration, are all kinds of strange. If one or two times is a coincidence, then so many times in a row... it's too strange.

This guy is like teleporting!

According to the records in the classics, in this world, except for the Pope who inherited the will of God, no one else can cross a light gate and instantly reach thousands of miles away as described in the novel, even moving to another room is impossible.

One of the ultimate propositions of the School of Change is "human teleportation". So far, even saints who have obtained the name of sainthood can only teleport some insignificant ordinary items over long distances through wind tunnels. If humans want to break through space, the only outcome is to be torn apart, or to evaporate into a mass of tragic blood.

No one can disappear without a trace in an instant, unless they make themselves completely gone. So how did the Ripper do it? Could it be that Pope Beethoven was bored and went to Anglu to kill people for fun?

"Don't be kidding."

Ye Qingxuan was amused by his own imagination. He finished flipping through the last record, and his eyes suddenly fell on a sentence mixed in the analysis sentence: After exploration and verification, we have to suspect that the Ripper has some kind of relationship with the 'Shadow of Avalon'.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, as if he suddenly remembered Bai Xi's deck of playing cards! One of the jokers was a dilapidated and abandoned royal city.

The Shadow of Avalon, this is one of the familiar strange stories in this city.

According to legend, that city is sleeping in the shadow of Avalon. In the Shadow City, the souls of the undead and demons live, burying the secrets inherited from the dark ages.

Some people say that is the true body of Avalon, the real Avalon. But this is just an absurd story, why does it appear in the report of the police department?

Unless, it is actually true...

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly closed the file. Recalling the other files mentioned above, he walked straight to the end of this layer of bookshelves.

If he guessed correctly, there were more clues hidden in that layer of bookshelves.

At that moment, he seemed to have touched the switch of taboo.

Pingbai felt a chill.


In the silence, the lights suddenly dimmed and flickered uneasily.

Suddenly, there was wind blowing through the closed library, and the faint sound of the wind was like a wail. Ye Qingxuan looked around blankly and felt that something was wrong.

When he took a step, he was terrified.

Behind the empty back, there was a subtle sound of footsteps.

In the silence, the footsteps were so soft. It was like an invisible person following behind him, step by step, but there was no other trace.

Fifteen steps away from the bookshelf, his footsteps stopped abruptly, because the footsteps that followed him like a shadow had come behind him. He could even feel a cold breath blowing on the back of his neck.

That's it.

In this large library, some inexplicable existence issued a final warning: You are trying to touch the secrets that you cannot explore.

Ye Qingxuan stood there and raised his hands decisively:

"I'm sorry, I just want to find the personnel files of the college..."

He took a step back, indicating that he had no intention of crossing the line.

After a long time, the gloomy chill finally disappeared.

Ye Qingxuan turned back in cold sweat and saw that under the dim light, there was still nothing behind him, but for the first time he felt that this emptiness also made people feel at ease.

Everything returned to its original appearance.

Only a line of vague footprints remained on the floor, like a signpost, stopped in front of a bookshelf. On the bookshelf, a row of book spines were silently pulled out half an inch.

It was like telling him.

-What you are looking for is here.

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