Crown of Silence

Chapter 93 Playing the Piano for Xia

Chapter 94 Playing the piano to Xia

Late night, lower town of Avalon, dock area.

In the thick darkness of night, an old man stood in the shadows, smoking his pipe in silence.

This debt collector who was once famous in Xiacheng District and had kept many people awake at night - Gui Shou, was now sitting on a broken wooden box, waiting quietly.

Finally, in the silence of the waves, a fishing boat with a fishy smell stopped at the edge of the small pier.

A broken wooden board was set up on the shore, and then a steady stream of sea fish and crabs were carried ashore by dark-skinned fishermen.

Ghost Hands stood silently on the shore, letting the precious cargo pass by. First there were the fish and shrimps used to cover the outside, followed by the spirits, weapons, silks and ceramics hidden deep in the cabin.

"Is this all the goods this time?"

He took the cargo list from the boatman, glanced at it twice, and frowned: "Who is the other person who picked up the cargo halfway?"

The boatman hesitated for a moment and whispered: "In Wells, someone boarded the ship through our channels. They seemed to have a lot of background, so we didn't dare to ask more questions."

"Didn't you say that the cargo this time is very important?" Guishou's eyes narrowed, making the boatman start to look panicked: "We have talked about it, but he insisted on getting on the boat, and he also said... He also said... …”

"What else did he say?"

The ghost hand took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth, and a gloomy look appeared on his old expression.

"I said, I know you."

In the cabin behind him, a voice sounded: "—Then he brought me here."

Guishou's body suddenly stiffened, his muscles tense, as if facing a powerful enemy.

He didn't feel the presence of anyone in the cabin behind him at all, but there was someone there, standing in the shadows, like a ghost... watching him from beginning to end.

Moreover, the voice is familiar!

"Who is where?"

He turned back stiffly, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

The sound of leather boots on the deck came, and in the shadow of the cabin, someone stepped onto the shore and walked into the moonlight.

His face was hidden in the shadows under his wide-brimmed hat, but you could vaguely see that the corners of his mouth were curved, as if he were smiling.

Guishou was startled, and the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared. He took a step back and took a deep breath, full of shock and surprise.

"Sir?" He took a step forward and recognized the face of the visitor.

"What? Don't you recognize me?"

The visitor took off his hat. The wrinkles on his face were full of wind and frost, but his eyes were sharp, like torches:

"After so many years away from here, I thought everything had changed. But seeing that you are still so slow, I suddenly felt relieved."

"Sir, is it really you?"

Guishou came forward and stared at the face carefully, as if looking at an unrealistic hallucination. But when he was sure that the returnee in front of him was not his imagination, he couldn't help but laugh, as if he had encountered the best thing in the world.

"Welcome back, sir."

He strode forward and hugged the man vigorously: "You will never imagine how long I have been waiting for this day."

"Sorry, I have some things to do, so I came back a little late."

The man known as the 'shaman' hugged his long-lost friend, raised his head with emotion, and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the moonlight shines in the sky, casting silvery glow. The city built against the mountains and towering into the clouds casts a huge black shadow. The edges of the black shadow are sharp and ferocious, hurting people's eyes.

That's Avalon.

"——Old man, I'm back."

The shaman smiled and murmured softly.



Amidst the sound of the waves, the dock area was silent.

The shaman took out two copper pipes from his pocket and gave one to Ghost Hand: "Want one?"

Ghost Hand smiled, took it, poured out a cigar from the copper tube, put it under his nose and sniffed, and couldn't help but frown:

"To be honest, your taste has not improved after all these years."

"You have always been so merciless with your words."

The shaman laughed, lit his cigar, took a deep breath, and exhaled the misty smoke.

"After so many years, I have almost forgotten what this place looks like."

He turned back, looked at the messy dock area, and shook his head slowly, "It's a pity... Even though so much has changed, the smell of mud in his bones is still the same as before."

Ghost Hand shrugged, "This is Avalon, sir."

"Yeah, this is Avalon."

The shaman snapped his fingers and asked: "How are things going lately? Here's some bad news, my friend. You know I need to cheer up."

Guishou tilted his head, thought for a moment, and shook his head.

"If there's bad news, I'm afraid it's all over the place."

He said bluntly: "To be honest, you have been forgotten by this city, sir. There are no more rules in Avalon.

Ever since the mysterious professor appeared, the place has become more and more chaotic.

Tianzhu dealers who sell banned drugs, mafia who collect protection fees, Asgardian soldiers who have nowhere to go after the disarmament of the motherland, the Rat Society who do dirty work for some nobles, sea snakes who smuggle silk and spices...

Thanks to the 'professor' who provided them with a crime guide, more and more people now find it easy to serve and live a good life in exchange for other people's lives. "

"It doesn't matter, they will know..."

The shaman sighed, as if lamenting the arrangement of fate: "——I'm back, and the long good days have passed."

Guishou's eyes lit up, "Are you ready..."

The shaman raised his hand to block Ghost Hand's next words: "Change the topic, old friend, and talk about something that makes people happy. How is that oriental child I asked you to find?"

"The child's location has been found. He is at the Royal Conservatory of Music. The trader doesn't want us to touch him. It's hard for us to fall out if you're not here."

"It doesn't matter, we'll just wait and see for the time being."

"I'm afraid the situation does not allow us to continue to wait and see."

A chill flashed in Guishou's eyes: "Last night, overnight, the incident about that kid spread throughout Avalon.

Now all the bosses in the lower city know that he has something in his hand that can find the blood path, enter the 'Shadow of Avalon', and get the treasure left by King Arthur. "


The shaman was stunned: "Who would think that the Mad King would leave a treasure?"

"People who are greedy for profit will say that the reason why you left was to find clues to enter the Shadow of Avalon. Now, many people are frantically looking for him.

The professor has already said that that kid is bound to win. "

"How funny."

The shaman understood what he meant and couldn't help but want to laugh: "There are always people who think that there are treasures, artifacts, fingers made of gold, legendary musical scores and secret books in this world, which can help them to reach the sky and become famous... ...Unfortunately, reality is so cruel that it will always crush their dreams.

——You know, the East is not just about silk, porcelain and spices... there are also more terrifying monsters there. "

"You mean that kid?"

"You won't forget, will you?"

The shaman lowered his eyes, as if reminiscing: "How much trouble did the last Easterner who was favored by Hermes make?"

Ghost Hand's expression changed, as if he had recalled something, and he subconsciously held down his right hand - the phantom pain from the past seemed to still remain there.

"So, leave the young people's affairs to the young people. We old men who are greedy for profit have more important things to do."

The shaman threw the cigar into the mud at his feet and watched it squeaking in the mud, his eyes became dark:

"Look, the city that I cleaned up and was spotless has now turned into a muddy pond, full of stench and the smell of rotting corpses.

Someone has to stand up and bring back the forgotten rules. Let those lost hungry dogs know who is their leader.

Who is the original owner of this muddy pond..."

"As you wish, sir."

Ghost Hand responded softly, but the rickety and thin figure suddenly changed.

Because those old eyes lit up, as if reflecting the flames of the sun.

In this thin old body, something is slowly awakening and burning vigorously. That kind of thing made him young, cold, and crazy again.

He turned back into the beast walking in the darkness, grinding his teeth and sucking blood, waiting for the real hunt.

Staring at the dark city, Ghost Hands opened his mouth and laughed heartily:

"——Those guys who forget the rules will know who is the real master here."



It was also late at night, in the silent basement of the Royal Academy of Music.

The sharp sound of the piano, like the friction of iron pieces, jumped in the silence, like a screaming soul wandering around. But the sound that was supposed to be like a tsunami now seemed a bit fragmented.

In front of the old piano, Ye Qingxuan was playing music almost with difficulty, but behind him, someone interrupted his performance mercilessly.

"Wrong again! Have you lost your sense of rhythm?"

Charles held a slender bamboo whip and struck it on the back of Ye Qingxuan's hand, his eyes cold: Rhythm! Pay attention to the rhythm! Do you think the faster you play, the more rhythm you have? Again! "

Ye Qingxuan looked at his numb hands and sighed: "Senior brother..."

"Shut up, you loser has no right to speak. Hurry up and practice!"

Charles was fully immersed in the role of the devil coach, waving his bamboo whip excitedly: "Otherwise I will make you look good! Cry, scream! No one will save you..."

"No, I mean..."

Before he finished speaking, Charles hit him on the shoulder with a whip and said with a ferocious expression: "Your forehand is weak, your backhand is not precise, your fingering is loose, your rhythm is slow, and none of your movements are decent! You want to play the piano? Do you? Your sweet dream! Practice quickly or you will be forced to stand until tomorrow morning."

"Listen to me..."

"Don't even think about asking for mercy! There is no weakness here, this is a cruel classroom! A place where students are allowed to use blood and tears in exchange for lessons!"

"...The teacher is behind you."

"Even if the teacher is here...what?"

Before Charles could finish his words, he was stunned.

In awkward silence, he turned back stiffly and saw the expressionless Abraham behind him. Abraham stared at his disciple with anger in his eyes.


Charles' arrogant expression collapsed. He looked back at Ye Qingxuan for the last time, with tears in his eyes: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I told you so."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged: "You don't give me a chance."

In the silence of Charles' fear, Abraham finally spoke, his voice suddenly without emotion: "Cruel classroom? Using blood and tears to exchange for lessons? Charles, did I teach you these?"

"I, I..." Charles wanted to cry but had no tears: "I taught myself."

"You taught yourself very well. I asked you to guide Ye Zi in practice, and you realized so many truths. It really touched me a lot."

He took the small bamboo whip that Charles had found from nowhere and hit him on the head: "Now, stand in the corner."

He paused and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Stand until tomorrow morning."

With tears in his eyes, Charles leaned against the corner silently, with the Encyclopedia of Anglia on his head, and began to stand in the corner painfully...

Handling After playing with Charles, Abraham sighed and looked at Ye Qingxuan: "You have only started learning notes for less than a month. I think it is too early to start learning to play multiple notes now.

Notes, phrases, sections and movements should always be progressed step by step.

Playing a section composed of bars is already a 'rhythm-level' skill."

"It's always right to learn early."

Ye Qingxuan laughed and played the piano in front of him with some skill: "Teacher, didn't you say that the rules of playing are always the same, it's just that multiple notes are used at the same time... Besides, I found a good 'etude'."

"Black Friday?"

Abraham couldn't help sighing when he mentioned this.

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