Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 1164: One hundred and sixty-three letter

   Chapter 1164 One Hundred and Sixty-Three Letters

  Su Yao's heart is strong, and now it seems that Xiao Heng's heart is the same.

  What he doesn't want, no matter how many people come to talk to him, he will just say a few words, which is not easy to do.

   Xiao Heng glanced at him, didn't say anything, just lowered his head to deal with the documents in the army.

The two of them sat in silence for a while, when Song Xiangyu's voice came from outside, and after a while, Song Xiangyu hurried in, and he didn't even bother to salute, and said directly: "Your Highness, something happened, we have a team of people to go out to inspect, and the result is still not available. Come back, something must have happened!"

  The people who go out to patrol are all aware of the surrounding situation, and generally do not go to places where Miao people are haunted. After all, those Miao people are very sturdy and unreasonable. If you come to the door without authorization, they will treat you as a provocation.

   Hearing Song Xiangyu say this, Xiao Heng closed the document in his hand and asked in a deep voice, "Which team is it?"

   The person who can make Song Xiangyu so anxious must not be an ordinary person, but I am afraid that his identity is somewhat special.

   Sure enough, Song Xiangyu's face was gloomy and his tone was very depressed: "His Royal Highness, yes. It's General Fu and the others."

  Fu Dingping, a native of Jiangxi, was also a general who guarded Jizhou in the past. He was the deputy commander of Yu Linwei, who followed Xiao Heng from the capital all the way, and was considered Xiao Heng's confidant.

   Hearing that Fu Dingping was missing, Xiao Heng also changed his face. As he got up and walked out of the tent, he asked, "Have you searched all around? Is there anything missing? Did they leave any marks?"

It was a scout who came to report the letter. The place where they were originally stationed was the area where Fu Dingping took people to inspect. It is reasonable to say that usually in about an hour or so, Fu Dingping and the others will end the inspection and come back, but this time, Fu Dingping they exceeded the time and did not come back.

  The scout took people around to look around and found no one, but found a few horses on the edge of the cliff.

  The horses were tied to the tree, but the owner was nowhere to be seen.

   The scout immediately realized that something was wrong and came back to report.

  The horse was still there, but the people were gone. The people present were all battle-hardened, and when they heard it, they knew something was wrong, and they all looked bad.

   In the end, Xiao Heng ignored the opposition and insisted on going to the place where Fu Dingping and the others disappeared to check the situation.

  Su Rong did not worry and followed suit. Naturally, Song Xiangyu did not need to say anything, and even got on the horse directly.

They galloped all the way to the place where the scouts said, and they found that it was a gentle **** with a large piece of weeds as tall as people. This piece of weeds spread all the way to the steep mountain wall over there. When the wind blew, these weeds swayed with the wind. , like green waves, people can't help but panic.

   On the left side of the gentle **** are a few unknown trees, and further ahead is the cliff that the scout mentioned before. Xiao Heng and the others walked to the edge, only to see the bottomless ravine below.

   Is there an ambush here?

Su Rong couldn't help but snorted, and walked a few steps forward in confusion to the edge of the cliff, but he didn't see any signs of fighting, including the gentle slope, and there was no trace of any vegetation being overwhelmed and damaged. It's not like you've been through a fight.

   Then there is no ambush.

  Ke Fu Dingping and the others must have been here before, otherwise, how would you explain the horses tied here?

   They looked at each other, both a little impatient and uneasy, but after looking around, they didn't find anything, and they couldn't help but look gloomy.

   Song Xiangyu who was next to him suddenly shouted, "What is that over there?!"

   Everyone followed his gaze and saw that Song Xiangyu was pointing at the mountain wall. At this time, there were many unknown big birds hovering over the mountain wall, and the scene looked terrifying.

what? !

   The scout had sharp eyes, immediately recognized this thing, and couldn't help being surprised: "This is a crow! A crow!"


  Su Rong looked over there, and sneered a little puzzledly: "How can there be such a big crow? Did you read it wrong?"

   That bird is almost as high as a human calf, how could it be a crow?

   But Song Xiangyu and the others stopped talking, they all stared at the place, and then Song Xiangyu whispered: "There are more and more crows."

Su Rong's scalp was a little numb from his lowered voice. He looked at the place subconsciously, and saw the dense group of birds gathered together, and more birds were constantly flying and circling from everywhere. It was terrifying all of a sudden.

  If it is really a crow.

   Crows like to eat corpses the most

   This is known to anyone who has fought and seen dead people.

   So that means over there

   Everyone obviously thought of this, and they all fell silent, and no one spoke again.

   Then, after an unknown amount of time, Xiao Heng said solemnly, "Go and have a look."

He led the way, and everyone else ran after him. Su Rong's heart was even more dazed. For some reason, he always had a bad feeling that something bad would happen. It seemed to happen, but in fact, the worst thing happened, because when they got close, Su Rong saw a pair of feet protruding from the gap between the crows.

Those feet were drooping down, and he didn't know if there were too many crows. Su Rong felt that he might be confused, but when Song Xiangyu threw a few stones over there and scared away some crows, he Then I saw an unforgettable scene in my life - including Fu Dingping, there were six corpses hanging from the trees on the mountain wall, and at this time, they had been piled together by crows.

  The reason why they can recognize their identities is also because they are wearing the clothes of officers and soldiers, and the number is just right.

  Su Rong thought that he was a very calm and calm person. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but redden his eyes and scolded his mother.

  Xiao Heng stood on the spot, although he didn't speak or make any drastic actions, but anyone who recognized him knew that he was definitely not in a good mood. He was obviously angry to the extreme.

  Song Xiangyu hurriedly stepped forward and patted Xiao Heng on the shoulder. At this time, he couldn't care about so many identities. He whispered, "Ah Heng, don't be fooled by others. They must have done it on purpose!"

   went missing, left the horses, and hung the corpse here for the crows to erode. This is clearly a provocation, and it is clearly intentional to lure them in and let them see this scene.

   Those Miao people are really arrogant and arrogant!

Although    persuaded Xiao Heng not to be impulsive, Song Xiangyu himself was actually very angry.

   (end of this chapter)

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