Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 1252: Fifty-one · Is it already known to everyone?

   Chapter 1252 Fifty-one · Has everyone already known

   Zhao Qingye was reluctant to blame Xiao Heng, then all of this was naturally Su Yao's fault. If it weren't for Su Yao's fluff, if it wasn't for Su Yao's seduction, how could Xiao Heng abandon her to look at Su Yao? !

   She was going crazy with anger.

   King Min didn't get any better either, and went to the front yard study in a huff.

Since the opening of the mansion, there has been a long history in his mansion who specializes in assisting him in his affairs. This long history is surnamed Hong, and he is a very bold person. When the next long history enters the palace, first of all, he must be familiar with the temperament of the prince. Then think about how to get along in the future, how to do things.

   But Hong Changshi was different. As soon as the old man came, he told the sixth prince to hurry up and find a way to give the sage a book and leave the capital to go to the fief.

  The sixth prince was taken aback by him at that time. Although he already had a fief, he had not thought of leaving the capital immediately, his father and mother, and ran to Zhangzhou to become a prince.

   But the sixth prince had an impression of this Hong Changshi since then—he was a man who dared to speak.

   Now King Min rushed into the study and saw Hong Changshi sorting out the documents.

   He pursed his lips, restrained the anger in his heart, passed over Hong Changshi and sat on the chair, rubbed his eyes and said to Hong Changshi: "Okay, you can go back!"

  It was too late, he came back from the banquet, it should have been time to rest, and now Hong Changshi is still in his study, it can be seen that Hong Changshi is serious about his work.

Hong Changshi took a serious look at him, quickly sorted out the documents in his hand and put them aside, but did not retreat immediately, but just stood there and quietly looked at King Min, and asked softly, "Your Highness has met you. What's the trouble?"

  Changshi must be regarded as a confidant in the future for a prince who has opened his palace.

   King Min let out a long breath, but how could he tell a long history about such a thing, he still shook his head.

  Hong Changshi was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Does Your Highness trust me?"

  King Min smiled wryly, how could this be a question of trust? This kind of family matter, and it is also related to privacy, is impossible to tell a courtier, he waved his hand: "It's okay, it's nothing, Hong Changshi can go back if it's okay."

  Hong Changshi didn't move, he said softly: "Your Highness, I dare to ask, are you worried about the princess?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, King Min suddenly raised his head to look at him, his expression changed in an instant, and he almost surly asked, "What do you know?!"

This kind of thing is definitely not a light-hearted thing for a man, so King Min was so angry that he almost wanted to strangle Zhao Qingye, but he never thought of going outside and looking for Yuanfeng. God wants a statement and justice.

   But, does anyone already know about this?

   If this is the case, isn't his prince a big joke? !

   Just thinking about it, King Min couldn't tolerate it.

  Hong Changshi was not frightened. He explained in a deep voice: "Your Highness, don't misunderstand me, sir. With all due respect, I have returned from Jizhou."

   Seeing that King Min seemed at a loss, he further explained: "At the beginning, Master Zhao was the censor of the city in Jizhou. At that time, the minister was also in Jizhou, and the minister was the teaching of Jizhou Prefecture."

   was originally a colleague of the Zhao family.

Hong Changshi considered his words: "Actually, when he was in Jizhou, His Highness was still in the military camp, and he once rescued Mr. Zhao's family. At that time, there were rumors in Jizhou officials that they would marry in the future. Yes. But later, His Highness followed the Prince of Guangping Hou back to the capital, and this matter was never mentioned again."

  King Min's hand suddenly strained, almost crushing the cup in his hand.

   He sneered in his heart.

   He thought it was Zhao Qingye who was delusional, and Xiao thought of Xiao Heng.

   But it turned out that Xiao Heng had already known Zhao Qingye for a long time.

   There are even rumors between them!

  So, what did Xiao Heng think? !

   What did Xiao Heng think about Emperor Yuanfeng's marriage to Zhao Qingye and him? ! Did he think of his uncle as a fool? !

   Was he snickering in his heart? !

   King Min's face was extremely ugly, and he didn't speak for a while.

  Hong Changshi sighed deeply on the side: "Your Highness, I ask you the truth, do you feel happy now?"

   King Min was silent.

"The Holy One gave you the title of king, but it's because you're old, you can move the title soon, and leave the capital so that you don't threaten the grandson." Hong Changshi ignored King Min's expression: "His Royal Highness, he is both civil and military, in the You have made great achievements in the army, and now your position is stable, but what about you?"

   King Min has never been anywhere. He has been working in the Ministry of Industry since he was an adult, and he has never been in contact with the forces in the military.

   He felt a little despair in his heart.

   At the same time, unspeakable anger arose.

  Why should he be so angry? !

   Xiao Heng can now sit back and watch his uncle be fooled and humiliated, what about in the future?

   Now the old man is still there, and in the future when the old man is gone, how should Xiao Heng treat him?

   Besides, what King Min cared about most was Zhao Qingye.

   This woman, she was eating what was in the bowl and looking at the pot.

   Thinking about it now, King Min wondered if Zhao Qingye was the undercover agent that Xiao Heng put beside him?

   Otherwise, since Xiao Heng knew that Zhao Qingye had him in his heart, why didn't he say it, and keep it a secret? !

  King Min's face turned blue and white, and even his fingers were cold.

On the other hand, Hong Changshi was beginning to calm down, and he said: "Your Highness, are you willing to be crushed on your head by a nephew? In terms of generation, he is only the son of the prince, and the first prince, how many years has he died? What achievements has he ever made? It's just to take advantage of being raised by the previous queen. As for closeness, he has always been raised outside. Whether his identity is reliable or not depends on the mouth of the Song family. isn't it?"

   In fact, these words are really too inflammatory. If they were normal, the Sixth Prince would definitely be afraid, and first reprimand Hong Changshi for talking nonsense.

   But today, perhaps after drinking some wine, I guessed what Zhao Qingye was thinking.

   Maybe it’s because in my heart I really haven’t been reconciled all the time.

  The sixth prince was silent.

   He did not object.

   without refuting is already an attitude in itself.

  Hong Changshi sighed and said, "Your Highness, it's time to plan for yourself, even if you don't want to do big things, at least you should plan for yourself, think about the future for yourself, right?"

   After hearing these words, King Min calmed down and looked at Hong Changshi quietly.

  Hong Changshi didn't flinch, nor was he afraid, and said straight: "Your Highness, think about yourself, don't you want to say something? Don't you want to be like this day of admiration?"|

  Looking at people's faces, King Min really had enough.

   (end of this chapter)

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