Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 301: ·save

   Chapter 301 · Rescue

   The kicked body curled up into a ball, like a scalded shrimp, and the ghost who was kicked by Master Tian Er screamed.

   Even at this time, he was still clutching his chest—there was still a 5,000 tael silver note looted from the Su family!

   What a hell! Seeing his stupid appearance, Mr. Tian Er couldn't help but scolded him in his heart, looked at him viciously, and then went to see Zhang Jingchan again.

   Zhang Jingchan over there was already frightened. Seeing Mr. Tian Er, he turned his head and trembled all over. He looked at him cautiously with his arms crossed, like a frightened rabbit.

  Tian Er's eyes were heavy, staring at Zhang Jingchan as if he wanted to eat people.

   This little girl looks timid as a mouse, but she is actually pretending! What she said to Tian Rui just now was so vicious and cruel, she was mercilessly aimed at destroying Tian Rui's future!

But although everyone knew that Zhang Jingchan would not be able to be the concubine of King Zhuang, the result was still undecided, and he couldn't beat the little girl, so he was even more annoyed and grabbed it. Zhang Sanye looked at him fiercely: "your daughter is ill."

   Master Zhang opened his eyes blankly.

   Tian Rui on the other side returned to the backyard angrily, her face turning blue with anger.

   Just entered the second door, Tian Xun was already waiting for her with Tian and Liu, and when he saw her come in, he hurried forward to pick her up.

  Tian Xun asked bluntly: "Did you cause the matter of Zhang Jingchan yourself?"

  The sisters naturally knew each other very well. Seeing Tian Rui buried her head and didn't speak, Tian Xun knew it was. She couldn't help frowning and sighed in her heart.

   I just said that Tian Rui was really not up to Su Invitation, and Tian Rui caused trouble.

  The scheming is there, but there is no means.

   What can this insane provocation accomplish? Now instead, Su Yao grabbed the handle and gave him a fatal blow.

   is really stupid.

  Mother Tian and Mama Liu didn't dare to speak, Tian Rui walked in front, like a gust of wind, blowing into Mrs. Tian's yard.

   Mrs. Tian had been waiting inside with a sullen face. As soon as the curtain was lifted and saw her daughter come in, she put down the scissors in her hand with a bang and waved to Tian Rui.

  Tian Rui is still angry: "Mother, you help me kill that one."

   Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Tian slapped her face with a precise slap, knocking her whole body to the side, knocking all the vases on the table to the ground.

With a    clatter, the debris splashed, the water and flowers inside were poured out, and they were completely smashed in this midsummer.

  Tian Rui grew up in the palm of her hand, not to mention Mrs. Tian or Tian Chengzhong, who loves her daughter like her life, even Mr. Tian Er and others, who is not obedient to her, giving anything and everything?

It was the first time that she was slapped in this way. She was stunned, and then she looked up at Madam Tian in disbelief, and the grievances and anger that had been accumulating broke out in an instant: "Mother, are you crazy!? I was framed, don't you? Help me vent your anger, and you even hit me!?"

Tian Xun, who followed behind, stood between her and Madam Tian without changing his face, winked at Mama Tian and Mama Liu, took Madam Tian's arm, and said softly, "Mother, what's the matter? Say it well, eldest sister, she knows it in her heart."

"Know?!" Mrs. Tian's teeth chattered angrily, she stretched out her hand and stabbed Tian Rui's forehead, which was swollen on the left half of her face, like a firecracker: "She knows? I don't think she knows! Why do you have to provoke trouble!? Now, the people around the neighbors, who do not know that Zhang Jingchan said that she is interested in King Zhuang."

  Mrs. Tian felt a dull pain in her heart, as if someone had punched her in the heart.

   Recently, she has been wholeheartedly showing Tian Rui Xiang's family, and even restrained Tian Rui from allowing her to go to the palace, just to put an end to Tian Rui's mind and find a good family for her.

  But the result! ?

   All ruined!

   Still such a disgraceful way!

Being framed and slapped in the face is enough to make people angry, and now Mrs. Tian still has such an attitude, Tian Rui suddenly felt extremely aggrieved, and shook her neck to comfort Tian Xun: "Others come to bully me and plot against me, don't tell me Help me out, but hit me here instead"

Madam Tian was so angry that she almost fainted: "Why can others plot against you? It's not because of your own bad intentions, you think I don't know, what did you send Mama Tian to Zhang's house for?! Well, why do you have to talk to Su Can't you get over it?! What is she, and what is your identity? Well, now that the fine porcelain has touched the rubble, tell yourself, is it your unlucky or she is unlucky?!"

   Tian Rui didn't have time to answer, and Tian's mother's cautious voice sounded outside the door: "Grandpa, you."

   The door curtain slammed, Tian Chengzhong had already entered the door with a face like water, glanced at the mess on the ground, his eyes stared at Tian Rui like an eagle, and said coldly: "What's going on?"

   The mother and daughter fell silent in unison.

   Mrs. Tian was still out of breath, Tian Rui lowered her head, but tears rolled in her eyes.

   Isn't she angry, isn't she sad and flustered? !

   She wanted to marry King Zhuang as a concubine, but it was by no means in this way.

   It should have been Zhang Jingchan who went to Su Yao's place to make trouble, ruining Su Yao's reputation, and then Zhang Jingchan naturally couldn't get any benefits, and the two of them bitten dogs.

   These two are all useless. The young lady of the state government wants to marry King Zhuang as a concubine. Whether it is Concubine Li or King Zhuang, I am afraid that I will be grateful to Dade.

   At that time, she was naturally beautiful.

   But now it is completely ruined.

   She stared at her toes, resentment spreading from her heart.

   "What the **** is going on?!" Tian Chengzhong patted the table, causing the mother and daughter to tremble.

   Mrs. Tian glanced at her two daughters, her face was hideous for a moment, and after a while, she suppressed her anger, stopped in front of her daughters, and slowly told the whole story.

   Tian Chengzhong didn't speak for a long time, he stared at Tian Rui in front of him, the light in his eyes dimmed.

   Tian Xun looked at it, and felt frightened in his heart, and couldn't help but glance at Tian Rui.

   Tian Rui lowered her head and was still twisting the hem of her clothes. She had already killed Su Ying thousands of times in her heart.

  Wait until she has passed the stage in front of her and she will have a chance

   She must let that girl die!

   Mrs. Tian stepped forward and pulled Tian Chengzhong's sleeve, sighed helplessly, and then said to Tian Rui and Tian Xun: "You go out first, I have something to discuss with your father."

   Tian Chengzhong looked at Tian Rui with a livid face, but did not stop him in the end.

   Update, update.

In addition, I am going to advertise for my good friend Tao Tao today. Her new book "My Whole Family Brings Goldfinger" is very beautiful. One sentence introduction: The Zuo family has three daughters, and the male protagonists have become my sons-in-law. .

   If you like it, you can go to the slaughter.



   (end of this chapter)

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