Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 306: One hundred and five · Awakening

  Chapter 306 One Hundred Five · Awakening

   He went to say goodbye to Emperor Yuanfeng today. In addition to meeting Tian Chengzhong crying and making a plea, he also met King Zhuang.

   Perhaps the position of the Crown Prince of the East Palace has been vacant for too long, so some people can't wait to take that seat.

  Whether it was to win over the Su family or frame the Pang family before, all of them were done by King Zhuang.

   King Zhuang is making efforts everywhere.

  The Qin family was the Yue family, and both the Zhongyong Houfu and Changping Houfu also took refuge in King Zhuang, and later Xu Rui worked hard.

  Although the Song family seems to have returned with a great victory this time.

   is actually more dangerous.

  Song Heng's identity.

  Song Xiangyu suddenly felt that the tea in front of him was not fragrant, and that playing chess was meaningless, so he let out a long sigh.

  He went back to his hometown, although he could take away some of the energy of King Zhuang and the Xu family, but not enough, far from enough.

  The secret of what happened back then was secret, but it was definitely not without a trace.

   Otherwise, how could Daoist Qingyuan find Song Heng and accept Song Heng as his apprentice?

   If the Taoist priest Qingyuan can find it, others will naturally find it.

  The room suddenly fell silent.

   Chen Dong hurriedly stood up when he saw this: "I still have errands for the humble post, so I'll go to work first."

  Song Heng didn't stop him, he said with a sigh, "Keep an eye on Lai Weiqi."

  Chen Dong hurriedly responded.

   After Chen Dong went out, Song Xiangyu's eyes were heavy, and he tapped his fingers on the table: "It can't go on like this, but the top priority now is to let the name be settled first."

   Only when the former crown prince's reputation for suspected treason was completely cleared, Song Heng's life experience could be revealed to the world.

   Otherwise, the name is not right, that is, the clan that was guarded like the second prince and the third prince, after a while, quietly disappeared.

   Daoist Qingyuan touched his beard: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's coming soon."

   He said, put the pieces in his hand where they should be placed, and looked up at Song Xiangyu: "The Xu family is more anxious."

   Song Xiangyu's eyes lit up.

   The Xu family is indeed very anxious.

   Xu Rui was seriously injured. The Xu family recently hired an unknown number of doctors, and the Sun Court judged that Imperial Physician Hu had all come in turn, and it was considered that Xu Rui had been reluctantly retired from the high fever of the past few days.

   Mrs. Xu let out a long breath, handed the handkerchief in her hand to Mother An who had been waiting by the side, and reached out to probe Xu Rui's forehead again.

   The tentacles were a little cold, so she closed her eyes and couldn't help showing fatigue.

Mama Li, who was watching, hurriedly helped her: "Madam, you have been guarding the prince for so many days, day and night, how can you bear it? Now that the prince is better, you should also take care of your own body. That's right, the two young masters still need your care."

Mrs. Xu Er, who entered the door, also hurried to persuade Mrs. Xu: "Yes, sister-in-law, you don't care about yourself, you have to take care of the house up and down, this family can read to you, what if you fall ill? ?"

   Then he talked about the Zhang family: "Don't say anything else, just say this Zhang family, if there is another trouble, don't you want to come forward?"

   Mrs. Xu motioned them to speak softly and not bother Xu Rui.

   Xu Rui had already opened his eyes, and called out to the second aunt weakly. Seeing Mrs. Xu's agreement, he asked, "What about the Zhang family?"

Might as well Xu Rui woke up, Madam Xu was overjoyed and rushed to the bedside, called A Rui with tears in her eyes, and then touched his head with tears in her eyes: "You can be considered awake! I scared my mother to death. !"

   Xu Rui smiled weakly at his mother: "Mother, it's all my fault, I scared you."

   Mrs. Xu's tears fell, and she was choked up for a while.

It was Mrs. Xu Er who was pleasantly surprised and said about the troubles caused by the Zhang family in the Tian family, and commented ruthlessly: "Such a family will sooner or later cause a catastrophic disaster. Look at Zhang Jingchan's affairs. How long has it been? They dared to go to Tian's house to make trouble."

   Even the Xu family has to look at the face of the Chengen Gongfu, they are good, ignorant and fearless.

   Fortunately, Zhang Linghui is dead now, and there is such a scene, everyone knows that the Xu family and the Zhang family are torn apart.

  Otherwise, the Zhang family and their daughter would cause such a disaster, and the Xu family would have to hunt for people.

   And this kind of thing is still unclear, one offends the Tian family, two offends King Zhuang, and three offends Princess Zhuang.

   Mrs. Xu was indifferent.

   She doesn't want to take care of the Zhang family anymore.

   Xu Rui didn't say anything, just looked at Mrs. Xu and said, "Mother, Aying he"

   He didn't ask Zhang Linghui, but asked Xu Ying first. Madam Xu felt a little better, but in an instant, she felt as uncomfortable as digging her lungs out, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

   Xu Rui was silent for a moment before asking, "Did Song Heng kill it himself?"

Madam Xu was choked up, she could only keep nodding her head for a long time before she said, "I've asked clearly, Song Heng shot the murder personally. Mrs. Lai said that A Ying had been screaming in pain before she died, but the arrow shot was too accurate. And the arrow has a barb on it, although he has tried his best to pull the arrow upside down as the doctor said, but it's still useless, the blood can't stop."

   Xu Rui was silent for a moment.

   His complexion was already very pale, and now it was even more pale, no different from a ghost.

Mrs. Xu Er sighed and had to speak out to comfort their mother and son: "It's useless to say this now, it's just to add to the sadness, sister-in-law, A Rui's injury is not completely healed, don't make him worry too much. already."

Only then did Mrs. Xu react, but when she thought of Xu Rui's injury, she couldn't help gnashing her teeth: "Song Heng not only killed your brother, but you also want to kill him, **** **** it, look at his hand! "

   Xu Rui's back has no good place at all. When he first came back, his back was bloody, veritable with a layer of skin hanging on it.

   The many doctors who were waiting in the mansion said that the injury was too serious and might not be able to withstand it, so they should be prepared.

   But fortunately, both Su Nu disk and Hu Taiyi said that as long as the fever subsides, then there is no big problem.

   Mrs. Xu tucked the blanket for Xu Rui, her face almost fierce: "It's okay, A Rui, your father will definitely avenge you!"

   Whether Song Heng is the real orphan of the first prince, they all want Song Heng to go down to accompany the first prince, and also go underground to pay for Xu Ying's life.

   Xu Rui had no expression on his face. After coughing a few times, he lowered his voice and said to Mrs. Xu, "Mother, go and invite my father. I have something to tell my father."

Seeing that he was wheezing when he coughed, Mrs. Xu was distressed, and hurriedly said: "Your father has gone to visit Xu Lao, I'm afraid he won't be back until evening, you should take a good rest first, if you have anything else, you can wait for him to come back. Not too late."

   (end of this chapter)

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