Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 318: One hundred and seventeen · Deformity

   Chapter 318 One hundred and seventeen · Deformity

  Su Xingtian was so flustered that she was at a loss. She pursed her lips and looked at Su Yao, then shook her head hurriedly: "No, no, I'll go back now."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was an exclamation from outside, and Mama Wen, who was in front of Mrs. Su Er, ran in quickly, and hurriedly bowed to Su Yao first, and it burst open like a firecracker. She babbled to Su Xingtian: "How can the sixth girl escape by herself? The second wife knew that you were gone, and she was so anxious that she was going crazy, and she didn't know what to do. Now that you are getting older, you should be more sensible. But you are still so reckless and playful. If you don’t say anything else, you should think about the second wife. Now the ninth young master is still lying on the bed, and the second wife is worried that she can’t eat. ."

  Su Xingtian nervously grabbed the skin on her fingers with both hands, bowed her head and said nothing.

  Mother Shen looked at Su Xingtian and then at Mama Wen, a little surprised that Mama Wen was so strong.

  Wen's mother has come to apologize to Su Yao again with a smile: "Sixth Miss is like this, she has caused trouble to Fourth Miss. I'm really sorry, I'll take her back."

   After she finished speaking, she turned around and dragged Su Xingtian away.

  Su Yao's hand fell on her holding Su Xingtian's hand, and noticed that she was holding Su Xingtian's wrist, and her nails had already sunk into Su Xingtian's flesh.

   Do you like this?

Wen's mother was about to drag Su Xingtian to leave, and Su Yao suddenly stopped her, ignoring Wen's mother's laugh, just looked at Su Xingtian and asked her, "Liu, do you still want to taste the last time with Shen's mother? Do you make cloud cakes?"

  Mother Shen hurriedly said, "If Miss Six likes it, I'll go get ready."

  What Mother Wen wanted to say, Su Yao had turned her head and said to Mother Shen, "Prepare more, and let Xiao Liu bring some back to Xiao Jiu later. He liked it last time too."

   "No, no." Wen's mother refused anxiously: "The fourth lady is joking. We have a lot of cloud cakes and so on."

  Su Yao just glanced at Yancao.

Yancao immediately came up to support Wen's mother and laughed: "Oh, mother! It's such a hot day, Miss Six is ​​here, she can't even drink saliva, what are you in a hurry? Please come here, we are still here. There is iced sour plum soup, and my mother also drinks some to quench her thirst."

   She doesn't care about Mother Wen's rejection, she just pulls Mother Wen away with a smile, but Mother Wen can't be bothered by her, so she reluctantly follows Yancao with a heavy heart.

  Su Yao looked at Su Xingtian and reached out to her.

  Su Xingtian was like a frightened cat, widened her eyes uneasy, hesitated for a moment and finally held Su Yao's hand and followed Su Yao into the inner room.

  As soon as he entered the door, Jinping had already brought the sour plum soup and snacks. Su Yao motioned Su Xingtian to sit down. Seeing her fidgeting, she asked softly, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

   The last time I came here, Mrs. Su Er had been constantly hinting that Su Xingtian was not allowed to come again. Seeing how timid Su Xingtian was and how strong a mother was, she couldn't guess Su Xingtian's situation.

Since the situation is so difficult, she has to come here specially, squatting in the bushes, enduring mosquito bites and waiting for her for so long, to say that there is nothing special, it is really just coming over the wrong way or wanting something to eat, Su Ye didn't believe it.

   She and Su Xingtian are not familiar with each other in the past and present, but since Su Xingtian's surname is Su, she will naturally not refuse if there is anything that can help her.

Su Xingtian grabbed the skin of her fingers nervously with both hands, Su Yao stared at her, noticing her subtle movements, and when her expression changed, she frowned and stood up, grabbed Su Xingtian's hand, and asked in a cold voice : "What are you doing?"

Only then did she notice that on Su Xingtian's ten fingers, the skin around the nails was almost torn off by herself, and there were barbs and blood scabs everywhere. Not even a big girl's hand.

  Su invite raised his eyebrows and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

  Su Xingtian pulled back her hand uneasily, put her hand into her mouth subconsciously, and even gnawed at the nails and the skin around them.

   Su Yao was stunned.

After she was divorced in the last life, she returned to Su's house. After she was sent to Bie Zhuang, she heard that Cheng Li went back to recognize her father in disappointment. tired.

   But that time was her most irritable and restless time.

   Where is Su Xingtian?

   She is only an eleven or twelve year old child, how could she be like this?

  Su Xingtian couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into tears: "Fourth sister, please, don't send me back, mother will kill me! She will kill me!"

   Even if she was crying, Su Xingtian cried with restraint and restraint. She was clearly an eleven or twelve year old girl. It is said that she never went out for a walk, and she never had much contact with her sisters at home, but she had such a temperament.

   Unless the second room is not as peaceful as everyone thinks it is.

  Because a child who grew up in a peaceful environment should not be like this.

  Su invited her to look at her patiently, and when she was almost crying, she raised her eyebrows and handed over a handkerchief: "Second Aunt is your biological mother, why don't you want to go back?"

Su Xingtian shrank her neck, and another long stream of tears flowed down: "Mother, she has already made repeated orders, and she is not allowed to take my brother out of her yard indiscriminately, unless she takes us to say goodbye to grandmother, otherwise it is not allowed anywhere. Go. I sneaked out with Xiao Jiu and came to your place."

   I heard that Mrs. Su Er Xiang is from a scholarly family, and she believes in the set of women's rings. No matter what time, she will behave in a proper manner and will never overstep the limit.

   She has indeed done this all these years.

At least Su Yao has not even seen the second wife a few times since she came back, and she has only a vague impression of this person. It was Su Zheng who was ill before, and when she went to visit the doctor, she found out that the second wife was indeed It's a bit old-fashioned and stubborn.

   But she didn't expect to be so stubborn.

   Even if there is an old grudge with the third wife, what does it have to do with the child?

   Not to mention her own child.

  Su Yao noticed something was wrong, raised her eyebrows slightly and asked her, "Hasn't she reprimanded you before in front of us?"

   Didn't she just come to her place to eat some snacks? Is this thing not over yet?

Is    too much of a fuss?

  Su Xingtian sobbed in a low voice, almost despairing: "I originally thought that was the case, but when I turned around, I heard Mother Wen mention my marriage to my mother, saying that I am not too young, and it is time to make a marriage."

   (end of this chapter)

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