Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 355: One hundred and fifty-four major cases

  Chapter 355 One Hundred Fifty-Four Major Cases

This kick didn't move, but it shook a lot of black ashes. At this time, it looked very strange. Luo Yong's face became a little colder, and he kicked again. This kick, then The door was still just crumbling and could not be kicked open.

   At this time, even Li Rui felt horrified, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

   He also sensed something was wrong.

This is just a servant's yard. Aunt Bai did have some face in the mansion, so she can get this small courtyard, but no matter how much she has face, she has not been a servant in the mansion for many years, but she is just a servant who can provoke Who, how could someone have kerosene outside and want to burn her to death?

   And seeing that this house was sealed off.

  Luo Yong sneered, hugged his chest and said, "It's really weird, it doesn't look like an accident! Report it to the officer, Shuntianfu has something to do."

   Li Rui was so panicked that he was completely stunned, and it was too late to react, but Luo Yong had already tried hard again, this time finally knocking the door open.

   In front of Li Rui and the dozen or so soldiers behind him, everyone used the torches to clearly see two people lying across the room, and one stiffly lying on the table, presumably also dead.

  Li Rui couldn't help screaming. Although he was the big housekeeper, he had never experienced such a thing before.

   These people, were they all burned to death?

   Shouldn't it? He glanced around - the fire hasn't burned here yet, just the doors and windows are blocked.

  Thinking wildly, he saw that Rayong had stepped forward quickly and turned a prostrate man over.

   "Dead." Luo Yong's face was expressionless and his tone was heavy: "It wasn't burned to death, there are knife wounds here."

  Stab wound!

  Li Rui is about to faint.

  Master Tian, ​​what happened in this yard, it's so good, how come there is a murder case? It looks like the fire wasn't about killing people at all, it was about covering up the incriminating evidence

   His feet softened. Seeing that Luo Yong was already urging the next group of people to go to Shuntian Prefecture to find someone, he swallowed and said nervously, "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with us."

   As he was talking, someone outside suddenly yelled, and then someone said, "Isn't that Bai Ning?!"

  Bai Ning?

  Li Rui's already frozen mind turned, and he looked back. Seeing that the speaker was Yu Dong, he held back his scolding and asked, "Bai Ning? Didn't he follow the second master in Zhangzhou?"

Yup! Didn't the second master disappear in Zhangzhou? Recently, the mansion has been so nervous about this matter, they have been looking for the second master everywhere.

   Nabaining is here

  Li Rui rolled his eyes, took a hard sip of saliva, suddenly opened his eyes, pointed at the person who had slipped off the table in horror, and said loudly: "Second master! Second master!"

   There was a commotion outside.

  Luo Yong's expression became even more solemn. As the deputy commander, of course he had heard about Su Mingqing's disappearance. Recently, there were cards all over the city, and there were rumors that Su Mingqing had slipped back to the capital.

   It's just that he never thought that people would die here.

   He straightened up and started chasing people out: "Everyone goes out, don't stand here! This is a murder case, a big murder case! The government will naturally come later, idle people, etc., and you are not allowed to stay here!"

   It was raining so hard, but the onlookers immediately receded like a tide. Rayong walked out from the inside and was agitated by the air outside, and his mind relaxed a lot.

  How could Master Su Er die in the yard of the servants of the Su family?

   He thought so, and suddenly saw a flash of lightning in the distance, and then there was a huge rumbling sound of thunder, and even a person like him couldn't help but avoid it.

   Such a big storm

   He retracted his gaze, saw Li Rui's panicked face amid the lightning and thunder, and was about to say something when the official Wang Tui of Shuntian Prefecture had already led people here.

  Wang Tuiguan was holding an oil-paper umbrella, and he was still wearing a sackcloth. Even so, he was still soaked all over. As soon as he entered the porch, he took off his hat, looked at Luo Yong and asked, "What's going on?"

  Luo Yong briefly explained his story, then lowered his voice and said, "The deceased is Master Su Er."

   Mr. Su Er

   Wang Tuiguan gave him a somewhat surprised look, stopped talking, and greeted Zuzuo casually and went in.

   Immediately, the people of the Su family finally arrived.

Master Su San hurried over, said hello to Luo Yong first, and then asked anxiously: "What's going on? It was said that there was a fire in the servant's room, why did the news come in that my second brother is here? My second brother What about people?!"

His anxiety was beyond words, and he was about to rush into the room before he could even finish speaking, but he was immediately stopped by Luo Yong, who looked at him lightly, coughed a few times, and said, "Third master, your condolences and change, two Master him."

   Master Su San shivered a few times, his face pale like a ghost under the thunder and lightning, and he took a step back absentmindedly.

  Fortunately, Li Rui supported him, so he did not fall.

   followed closely, and the soldiers who were ordered to search other rooms came out, and someone shouted: "Sir! There is still a discovery here, and there is also a dead person in this house to the east!"

   Master Su San was so anxious that he couldn't even utter a word.

At this moment, a soldier came in from behind in the rain and said solemnly: "Sir, three more corpses were found in the cellar, an old woman, a half-old child, and a child who seems to have been dead for at least a few days. already."

  Rayong's face was ashen.

   Master Su San even screamed: "What's going on?! What's going on?! Who wants to kill my second brother?!"

  Lightning lit up half of the sky, Li Rui followed him and came back, and returned to Master Su San with an ugly face: "It's Aunt Bai and her two granddaughters."

   Master Su San gritted his teeth and rattled.

   Even Rayong couldn't help his discoloration.

  So that means, plus the three people in this room, plus the one in the east room, seven people died in this yard? !

seven people!

   This is a big case.

   He immediately said to Master Su San without hesitation: "Master Su, the Shuntian Mansion will naturally find out about this matter. It's more important for you to stabilize your emotions first."

   Mr. Su San had sweat all over his forehead. He didn't seem to listen to what Luo Yong said at all, so he wanted to go in and see Mr. Su Er first.

   During the quarrel, Wang Tuiguan came out from the inside, and took Zuzuo to the east room again: "There is another one here."

  Master Su San chased after him and wanted to ask Wang Tuiguan what was going on inside, but Wang Tuiguan had to stop and say to him, "At present, the fatal injury is the stab wound, not the smoke or the fire."

  Li Rui suddenly shouted, pointed to the room tremblingly, and shouted: "Third Young Master, Third Young Master!!!"

   (end of this chapter)

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