Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 684: Eighty-three · fearless

   Chapter 684 Eighty-three No Fear

  Tong Er's face was very ugly. He lowered his head and said nothing. When he recovered, he sneered and said, "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about!" Then he ordered the people below: "Let's go!"

   The boy who just fell before him hurriedly helped him up with the other guards who came down.

  Su Rong stood in front of them just right.

  Master Tong couldn't bear it any longer: "What are you doing?!"

   "What to do, you should know best." Su Yao smiled lightly and glanced at Ruan Xiaojiu.

Ruan Xiaojiu received the order and hurriedly shouted: "Fathers and fellow villagers, how old do you have to be to lift such a big stone and smash someone?? If there is, then it is not the reincarnation of the overlord of Western Chu, right?! When we went up, we saw these people in the private room upstairs. The private room was brand new everywhere, except for small stones on the ground. What kind of children? Obviously these people did it on purpose! These people today Dare to play like this, what about tomorrow? This is clearly not taking human life as human life!"

   Of course!

  Who wants to be stoned to death while walking on the street?

   These people are really domineering, they don't take human life seriously at all, and the people point at Master Tong Er and curse.

  Tong Er had a livid face and buried his head to leave.

  How could Su Rong let them go? He led the guards to block them. The two sides were about to make a move, and the yamen talent was long overdue.

The yamen from Shuntian Prefecture came from behind. The whole way was full of damaged stalls and injured people. The officials were also full of anger. When they got to the front, they saw that there was going to be trouble, and they scolded angrily: "What are you doing?! Are you guys going to get together to fight or what?!"

The official headed by    saw Su Rong at a glance, and his face changed again: "It turned out to be Uncle!"

   Recognizing Su Rong, the attitude of the officials became much better, and asked Su Rong what happened.

Su Rong raised his finger and pointed at Master Tong Er: "Our carriage passed this place, and the roof of the carriage was broken by a big rock from the sky, and the horse ran away in fright. He and my sister were not on the carriage when the accident happened, but he was so frightened that we suspected that he was deliberately ambush here, intending to kill people."

ah? !

  The official was stunned, he didn't expect it to be such a big deal, he opened his mouth wide and forgot to respond for a while.

He was still pushed by the brother who came with him, and he realized that, thinking of the mess that happened just now, he also had an explanation, and the official couldn't help but also filled with righteous indignation: "It's really a **** who's full and doesn't do anything, right? ? This is a busy city! Are you dying?!"

   bowed his hands to Su Rong again: "I'm really sorry, Uncle, you were shocked, I'll take people back here and ask the eldest to punish!"

   After he finished speaking, he kicked Master Tong Er again: "You are so sinister!"

It's not easy for them either. Recently, I don't know what happened in Shuntian Prefecture. One accident after another, the troubles caused by Xu's family are over, and now there are still censors holding Shuntian Prefecture. It is said that Shuntian Prefecture is incompetent, so that incidents occur frequently within the jurisdiction, the security is not good, and the people are panic-stricken.

   The life of the eldest master of Shuntianfu was not easy, and of course the life of their subordinates was even more difficult, and now they are afraid of accidents.

  How could they have a good voice against the troublemakers?

  Master Tong Er was kicked on the buttocks. He was immediately furious and wanted to scold people, but he was worried that things would get worse, so he had to distinguish with a cold face: "I didn't do it! They framed it!"

Mrs. He glanced at him with a sneer, knowing that he was trying to use the trick, she ignored him at all, and only negotiated with the officials of the Shuntian Mansion: "I want to go to the palace to face the holy man, and I will work **** everyone here. My lord, please give me justice."

  Who doesn't know that Mrs. He is a popular person in front of the emperor, the officials hurriedly expressed their position, and promised that the bad guys would not go unpunished.

   Mrs. He nodded. At this time, another carriage to hire also arrived. Mrs. He boarded the carriage, and before leaving, she gave Mr. Tong Er a meaningful look.

  Master Tong Er was chilled all over by her sight, and felt extremely irritable. When he got to the yamen and saw the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture, he sat down on the chair next to him.

  Shuntian Mansion Master Qin was really frightened by him, and sighed at him with a wry face: "Tell me about you, why are you going to trouble them again? The last trouble is over, look at this"

   The last thing naturally refers to the Xu family.

The prefect of Shuntian Prefecture was Xu Shun's protégé, so he naturally had to look at Xu Shun's face, but it was Gao Ping who tried the case before. When the Ministry of Punishment concluded the document, he sent a bottle of poison to Mrs. Qi.

   That's it, Shuntian Prefecture is still under investigation.

   Gao Ping insisted that they were ineffective in guarding the prisoners and wanted to impeach their corpses. Now their days are very sad.

  Tong Er was not angry. He fell from the second floor, but he didn't break his arm or leg. At this time, he was still alive and kicking: "Don't talk so much!"

After being shouted by Master Tong Er, the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture was speechless, he silently scolded Master Tong Er in his heart, and then he said helplessly: "You can't do anything about throwing fire at me, you shouldn't have it. It's so risky, the things ahead are all over, now you say, what should I do here?"

"What to do with it!" Master Tong Er's face was getting worse and worse, he glared at him, and he made it clear: "This is what my sister-in-law asked me to do, what are you afraid of? If something goes wrong, go ahead. Of course, we still have to bear it, and besides, if the big deal is really investigated at that time, it will not be too late for you to be selfless!"

  Master Qin became more and more blocked and could not say anything, so he took a sip of tea and had to nod his head.

  Sometimes, the person sent by the Tong family to pick up the second master of Tong also arrived.

  Tong Er returned home angrily and went straight to Qi Yunxi's study.

   Qi Yunxi was drinking tea with Mr. Bai, and when he saw him come in, Mr. Bai smiled: "Second master is really suffering."

Master Tong Er's head is still hurting now. Hearing him say that, he was annoyed and turned to look at Qi Yunxi and asked rudely: "Sister-in-law, you said that as long as you let me stop her first, you have a way, then you Have you figured out a way? If you let that woman come out well, they won't let me go, but you didn't see that girl looking at me like she was going to eat people!"

   (end of this chapter)

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