Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 710: One hundred and nine · Ignore

   Chapter 710 One Hundred Nine · Ignore

  Tian's mother hurriedly rolled around with the tablet and stood up, holding the tablet carefully in her hand and looking at the Empress Dowager Tian to plead guilty: "It's all my carelessness. Please forgive the Empress Dowager!"

  Where did the Queen Mother have the intention to commit crimes? The daughter's spiritual position almost went wrong. She was sweating on her forehead anxiously, and she was dizzy and finally stood up. She didn't hesitate to reach out. There was no damage in the slightest, only relieved.

   And the little palace maid Qinghe on the side has hurried to help Tian Xun who was still on the ground.

   "Yeah! Miss Tian, ​​your hands are bleeding!" Qinghe opened her eyes wide and hurriedly wanted to help Tian Xun stop the bleeding. Seeing that Tian Xun's wound was a little ferocious, she couldn't help but gasp.

   This movement has attracted the attention of the people around him. Tian Xun bit his lip, his eyes were full of tears, but he still shook his head with gritted teeth: "It's not a big deal, it doesn't hurt, it's still the spiritual position of Her Royal Highness that matters."

   After she said that, she hurriedly asked Mother Tian, ​​"Mom, are you alright? How is His Highness's spiritual position?"

   is really a kind-hearted girl, and everyone couldn't help but sighed in their hearts.

  The Empress Dowager Tian was even more moved, and she even gave her some attention and warmth: "It's okay, it's okay, you girl"

   She said and took a few steps forward. When she saw the wound on Tian Xun's elbow, she couldn't help but startled. She didn't expect Tian Xun's injury to be so serious.

   Seeing that the skin on the elbow was all torn, and blood was oozing out now, she frowned tightly: "Why is this okay? Hurry up, go and ask the imperial doctor to take a look."

   On the other hand, people took Tian Xunxian back to the palace.

   Tian Xun refused, and shook his head hesitantly: "Niangniang, I also want to do my part for Her Highness, so I'll go back after the ceremony is over."

"It's not too bad." Even though she knew that Tian Xun had always been a girl with good intentions, and she said these words to please herself, but in the end Tian Xun really went out to save the spiritual position just now, and the Queen Mother Tian treated her to her. I felt a little more favorable, and even more moved when I heard this, and reprimanded with a stern face: "I know you are filial and kind, but this is not the time to be brave, you have just been sincere, everyone has seen it, and Jing Ming must have seen it too. Come on, come on, go back and bandage the wound, don't leave any scars, it's a girl after all."

   Tian Xun timidly replied yes, subconsciously looked at Xiao Heng next to him, but found that Xiao Heng was not looking at him, but was looking at Tian's mother, she couldn't help but be shocked.

  Empress Dowager Tian saw her going to see Xiao Heng, she immediately understood, and after a little thought, she said, "Ah Heng, please help Aijia to send her back."

   Xiao Heng reacted, his eyes fell on Tian Xun for a moment, and he quickly moved away, shaking his head lightly: "I'm afraid that Miss Tian's reputation will hinder, let the steward in your palace go."

The Queen Mother Tian did not force it. She could be considered to have a bit of Xiao Heng's temperament. She knew that Xiao Heng was the most soft-hearted and not hard-hearted. You, so she just coughed and then hummed: "Yes, what Ah Heng said makes sense, so let Xiao Xun go back to rest first."

   paused and calmly appeased Tian Xun: "Wait until Aijia goes back to see you, you rest first."

  Tian Xun felt a huge gap in his heart.

   Avoid suspicion?

  Everyone in this world can say such things, but Xiao Heng’s words like this are especially ridiculous. Does he, Xiao Heng, care about reputation and care about these red tape people’?

   At the evening palace banquet, he stood in front of Su Yao and shot the black bear!

   Why didn't you have to avoid suspicion at that time? Don't you have to avoid suspicion just because it's Su Invitation?

   She was embarrassed and embarrassed in her heart, and she felt very incomprehensible, so she couldn't help but look straight at Xiao Heng?

   Doesn't Xiao Heng have a heart? !

   She has worked hard to send news to Xiao Heng during this time, but if there is any trouble that is more important than Xiao Heng himself, he really doesn't realize it?

But Xiao Heng was also looking at her. When he looked at her, his eyes were clean and there was no emotion, as if in his eyes, she was like a tree and a grass, and he couldn't see her in his eyes. Appreciate it half way.

   Tian Xun closed his eyes, and with tears in his eyes, he was helped by Qinghe to stand up, and he still didn't say a word until he returned to his bedroom.

   Qinghe looked a little worried, and hurried up to cut off the fabric of the injured area for her, for fear that the wound would stick to the clothes.

Tian Xun ducked away expressionlessly, shook his head to indicate no need, and caught Qing He's puzzled gaze, she suppressed the irritability in her heart and smiled at Qing He: "I'm afraid of the pain, so I'll have to wait until the imperial physician arrives. Besides, Qinghe, please bring me a cup of tea, I'm a little thirsty."

   Qinghe didn't dare to move any more, and hurriedly put the things in his hand and went out.

   There were only two people left in the bedroom, Tian Mama and Tian Xun.

  Tian's mother saw that Tian Xun's elbow injury was a little shocking, so she couldn't help but reminded: "You wait for the clothes to stick to the wound, and then the recovery will be slower."

   "I know." Tian Xun lifted his eyelids and glanced at her, and twitched the corners of his mouth lightly: "So what? Only if the injury is impressive, the Empress Dowager will remember why I was injured."

   Tian's mother hesitated, but she could see that the little girl in front of her just looked gentle and gentle, but she was actually more thoughtful than anyone else.

   She didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only exhale deeply: "I did what I promised to do for you, girl, if you don't have any orders."

Before Mama Tian could finish speaking, Tian Xun interrupted her: "Where did Mama say? Where are you now? There are still many places where Mama's help is needed. Isn't it a waste of time?"

   Tian's mother was stunned: "But you were obviously not."

"Isn't it?" Tian Xun looked at her with a half-smiling smile: "What did I say? I said it, I have to rely on my mother to get me the complete trust of the Queen Mother, but why doesn't my mother listen? Complete trust?"

   This is just the beginning.

Tian's mother's mouth was dry, and she felt that her back was gloomy. Before she could say anything, the imperial doctor came. She was relieved as if she had been granted amnesty. When the imperial doctor came in, she saw Tian Xun. She couldn't help frowning immediately: "That's not possible, the girl's wound is sticking to her clothes, and now she has to cut the clothes, I'm afraid that the girl will suffer a little bit, and I'm afraid that the scars may be bigger. "

   (end of this chapter)

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