Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 721: one hundred twenty

   Chapter 721 Chapter 120 · Farewell

   Frankly speaking, it has been a few years since this granddaughter came back, but Mrs. Su never thought that Su Yao was someone who would be afraid of things and leave room for others.

   There is always a reason for Su Yao to step back.

She whimpered, and became even more itchy: "You girl is the most cunning and appetizing, but you should tell me quickly, you make a special trip to remind Cui Yuandao, so that he can go before Gao Ping finds out. One step, what is it for?"

Mrs. He burst into laughter. She and Mrs. Su had known each other when they were young. Both of them were carefree when they were teenagers. Being a widow, over the years, she herself has become accustomed to Old Madam Su's moody appearance. Now that she sees Old Madam Su like this, she can't help but feel both happy and emotional.

   Sadness, pain and despair are not the most terrible thing, but the most terrible thing is to live a life of insensitivity.

   Originally, the old lady Su was about to die.

   is only now popular.

   It is only when things are going well that they really support people.

   Mrs. Su might as well let Mrs. He suddenly laugh out loud and look at her strangely. Seeing that she was overjoyed, she was even more puzzled: "What's wrong with you? What's so funny?"

However, Su Yao could somehow understand what Mrs. He was laughing at. She explained to Mrs. Su softly, "I leave room for this. First, because Cui Yuandao is famous all over the world, people are not bad, we just have different positions. It's because Cui Yuandao was famous for his loyalty, bravery and loneliness during the era of the abolition of the emperor after all, and his ability to serve as an official is a symbol for the sage.

   The situation has finally stabilized a little bit, so why bother with the sudden twists and turns?

   Besides, not all enemies have to fight to the death. Sometimes, there are other ways.

   After all, there will be no permanent enemies in this world, but interests are forever.

  Old Mrs. Su understood a little, and nodded after thinking for a while.

   The night finally passed, and early the next morning, Princess Fenyang heard that Cui Yuandao was coming, and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

She is the uncle she knows best, and he has never been more lofty. It stands to reason that he has to stay at home for a while longer, and let those old and old disciples swarm to send greetings. .

   But why did you come here at this time?

   He was reluctant to have any contact with the palace before.

But the doubts in her heart turned into doubts. On her face, Princess Fenyang invited people in without delay. She greeted Cui Yuandao with a smile, and then asked softly, "Uncle came so early, you haven't eaten yet, right? Here comes a cook from Sichuan, didn't you say that you liked the food in Shu when you traveled far? Let him show you a hand today."

   She had a gentle attitude and a warm smile on her face. She thought that Cui Yuandao had figured it out, but who knew that Cui Yuandao sat upright and shook his head.

   Seeing his attitude, Princess Fenyang smiled slightly, raised her eyebrows and shouted suspiciously, "Uncle?"

  Cui Yuandao let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a calm expression: "I'm here to say goodbye to the princess."

   Princess Fenyang was stunned for a moment, and the movement of holding the teacup in her hand paused, frowning and did not respond for a while.

   Then she couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

   Farewell? !

  The family has spent so much effort and done so much to pave the way, just waiting for Cui Yuandao to set foot on this road and lead the family to greater glory.

   But now, Cui Yuandao actually said that he wanted to pick a child?

   Princess Fenyang's usual calm and demeanor vanished for a while, she couldn't even maintain her dignity and gentleness, she raised her voice with a stern face: "Uncle!"

  Is this a child playing house? !

   If you don’t want to play, you won’t play anymore?

Cui Yuandao naturally understood the anger of Princess Fenyang, he let out a long sigh, and said with a wry smile: "The old man is useless, and the family and the princess are troubled, but I have already made a decision on this matter, and when I enter the palace later, naturally I will explain my attitude to the sage, and ask the princess to know."

   Princess Fenyang couldn't calm down, she only felt ironic.

  Cui Yuandao would make this decision in a dizzy mind, which really surprised her. She couldn't help but patted the table: "Uncle, how many people are involved in this matter, don't you know? How can you be so childish?!"

Cui Yuandao no longer entangled with her, but just repeated his position: "Princess forgiveness, if there is any decision in the clan, I have no objection, but this matter cannot be reversed. I will return to my hometown later. , these times make the princess worry."

Princess Fenyang only thought it was absurd, but Cui Yuandao had a high status. After he returned to Beijing, there were as many people who wanted to see him as crucian carp crossing the river. Emperor Yuanfeng in the palace also had the will of summoning him. Could she still force Cui Yuandao to do it? What?

Seeing that Cui Yuandao was gone, Princess Fenyang couldn't help but throw a set of Ru kiln porcelain. She still felt a dull pain in her heart. What a stupid thing.

  The room was completely quiet, and the servants outside had already heard the movement, and they all shrank their necks as if they didn't hear it, and didn't dare to come in and ask.

   It was Mr. Cui who came, and everyone told him about Cui Yuandao’s visit as if he had been granted amnesty.

   Mr. Cui heard that Princess Fenyang was so angry after Cui Yuandao came, and he couldn't help but wonder. When he heard that Princess Fenyang said that Cui Yuandao was going to leave and return to his hometown, his mind buzzed even more.

   "How come?" Mr. Cui thought it was unbelievable: "Mr. Cui didn't have any objections before, what happened to him?"

"How do I know?" Princess Fenyang's heartbeat accelerated with anger, and her face was ashen: "What did he think he was doing? Everyone has already done this for his sake, so he said that he didn't want to go into office, what should he do to others? ?!"

   No, Mr. Cui, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't help but grimaced.

"That's not possible." Mr. Cui let out a deep breath: "Now Mr. Bai has finally let go and agreed to our proposal to take over the affairs of Qi Yunxi. If something goes wrong at this time, then All previous efforts have been forfeited. But we have already given Mr. Bai so many things in order to show our sincerity! At this time, if something goes wrong, not only will it be a waste of water, but Mr. Bai will become angry and become enmity with us. "

   Where are those people in the southeast so easy to pass up?

  Princess Fenyang was very annoyed: "Go check it out to see if something happened to them. I want to know what they were doing last night."

   (end of this chapter)

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