Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 734: One hundred and thirty-three traps

  Chapter 734 One Hundred Thirty-Three Trap

  The sun in the afternoon made people a little dizzy. Su Yao and Shen Jiayan went to a tea house next to them. They sat down on the street and asked for a pot of tea and a few side dishes, so they simply sat down.

   When Cui Liuye came here to fool around, she didn't see Cui Yuandao and Gao Ping coming to confront each other, but today she can obviously make up for the regret of not seeing the excitement before.

   tapped his fingers on the table, Su Yaozheng was in a trance, and suddenly heard Shen Jiayan whisper.

   "Sister! It's that Tian Cong!" If Shen Jiayan realized something, he would have known that Su invited him here to trouble Tian Cong. Now that he saw someone here, he was even more sure.

  Su Yao twitched the corners of his mouth, clicked his tongue, and jokingly said, "I really can't help but calculate, it's far worse than his sister."

   Such an idiot even dares to come out and plot people with impunity.

  Tian family's upbringing of their children is really daunting.

   Tian Cong downstairs hummed a little tune and got off his horse. Today, he humiliated Su Yao, who had been talked about by his sister all the time.

He has been with Mr. Tian Er for a long time. He has always been good at eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling. If he is happy, he will naturally look for fun, and he has long despised ordinary fun. He was aroused by a person, who talked about the secret door, just bumped into his heart, gave the person some money, got the address, and came happily.

  There are many secret doors in the capital, but there are only a few who can choose such a big place. Tian Cong rubbed his hands in high spirits and knocked on the door without saying a word.

   The two **** in the mouths of the two stone lions at the door seemed to be shaking. Shen Jiayan couldn't hold back his doubts and asked Su Yao what was inside.

  Su invites to think for a long time, but just said softly: "It's something that can't be touched, no one can touch it."

   If you touch it, you will be unlucky.

   But men in this world always feel that they are the special one favored by God, and bad things should not fall on their own heads. Who would not want to be a woman who can play the emperor?

   Even Tian Cong is only fourteen years old, isn't he still full of five poisons, and now even the secret door is coming?

   Shen Jiayan was thoughtful, the door had already creaked open, Tian Cong didn't know what to say to the gatekeeper, his wife couldn't get in after a dispute, so he couldn't help but make a scene at the door.

   At this moment, Shen Jiayan keenly saw a group of officials coming from the street, and could not help reminding Su Yao: "Sister, there is a group of officials."

  Su Yao hummed, the official messenger was called by her.

  Little Er came over to serve the dishes, and only after serving a plate of small fried fish, he snorted a little confused: "Why is the door on the other side?"

  There is no impermeable wall in the world, and there is no serious business on the opposite side. In fact, the people nearby have a vague idea, but since they dare to do such a business, they naturally have their own reasons. No one wants to cause trouble for themselves, so they just don’t know.

   I just didn’t expect that a while ago, I didn’t know what happened, this place was suddenly closed, and it was empty all the time.

   He thought that the opposite door was closed, but today, he looked at it, why was it open again?

  Su invites a smile.

   Ever since she set eyes on Cui Liuye, she has been letting Ruan Xiaojiu pay attention to this place and the nunnery where the concubines of the abolished emperor are housed. Naturally, she knows that they plan to clean up their things and start a new one.

   was just right, so she gave Tian Cong a big gift.

   At this time, Tian Cong was irritably arguing with the concierge. He just wanted to have some fun and entertainment, but it was clear that it was right here, but these people pushed things around and made no money.

  The concierge didn't know how this idiot found this place, and he was nervous at first. Seeing that he was going to force his way, he was in a hurry, so he could only grab him and pull him in, for fear that he would continue to shout.

But in the midst of the entanglement, what you are afraid of will come. It is clear that you are afraid of the people from the government, and the people from Shuntian Palace really come - Zhang Tuiguan, who has been newly transferred to the Shuntian Palace, leads a few officials to come here. .

   Ruan Xiaojiu ran upstairs from downstairs panting, and nodded lightly to Su Yao: "Girl, it's done."

   Zhang Tuiguan naturally also sent someone to notify him.

   Anyway, this big net is about to be pulled apart. Naturally, it should be pulled by those who dare to do things.

   Tian Congzheng was inexplicable. He didn't know what medicine the group of people sold in the gourd. Suddenly, the officials came, and before they could put oil on the soles of their feet, they were blocked by the officials.

  The officer rushed over and arrested them all, even though Tian Cong yelled in a hurry, he later revealed his identity.

  But even so, Zhang Tuiguan still did not blink, and let the people below him tie Tian Cong up.

   Things got bigger.

   In the afternoon of the same day, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture rushed to Zongzheng Temple.

Zongzheng Temple was originally in charge of King Fenyang. Later, when King Fenyang had an accident, he handed it over to Mu Yongping, the new minister of the Ministry of Rites. When Mu Yongping was still sitting in this seat, he received a big news. Everyone was dumbfounded.

   If he had not been immersed in the officialdom for many years, he would have almost lost his temper. Even so, he couldn't help but scolded his mother several times. After that, he was worried about the governor of Shuntian for a while, and he had to go to see Emperor Yuanfeng.

Tian Cong didn't go home for two days in a row. Mrs. Tian was already insane. She knew that Tian Cong was used to playing tricks. , Mr. Tian Er returned with a dismal face, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn: "Sister-in-law doesn't need to look for it, I know where he is."

   Mrs. Tian hurriedly asked where she was.

  Tian Er's face turned pale, and after a while, he lowered his voice and replied, "I'm at Dali Temple."

  Dali Temple?

   Mrs. Tian was stunned, then she forced a smile and asked, "What trouble did he get into?"

   Tian Cong is not very old, but he has already caused troubles every three days. He used to be bullying men and women. The Shan family is this noble title. They don't need you to tell them, they have put things down for you.

   Mrs. Tian thought he had caused trouble outside again.

  Tian Er Master was rarely downcast this time. He lowered his head and covered his face with his hands and let out a long breath. Then he said to Madam Tian as if he was going out of his way, "He, he went to the secret door and was arrested by Shuntian Prefecture."

   Mrs. Tian cursed with hatred for not being steel, but she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   Seeing Mr. Tian Er take such a serious matter just now, she felt a heavy heart and thought that something major had happened. Now this is naturally not a good thing, but it is much better than she expected.

  Tian Er was really about to cry this time, and he shook his head: "No, sister-in-law, in that house, there are people from Qingjing Temple!"

   (end of this chapter)

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