Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 782: One hundred and eighty-one intercession

   Chapter 782 One Hundred Eighty One · Intercession

   Mr. Cui was sitting opposite her. This time, when she came to Shuntian Mansion, Princess Fenyang was in a bad mood. Her whole person was irritable and gloomy, and she did not have the high spirits of the previous days. Mr. Cui has been with the princess for a long time, knowing that Princess Fenyang is a little scared. In fact, she has always been taboo about Su Yao, but she has always been stubborn and refused to admit it, but now she only has a little trouble, she suspects that it is because she has calculated Su Yao , and was turned back for revenge.

After waiting for a while, Princess Fenyang's patience gradually ran out. The knuckles of the back of her hand holding the cup were protruding, and the blue veins were very obvious. She closed her eyes fiercely, and put the cup on the table with a bang. , asked the palace chief of Shuntian Mansion, who came in, sharply: "Lord Ran, this princess has been here for so long, and your Shuntian Mansion Mr. Qin is so neglectful!?"

   Lord Ran was equally embarrassed. No one was a fool. He grabbed his elder brother on the front foot, and the princess on the back came to the door. It was obvious that she came to Xing Shi to ask her guilt. How could Lord Qin come out to see Princess Fenyang? Master Qin is the boss of Shuntian Mansion. He doesn't want to come out, so this matter falls on his second-in-command.

   Seeing that he could not pass by pretending to be stupid, Lord Ran said slowly: "Princess Rongqi, you are really busy with official business and can't leave."

"I'm busy with official business." Princess Fenyang has tried her best to endure, but when she heard this evasive cliché, she couldn't help but feel angry and gritted her teeth angrily: "Don't tell this princess these lies! You guys directly arrested me from my Fenyang palace. Brother, what's the reason, don't you give an explanation?! In broad daylight, the world is bright. Shuntian Mansion is so daring now, do you really think that my Fenyang Palace is empty?!"

No one wants to be put on a big hat for bullying a widow, not to mention that this widow's identity is unusual, Lord Ran's mouth is full of blistering, and he shakes his head with a bitter face: "The princess is serious, but now the manor There is a case that requires Third Master Cui to cooperate with the investigation, how dare you arrest someone without evidence?"

Princess Fenyang was keenly aware of the key point in his words, and immediately asked: "That means, you have evidence and evidence? Since you have evidence and evidence, let's talk about why the person was arrested!? If you don't tell me that you are ugly, this princess is not going to go back to the palace, so I went straight to the palace to ask the sage!"

She has a good face in the palace, and Lord Ran knows it. Hearing her so aggressive, he didn't know what to say when there was a knock on the door, and a clerk came in to report: "Fucheng, there is progress on the pusher's side. ."

As if Mr. Ran had been granted an amnesty, he cupped his hands towards Princess Fenyang and quickly walked to the side. When he finished hearing the clerk's words, he turned his head, and his face was no longer as embarrassed as before, but he just walked to Princess Fenyang again. After paying a salute, he shook his head in a magnanimous manner: "Princess, I just understood. I'm afraid that Third Master Cui is involved in a murder case, so I can't go back with you."

With a click, the teacup in Princess Fenyang's hand fell heavily to the ground, and the fragments flew up and splashed on the back of her hand, making a cut on the back of her hand, but she couldn't care about it now.

She knew that things might be bad this time, but Cui Sanye always swore that there would be no problem. He had already cleaned up the beginning and the end, including that Wu Qianniang, who he had already arranged a few years ago. chess pieces, no one will be suspicious.

   She still had some hope in her heart, hoping that the Shuntian government came to find Third Master Cui not for that case.

   But now, this hope was suddenly shattered, her throat was sore, her eyes burst out fiercely, and she barely asked, "What did you say!? What case?!"

   Mr. Cui's eyebrows have moved, and he has already noticed that the Shuntian government dares to hang the princess, which means that there is always something to rely on.

"Back to the princess' words, speaking of which, the princess must have heard of this case. The case of the fourth master Cui Chengmao's murder of his wife has now made new progress. A neighbor has proved that on the day of the accident, a strange man hurried from Cui's house. Zili ran out, and someone has already recognized that person, that person is Brother Cui Sanye." Master Ran was very calm now, and said with a cold face: "In addition, Wu Qianniang also admitted that she did not faint at the time, but was Brother Ling threatened, so I had to assist Brother Ling to kill Li, and put the killing dagger in the hands of Fourth Master Cui."

   Princess Fenyang's hands and feet were cold when she heard it. She didn't expect that in just a few days, things would take a turn for the worse, with such a big change.

   Third Master Cui went to Fourth Master Cui on the day of the accident? !

   She was stunned, and then shook her head flatly: "It's absolutely ridiculous! Just based on the one-sided words of a few of them, you will find my brother guilty! I have to sue the Holy Spirit!"

   Threats like this are meaningless.

Mr. Ran was in a bit of trouble before, but when the news came from Zhang Tuiguan, he took a firm attitude and shook his head at Princess Fenyang unshakably: "Princess, the matter within the jurisdiction of Shuntian Prefecture is our responsibility. Don't dare to delay, if you have any dissatisfaction, please sue or impeach."

   Princess Fenyang was trembling with anger, but she couldn't see Lord Qin until the end.

   After leaving the gate of Shuntian Mansion, Princess Fenyang was in a hurry. She and Third Master Cui had a good relationship since childhood.

When she went home, she went to find the entourage who followed the third master Cui and the servants of the Cui family, but the third master Cui was very suspicious when he did things. He would never tell anyone who had nothing to do with his own affairs , Ask those people, and those people don't know much.

   After a few days of tossing around like this, Princess Fenyang was like ants on a hot pot rushing around in circles.

  Mr. Bai was busy dealing with the incident in Xiangtan County last time. When he heard that Princess Fenyang was here, Mr. Bai stopped what he was doing and frowned, and let someone come in.

Princess Fenyang was so anxious that she couldn't think about it. It was absolutely impossible for her to sue for this matter. Cui Yuandao was sentenced to the clan, and she also asked Xiao Heng to go to Yunnan with his son. Being framed, he couldn't go to Yunnan, but as a result, Mrs. Cui was killed by Third Master Cui, so who was the purpose aimed at? This is self-evident. If you really want to file a complaint at this time, it is tantamount to seeking death, and Princess Fenyang is in pain.

   Mr. Bai asked her bluntly when he saw her: "What happened to the third master?"

  Princess Fenyang was exhausted, she said this in a low voice, and asked Mr. Bai, "Mr. is so powerful, is there any way to kill my brother?"

   (end of this chapter)

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