Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 797: One hundred and ninety-six · Burning the boat

   Chapter 797 One hundred and ninety-six · Burning the boat

   He was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

   Now that we are at sea, there is no way to send the news out.

I just don't know what's going on in the Xu family. Shen Hai's daughter is raised in the Xu family. We all know that the Xu family has been raised well all these years. What's wrong, you must know, how much benefit Xu Fengqing has gained here by relying on this child?


   He was in a panic for a moment.

  The people who are blown by the sea wind are uneasy. I don’t know how many days have passed, Uncle Hai has not seen the thin monkey again. When he sees the thin monkey again, the big ship will turn around and go back. He finally found an opportunity, grabbed the thin monkey and asked him what was going on.

However, the thin monkey changed his previous flexibility, and shook his head deadly: "Don't ask about Uncle Hai, it's not good for you to know more, anyway, the anger above can't be extinguished for a while, if something big happens, you still do it. Take care of yourself, don't come to the muddy waters."

  Uncle Hai can't do anything, he has never seen a thin monkey like this.

He had to keep his thoughts in his mind, wait until the boat came to the shore, thinking that he would take an opportunity to go ashore, but before he could go out, he was stopped back, saying that there was an order from above, and no one was allowed to go out without authorization. Going ashore is a loss of life.

Uncle Hai is really in a hurry now. Seeing that Boss Ma and the others have been on the big boat all day, he doesn't know what to discuss. He has a bad premonition in his heart, but he can't think of any way to do it. Seeing a few more boats approaching not far away, he couldn't help but widen his eyes - he knew it, these boats were all from Dongying.

   Now he can't sleep anymore.

  What is Boss Ma going to do?

   Even if there is something wrong with the child raised by Xu Fengqing, what big problem could it be?

   Boss Ma is very cautious, these Dongying people, he usually let the middleman to contact, it is not a last resort, he never sees himself, but now he wants to see these people

He was so terrified that he didn't dare to close his eyes for a few days, but he would do whatever he was afraid of. He was cooking this day when he suddenly heard a few shouts from outside, and then the skinny monkey jumped into the cabin, just like before. When you reach for food, you gobble it up.

   Uncle Hai never let go of the sigh that was hanging in his heart. Seeing him, he was relieved and hurriedly asked those Dongying people.

  Skinny Monkey looked a little more popular this time, and raised his eyebrows with a tut: "Uncle Hai, do you know what those people are here for?"

   for what?

  Uncle Hai shook his head, put his hand on the apron and rubbed his head: "What are you doing? Those are from Dongying!"

"Come on, Uncle Hai, don't act like you haven't seen the world before, don't you know that these Dongying people actually listen to our king?" Thin Monkey rolled his eyes: "I told you, last night, They went to Quanzhou waters and burned more than a dozen boats."

   Uncle Hai's right eyelid jumped violently and uncontrollably, and everyone was a little wooden: "What kind of boat is burning?"

   Those Dongying people really can do everything.

  Skinny Monkey smiled without saying a word.

   At this time, at Juhai Village in the capital, Bai Qiye was sitting idle with Master Yuan. He threw the singers out, raised his eyebrows and looked at Master Yuan: "Why, Master Yuan has really become a seed of infatuation, and he really can't forget about that flower girl?"

Master Yuan was shocked by him, and when he heard what he said, he quickly shook his head: "Just kidding, Seventh Master, I was thinking, and I don't know what's going on on my side now, I don't know. Are you afraid of hurting you too?"

Speaking of what happened in Yunnan, Master Yuan slapped his waist and sat up straight, and regained his energy: "If it goes well, as long as you can seize the opportunity to kill them, there will be no trouble at all. ."

"With your brother-in-law's help, how could it not go well?" Bai Qiye laughed, said a few words to Master Yuan, and stood up: "Okay, Master Yuan, I thought you had something important to do. If it's just for this, then we can only wait for the news."

   Lord Yuan finds it strange that Bai Qiye seems to be in a particularly bad mood recently, no matter what he does, he seems to be very preoccupied.

   But he also knew that Bai Qiye was a pirate in the past, and he didn't want to have any conflict with Bai Qiye, so he agreed with a hum, and stood up to say goodbye.

He just went out, and Qin Feng couldn't wait to knock on the door from the outside and come in, looking at Bai Qiye with a pale expression: "Qiye, something happened! The dozen or so merchant ships that we originally set to go to sea on the third day of the seventh lunar month were all burnt. It's gone!"

  Bai Qiye stopped immediately when he was pouring tea, looked up at him in disbelief, then threw the cup and asked fiercely, "What did you say!?"

"The merchant ship was burned." Qin Feng was sobbing, and he was about to cry, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and opened his mouth nervously and terrified: "Yes, it was done by the Dongying people, it was for our ship, and we stopped together. Those boats at the pier, there are also other boats, no accident, even our accident, our people also died a lot, it is estimated that there are 20 or 30 people who died. The family wrote to say that we...we are here One loss is about 1,200,000 taels."

  1.2 million taels! Even if ten more Juhai Villages were opened in the capital, it would not be possible to earn this money within ten years.

   How big is this amount? It is also very important for the home!

  But now, something like this happened!

   The blue veins on Bai Qiye's forehead were prominent, the whole person looked surly and gloomy, and he was extremely angry. Instead, he was no longer violent, but was a little too calm, and asked again coldly: "Did you ask?"

   His Seventh Master Bai also started his life at sea, and there are really few who can break ground on him.

It is easy to ask who    is.

Qin Feng's face was even more ugly. He took out a letter and handed it to Bai Qiye, explaining: "My family said that it was Boss Ma who led people to do it. They don't talk much, just let us remember, Let us sink a boat when we go back to sea."

  Bai Qiye's heart sank to the bottom. He hurriedly reached out and took the letter and opened it. After reading it, he suddenly felt that his throat was blocked, and even his breathing felt vaguely sore.

   I'm really afraid of what to do!

   He slammed the paper on the table, closed his eyes, and then asked Qin Feng: "Go, let someone in, I want to go out of the city."

   Qin Feng agreed, and hesitated: "Godfather, where are we going?"

   "Go to Quanzhou!" Bai Qiye was furious: "It's going to turn the sky upside down!"

   (end of this chapter)

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