Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 916: One hundred and fifteen. Infighting

   Chapter 916 One hundred and fifteen infighting

   Where did Mr. Li succeed? He was chilled by Mrs. Li's words, and was momentarily frustrated and helpless: "Then what can I do? Mother she."

"Mother is confused, don't we all have to follow her to be confused?!" Mrs. Li sternly interrupted Mr. Li, seeing him looking at her in amazement, she said coldly: "If that's the case, then I said, you will kill me, Hui'er and Jinniang first, we don't want to end up like the people in the Fenyang Palace, with no dignity!"

   She slapped the dagger in front of Mr. Li, scaring Mr. Li back in a panic.

   Mr. Li was so frightened that his voice changed. Why did he want his wife and children to die?

  The dagger was placed there so brightly that it was piercing his heart. After hesitating for a while, he looked at Mrs. Li: "Then tell me, what can I do?"

"Are you confused?" Mrs. Li stepped forward and took his arm, her tone also slowed down: "The sage is His Highness's younger brother, who is that yours? Is the sage really a person without friendship? I think the sage is right The eldest princess Yongning and the Fenyang palace, and even the clan, did not take it seriously, even the Song family, he has been taking care of him, why don't you believe in the saint?"

After being analyzed by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Li is now full of confidence, and after analyzing it seriously with Mr. Li, she sighed: "Master, even if you really violated your mother's wishes, it is because of your loyalty to the king and patriotism, but also for this. For the sake of the family, do you believe it? Even if the second uncle and the others know about it, they can only thank you? Otherwise, is it really better for the whole family to go to the quagmire? "

   Mr. Li didn't sleep all night.

   The next morning, Mr. Li packed his bags and went out.

   Aunt Zheng went to deliver it in person, and when she returned to Princess Mingchang, she told the truth about Mr. Li's going out: "You guessed it right, Mr. Li really listened to your words."

The child raised by herself is naturally clear, Princess Mingchang snorted coldly, a little proud: "That's natural, the boss is honest and honest, he has no ability, but there is only one advantage, that is to be obedient. What I ask him to do, he will not If you don’t do it, there is a little benefit, that’s all.”

   She let out a slow breath, but the elation in her heart was quickly replaced by anger and disappointment.

   What's the use of being obedient, Mr. Li? In the final analysis, we have to be able to let out this breath, but Cui Qi and the others are incompetent and let people go!

   Aunt Zheng knew her temper, so she deliberately mentioned Eldest Princess Yongning: "There is one more thing I need to ask you about. Princess Yongning heard that she is also ill, and she is not very ill."

  According to the rules, Princess Mingchang's mansion should naturally be visited by gifts. After all, they are sisters.

Speaking of this matter, Princess Mingchang really eased up. This is how people are. When you are unlucky, think about someone who is more unfortunate than you, and the pain in your heart is not that big. She thought of Princess Yongning's concubine. He and his son were in the entourage, so they clicked their tongues and laughed mockingly: "I think I can take advantage of Xiao Heng's east wind and ignore us at all. She also has today. Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful, Tang Yuan and Tang Qingfeng are both here, and suddenly their husband and son died."

She said that she was pitiful, but there was no pity on her face. After mocking, she immediately said: "Let the eldest daughter-in-law figure it out, just give gifts according to the old practice, since she doesn't look down on us. , why should we climb high?"

  With the tragic situation of Princess Yongning in front of her, Princess Mingchang's heart is much better.

   At least she didn't have a dead son, and even if Li Jiamin made such a big mistake, she is still fine now, but she can't come back for a lifetime.

   In such a comparison, what is the difficulty of this idea?

   She will make a comeback sooner or later.

   Aunt Zheng agreed and went out.

Princess Mingchang had been raising her for a while, and then she went to the palace. After all, after such a big thing happened, she had to go to the palace to show a pity. Second, she also wanted to find out what happened to Xiao Heng now. so.

Empress Dowager Tian is now anxiously blistering. She is worried both about Xiao Heng and Su Yao, who has no news. A few days ago, she had heard Princess Eleven say that Su Yao had already left Beijing, although Su Yao had left the capital. The family said that she was looking for the Shen family, but after a little thought, the Queen Mother guessed that she was probably going to Yunnan.

She was worried, and when she saw Princess Mingchang, she didn't have a good voice - after all, she knew what happened in the paddock. Li Jiamin first killed Su Yao's horse, and then wanted Su Yao's life, if it wasn't because Princess Mingchang suddenly With a heart attack, Li Jiamin's life will not be saved now.

   She felt heartbroken when she saw Princess Mingchang.

The relationship between Princess Mingchang Zilai and the Empress Dowager Tian was only a friendly face. She naturally noticed Empress Dowager Tian's perfunctory and alienation, but she didn't take it to heart anymore. The more Empress Dowager Tian and the others were like, the worse the situation in Yunnan was. , Xiao Heng and the others have no news, that is the best news, she wished that the exact news of Xiao Heng's death would come today.

After finally sending Princess Mingchang away, Empress Dowager Tian rubbed her eyebrows and sneered: "I look at who can't see that she is gloating, and I don't know how she became like this, it really makes people panic when they see it. ."

  In the past, although Princess Mingchang was arrogant and arrogant, at least she was not so extreme. Empress Dowager Tian frowned: "She really came to a dead end all the way."

   When Emperor Yuanfeng recovered from his grief and anger, and recalled the performance of Princess Mingchang, would he feel happy?

   had already offended Emperor Yuanfeng, but she didn't know how to restrain herself. Princess Mingchang was really confused.

  Tian's mother also shook her head: "I'm afraid she still remembers the things that happened to the prince back then. She was so irritable."

  The Empress Dowager Tian laughed: "Then just wait and suffer!"

Princess Mingchang spent a few days at ease. Seeing Princess Yongning's distressed appearance, she felt even more at ease, and even more pleasing to the eyes of the people who looked after the family. Seeing Mrs. Li coming to greet her, she asked her in an unprecedentedly kind manner. : "What about your brother and sister-in-law? It's time to invite someone over for dinner. I was so excited a few days ago, don't worry about it."

After she has offended everyone, and then said this, Mrs. Li did not have the slightest turbulence in her heart, and shook her head lukewarmly: "Thank you mother for your kindness, my brother and sister-in-law have already set up the house, and they are busy with the decoration recently, I'm afraid it is I don't have time to come here. We have a lot of things to do at home, so don't bother. "

   Princess Mingchang frowned, not seeing her half-dead appearance, but before she had time to reprimand, Aunt Zheng walked in directly: "Your Highness, the palace has told you to enter the palace!"

   (end of this chapter)

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