Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 924: One hundred and twenty-three · proof

   Chapter 924 One hundred and twenty-three · Proof

Chu Shi finished the matter within a few days. It can be seen how he was favored in the prefectural yamen. When the Chu family got the news, the old master suddenly felt honored and called his son to touch his beard: "The matter has been It's done, your sister promised to hold a banquet at the prefect's yamen to entertain you and Deng Gongzi, you go and inform Deng Gongzi."

Speaking of which, Master Chu has been in high spirits recently and walks with wind. After all, she thought it was a good thing for her daughter to be the concubine of the prefect. Who knew that her daughter had the ability, and it didn't take long for the prefect to coax the prefect. After the divorce, the original spouse should straighten her up.

  The youngest son came back from a study tour, and he got the attention of his family in Guizhou, and he wanted to marry his daughter.

   Study politics in one place!

  If the son can really marry someone else's daughter, then what need to worry about in the future? Maybe even more beautiful than today's prefect, that family can really change the lintel.

   Therefore, Master Chu was very enthusiastic and valued about this matter. When he heard that he was concerned about having a concubine sister at home, he immediately came up with the idea of ​​letting his daughter hold a banquet to entertain Deng Gongzi and the others.

   Chu Yongcheng proudly responded, listened to his father's words, went to the accountant to pay the money, and went to the restaurant to find Mr. Deng.

   They met on the road. In fact, there was one thing he didn't tell his father, that is, he was not interested in Xuezheng, but the son of Master Xuezheng, that is, Mr. Deng.

Deng Gongzi and him knew each other, and took the initiative to mention to him that there was a little sister in the family who was waiting in the boudoir. The road guide was lost, and it was he who went to arrange the arrangements and arranged for Deng Gongzi to live in the restaurant.

   Carrying the silver note, his heart also warmed when he thought about the attitude of the family who heard about his marriage by Xuezheng these days.

  My father always said that he was not as good as the eldest brother, and my mother also felt that only the eldest brother held up the family lintel and was partial to the eldest brother, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't take him seriously.

   But things are different now. My father has said several times that he will be the pillar of the family in the future. This time, for his sake, he has scolded the elder brother and sister-in-law several times. Even the elder brother and sister-in-law have changed their attitude and greeted him with a smile.

   These are all brought about by this marriage.

   Chu Yongcheng took a breath and pushed open the door of Room No. 1 with a smile on his face: "Brother Deng! I'm here!"

   Mr. Deng was reading at the desk, when he heard the words, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter, I'm so happy, isn't there any happy event?"

Chu Yongcheng snorted: "This is a real happy event! Didn't Brother Deng always worry about my elder sister? My elder sister happened to be free recently, and she specially set up a banquet to entertain you. Look at you, you have to come. Staying in the inn, my parents have always said that I neglected you, so you should go home with me, right?"

Deng Gongzi closed the book and hesitated: "However, some of my entourage have also come here these days. You know, I was robbed a while ago, and all the money on my body was stolen, and I was also killed. I was separated from my entourage, and now they are here, there are quite a few people, will it be too annoying to go to your house?"

  Chu Yongcheng's eyes widened immediately: "What did Brother Deng say?! Is there a lack of accommodation for a few followers in my family?! If you are willing to go, it's too late for my parents and my parents to be happy! Hurry up and pack up and go!"

   Young Master Deng stood up with a smile: "Then I'm welcome." After that, he called the second brother to come in: "Please help me and call me a few followers."

   said to Chu Yongcheng: "They just found them, and there is no way to lead them. I was afraid of causing trouble for you, so I asked them to live in the firewood house."

   Chu Yongcheng frowned immediately: "Brother Deng is too pedantic! It's just a trivial matter, how can you make them so wronged?"

"It doesn't matter." Deng Gongzi laughed: "My father is the most strict. If he knows that we are bothering you so much, he will definitely punish me when I go back. Besides, they are not wronged. Brother, you are here. Is it?"

  The two were talking when there was a sudden noise outside. Seeing the second brother hurriedly running in, Deng Gongzi immediately frowned and asked, "What happened outside?"

Xiao Er was a little flustered: "The officers and soldiers are searching outside, and they want all the guests to go out, guide the roster to the road, and arrest those who do not match their identities. The guest officer also knows that there has been a major incident in our city recently. I heard that some thieves sneaked into the city, and officers and soldiers came to search every three or five."

   Young Master Deng looked at Chu Yongcheng with a puzzled face: "We have also been interrogated several times along the way, and we don't know who the thief is, and he is so inspiring."

   Chu Yongcheng also sighed: "Isn't it true, I heard that my brother-in-law has been very busy with this recently."

   After he finished speaking, he shook his head: "But it's none of our business, let's go, let's go home, my parents are waiting."

Deng Gongzi nodded, and before he could take a step, another young man ran in: "Keguan Keguan! Can your followers have the identities to lead? The official outside said that if they can't find a way, It's going to be taken away now!"

   Young Master Deng looked at Chu Yongcheng in embarrassment.

Chu Yongcheng was immediately annoyed, and raised his head to Deng Gongzi: "Don't worry, it's alright, I'll go out and have a look!" He immediately went out of the room and stood at the fence on the second floor to look into the lobby, and happened to be the leader today. The official clerk was the head of the yamen, and he happened to know him, so he raised his voice and shouted: "Chai Er! That's my son's guest! What are you doing?!"

Chai Er was sharpening his knives at first, but recently the urging has become more and more urgent, and assigned tasks, so that each of them must catch the rebels, otherwise they will be punished. The identity of the person, planning to take them back to pay off the debt this time, heard this shouting, and when he looked up and saw Chu Yongcheng, the fierceness on his face suddenly turned into a smile.

  Who doesn't know that Mrs. Futai has recently loved the house and Wu of the Chu family. Chu Shi is already the next Mrs. Futai. If she offends her family, she will blow the pillow wind behind her back, and no one will be able to eat and walk around.

Chu Yongcheng couldn't be offended, Chai Er hurriedly changed his attitude, glanced at the few people and smiled shyly: "Oh, I didn't know it was the guest of the young master, this is really a big water rushing into the Dragon King Temple, I am sorry for the young master. , I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Chu Yongcheng snorted coldly, and raised his chin reservedly: "Forget it, these are my son's guests, the servants of my master's mentor, but the thief stole the Lu Yin document, and my son was with them, My son has also been stolen, don't worry!"

   (end of this chapter)

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