Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 959: One hundred and fifty-eight lost

   Chapter 959 One hundred and fifty-eight · Lost

Outside in the west is a huge pond, which belonged to a wealthy family back then, and because of this pond, Wei Desheng felt more at ease—they have been operating for so many years, and it can be said to be a yard the size of half a town. , is their place, those people attacking from the east, it will take some time, and it is unrealistic to want to cover all four directions.

   There is the west side of the pond, so they wouldn't be on guard.

The loud noise behind him continued. The loud noise just now was not the end, but just the beginning. As he ran, he felt that the ground was shaking and moving, so that even with his psychological quality, he couldn't help but run. After a while, he quickly climbed up the courtyard wall with a few strokes and fell down from the courtyard wall.

Under the courtyard wall is really sparkling, Wei Desheng breathed a sigh of relief, he has always been good in water, he was a soldier on the coast of Fujian when he was young, and he was used to swimming. question.

   was relieved, Wei Desheng lightly landed on the ground, suddenly felt a stinging pain in his eyes, and couldn't open his eyes due to the bright light.

   He subconsciously covered his face with his good hand, and he was a little stunned. When he removed his fingers, his complexion suddenly turned pale as paper—what sparkling? What he saw just now was clearly a black head! Now these people almost have a torch in their hands, and the light here is like daytime, and he suddenly understands that he has been tricked by others!

   The loud noise in the front yard, a cautious person like him, must have gone in the opposite direction, they have already calculated it, and brought people here early to wait for the rabbit!

   "Master Wei?" A cool female voice sounded, like a ghost in this dark night.

  Wei Desheng followed the voice and looked over, the soldiers in front of him all moved out of the way, and a young girl walked out from behind them and was looking at him with a beaming smile.

   This girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a goose-yellow riding uniform, her face became more and more frosty under the torches, at this moment she tilted her head to look at Wei Desheng for a moment, and chuckled.

Wei Desheng got goosebumps all over his body when she laughed at her, and his guards were on the wall at this time - it wasn't that they didn't want to go down, but the archers standing in the distance were staring at them. , People have even drawn their bows, as long as they dare to move here, I am afraid that they will be shot into a hedgehog in the next moment.

  Su invite raised his hand slightly, and soon someone drove a group of people over.

"These people, Master Wei, do you know them?" Su Yao smiled: "Look, it's really flooded with the Dragon King Temple. These people are dressed in Yunnan guards' costumes, sneaking around the old house of Chu's family, claiming to be patrolling, I think Come on, they are from Lord Wei, why are they patrolling our Zhaotong, don't you think?"

  What else can Wei Desheng say?

   He was stunned.

   He thought that the plan had been successful, Xiao Heng and the others had been bombed to death, but now seeing these people know, what plan was successful? They are the ones who are being counted!

   I am afraid that they have been waiting for them to take the bait, waiting for them to kill themselves.

   But he was finally the commander-in-chief of the same place. Although he had already been fooled by others and was at a disadvantage, he quickly reacted and bowed his head with a livid face: "I don't know what you are talking about."

   "It doesn't matter if Mr. Wei doesn't know." Su Yao had already expected that he would not cooperate, so he clicked his tongue and laughed: "What is your identity, someone must know better than that, don't worry."

   She raised her hand, and immediately a group of people stepped forward and blocked Wei Desheng and the others.

Su Yao's tone was calm: "Master Wei, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. You should know how much gunpowder can blow up your yard like that? We can have so much gunpowder, it means we have worked hard, you better It is to cooperate, otherwise there are more than 400 archers here, I am afraid that they will not agree, I know that you are experienced in hundreds of battles, and the guards around you will definitely be able to match ten, but bows and arrows have no eyes, don’t you think?”

  Wei Desheng really convinced this girl who was younger than his daughter, and took a step back without saying a word.

   At the same time, the guards behind him moved and rushed straight towards the soldiers who came up to catch Wei Desheng.

  Su invites her complexion to cool down immediately, and she raises her hand without hesitation: "Release the arrow!"

   Almost as soon as she finished speaking, the archers in the distance immediately fired arrows, and several people on the wall fell in response.

Wei Desheng was guarded desperately by several personal guards, and he also took a knife to cover him. In this way, he was barely injured, but he also knew that the situation was over-the people had already blocked the way, and he was really well prepared. He said that he would let the arrow go without hesitation. He didn't dare to bet that these people would definitely die. After several weighings, there was still no action.

   He shouted, "Stop!"

  Su invite raised his eyebrows, raised his hands expressionlessly, and the archers all retracted their hands.

   Seeing that they were no longer struggling, the guards around Su invited swarmed up, threw Wei Desheng on the ground, cut his hands behind him, and held him to stand up.

When passing by the front yard, Wei Desheng saw the bombed house beyond recognition, and people moaning everywhere, his face sank, and he couldn't help but said to Su Yao, who was in front of him: "Girl is so cruel, aren't you afraid of retribution? ?"

   I don't know what's going on, why there is an inexplicable woman.

   Where did she come from?

   Judging by the way these soldiers are obedient to her, she clearly should have a high status, but I have never heard of any princess who came with her grandson. If you say she is the daughter of a high-ranking official, it doesn't look like it."

   He couldn't guess Su Yao's identity.

Su Yao glanced at the houses and the injured people with some surprise, and met Wei Desheng's eyes with a half-smile, although she was smiling, but for some unknown reason, Wei Desheng felt that her smile carried an invisible coercion and coercion. Endless indifference, he couldn't help but looked away first.

Su Yao waited until he looked away before chuckling: "It's strange, Mr. Wei, your people set the fire in the prefectural government office? At that time, why didn't you say that there would be countless casualties? Tonight, Chu Fengyuan in the Chu family also had such an explosive explosion, wouldn't there be any casualties? Why is it cruel for others to do what you can do?"

   She stared at Wei Desheng with a sullen face: "So I can tell Mr. Wei that I am not afraid of retribution, because repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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