Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 972: One hundred and seventy-one couples

   Chapter 972 One hundred and seventy-one · Husband and wife

  The injured people were properly settled, and Xiao Heng and Su invited them into Kunming City.

To say that Xiao Heng had always felt that Liao Jingxu was a little incompetent before, but when he entered Kunming City, he knew why these people loved this governor very much. Along the way, the official roads in Zhaotong and Qujing were full of potholes. Yes, there are not many good roads, even the prosperous streets of Zhaotong, the roads are a little uneven.

But Kunming is different. As soon as the carriage entered the city, Su Yao felt that the road was much smoother. She opened the curtain and saw that from the time she entered the city gate, there were many hawkers setting up stalls on the roadside, selling flowers, dried flour and other hawkers. Some people selling small bamboo baskets and small bamboo baskets were very lively along the way.

Everyone in the world pays attention to relocation, especially the natives, who pay more attention to a homeland that is difficult to leave. It is actually a difficult decision to ask them to come down from the mountains and move to the city from the place where they have lived all their lives. About half are natives.

   Looking at it this way, Liao Jingxu really worked hard to understand the people's livelihood in Yunnan.

   There are just a lot of things, and he was also forced to do so, and there was really nothing he could do.

  Su Yao said softly to Mrs. Yuan: "I originally thought that Kunming should be no better than Zhaotong and other places, but it is not like that."

"Actually, I thought so too at the beginning." Seeing this, Mrs. Yuan couldn't help laughing: "You also know that Yunnan has been fighting for many years, and the chaos, big and small, has not been completely calmed down. I was very angry at the time. I was terrified, but I didn’t know until I came here. It’s not all as scary as the outside world thinks. Take Zhaotong as an example. Zhaotong is actually pretty good. There are also prosperous restaurants and so on. As I said, after Mr. Liao came, he made great efforts to build roads, and many things could be transported out. Kunming is very prosperous. There are also places such as Dali, although they are the boundaries of the natives, but you don't know, Dali is also Very prosperous, not barren, you will know when you go."

   Yes, such a great river and mountain.

  Su invited a glance and lowered the curtain again.

Liao Jingxu is a person who can do things. Therefore, his governor's yamen also reflects this very honestly. Unlike the yamen in Guangdong, Guangxi and Lakes, Liao Jingxu's governor's palace has blue tiles and white walls. , Liao Jingxu went in to welcome Xiao Heng and the others, and they all settled down in person, only to see that Su Yao was in trouble.

   This is a girl, and she is also a county head. He really hadn't thought about how to arrange the female family members.

  Su Rong saw his embarrassment at a glance, and without thinking too much, he said straight: "My sister and I are in the same yard, the adults don't need to arrange another residence."

   Let Su Yao live in another place, not to mention the other side, he can't rest assured.

   Seeing him say this, Liao Jingxu didn't say much. After all, he knew how much a lady is very particular about her. He nodded, let everyone rest first, and went back to his room by himself.

After a tiring day, he personally rescued the people outside the city gate. Liao Jingxu was very embarrassed, his clothes were all torn, Mrs. Liao frowned, worried, put down the box in her hand and walked over to see him: " What's the matter? Why did you go out to meet the imperial envoy and come back like this? Are you injured?"

   Seeing that Madam was so worried, Liao Jingxu hurriedly smiled and shook his head: "Madam, don't worry, it's nothing serious, it's just scary looking. I'm not injured, these are the blood of others."

   Speaking of this, Liao Jingxu's face darkened a bit, and he told about the assassination incident outside the city.

   Mrs. Liao was quite unbelievable, she couldn't help but said: "Who is so bold to assassinate in front of all the officials in Yunnan? And it also affects so many people!"

Unlike ordinary ladies, Mrs. Liao is very knowledgeable, and she is also a very capable person. Seeing that her husband is so haggard and tired, she guessed that the situation outside the city must not be very good, thinking that her husband is from Yunnan. The first person, when something like this happened, it was her husband's greatest responsibility, and she felt very uncomfortable.

   Originally, it was very difficult for her husband to quell some villains with ulterior motives who turned their elbows out in the officialdom, and to deal with Mouton.

   Now that such a thing happens again, it is simply worse.

   She sighed, served her husband to change the clothes, followed up with the clean room to pick clothes for her husband, and asked him, "How is your Highness?"

  She knew her husband's temper, she was straight and straight, and used to being strong, she would offend people very much.

This time, the husband was still angry, and wanted to suppress the new imperial commissioner. He was afraid that the person who came here would be an idiot who only wanted to decide the bad things. If he did this, he would have offended people, and he would be held by them. Mrs. Liao is really worried about her husband's future.

  This official career is not official, I am afraid that a hat with ulterior motives will be buckled, and the husband will be attacked, and he will not even be an official.

  Liao Jingxu knew that his wife was worried, and it was him. At this time, he had to admit that His Highness was a powerful character. He said solemnly: "Don't worry, His Highness did not blame me, nor did he suspect that this matter was caused by me."

Mrs. Liao was a little surprised that    could make her husband say so.

   But then she reacted and couldn't help nodding her head and said, "Then, Your Highness, is a tolerant person."

   Liao Jingxu did not speak, he just tacitly agreed.

  Mrs. Liao was relieved, handed him a towel and asked softly, "Then, I will ask the people in the house to call the chef of Mingyuelou over to clean up the banquet for His Highness to clean up the dust?"

   This is also the friendship of the landlord that should be fulfilled.

  Liao Jingxu shook his head: "Don't be busy, Your Highness has an appointment tonight. Master Ji invites His Highness to have dinner in Qinyuan."

  Qinyuan is the property of the Ji family. It is a beautiful house with mountains and rivers. It is often foggy inside, like a fairyland.

   Hearing that the Ji family was hosting a banquet, Mrs. Liao pursed her lips and looked at her husband: "The Ji family is so diligent, must they still want to avenge the past and take back the seat of Dali?"

  When the Mu family forced the Ji family to be unable to stand in Dali, the Ji family had to find another way out. Although they have a firm foothold in Kunming now, if there is a chance, who would not want to take revenge and raise their eyebrows? After all, the ancestral graves of the Ji family are still in Dali.

"Yeah." Liao Jingxu said meaningfully: "This can be considered a sensible person, a smart person will know that he will choose the right side firmly from the beginning, and those who are not smart can only pick up the leftovers after people's ass. Leftovers are eaten."

   After teasing a few words, Liao Jingxu put on his clothes and said to his wife, "You also pack up. The Ji family also invited us today."

   (end of this chapter)

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