Crow's Paradise

Chapter 103 The monster of association

After leaving the house, Yao Yan stopped walking only after walking three hundred meters away and feeling that the close sight had disappeared.

Then, he took out the sun stone wrapped in a black bag from his pocket.

The sense of sight undoubtedly comes from here.

In other words, at that time, the Sun Stone was controlled by the opponent and became a tool for the opponent to gain vision.

Vision eyes?

In the myth of the Sun God, when the black snake bound the Sun God and swallowed the torso, the giant dismembered the Sun God and took away the legs, the strange bird took away the head and eyeballs, and the hounds tore the arms and took away the bones.

But wait.

Yao Yan thought about it carefully.

Regarding the part about the strange bird, why do you have to say something about taking off the eyeballs after taking away the head?

The eyeball is on the head. If it is just taken away, there is no need to explain it specifically, right?

In fact, only the eyeballs were taken away?

Or do they behave differently with heads and eyeballs?

Take away the head and pluck out the eyeballs.

Yao Yan pondered deeply, intertwined with his previous experience, and his first thought was——

Did the strange bird somehow gain the power of the sun god?

And this power is related to the eyes and the sight just now.

If this is the case, then what does it mean when the giant takes away the leg?

The ability corresponding to the eyes is naturally related to various observations.

Yao Yan tried to think from the perspective of creation.

Not because of anything else, but because the formation of these trial spaces, from the information he knows now, is formed by the spirit of "old humans". However, according to the information obtained in the hell world, there may be artificial modifications in them. ingredients.

In other words, the history in the trial space should not be thought of from the perspective of historical development and changes, but should be viewed from the perspective of thinking activities, memory, association, etc.

Of course, creation cannot be separated from association, or thinking activity itself cannot be separated from association.

To talk about the difference between creation and association, it is probably the difference between the words "imagination" and "association"

Association is to bring out the material in memory.

Imagination is based on this, putting some parts of these materials together and constructing them.

If Yao Yan remembers correctly, there are four main forms of association.

Feature association, location association, comparative association, continuous association

Because of the memory mechanism of the human brain, what is observed will be classified and recorded.

Smell is recorded in one area, touch is recorded in one area, and the various senses are separated.

However, the human judgment mechanism is vague, and different people's judgments are also different.

Some people think they are similar when they are 80% the same, some people think they are similar when they are 50% similar, and some people even think they are similar when they are 50% similar.

Moreover, it is also affected by the weight of various aspects.

People who tend to make judgments based on appearance, such as horns and hooves, will think that cows and sheep are similar because they both have horns, four legs, and hooves.

However, he himself may not necessarily know where his judgment weight tends to be. After reaching this conclusion, when tracing back, he will find from his memory that "sheep and cattle are both mammals" and "cows and sheep are both bovids." "Knowledge like that.

From this knowledge to "verifying" one's judgment, one feels that one has made a judgment because of this knowledge.

Of course, there is also the reverse situation, where the judgment is actually based on knowledge, but the error is attributed to the similarity in appearance.

However, the expression "feature association" is not correct either. It should be said to be "feature association".

Because it’s not just the appearance and smell, but also the functional features.

For example, water cups and swimming pools can be filled with water, and airplanes and ships can carry people.

There are many characteristics that can be associated with each other, and there is often more than one common characteristic between the two. It just depends on which point the person is thinking about.

For example, another thing that a water glass and a swimming pool have in common can be "open" or "smooth", and something that airplanes and ships have in common is "white" or "big".

Some people may think this is far-fetched, which is normal. After all, different people have different experiences, and their judgment mechanisms and focus are often inconsistent.

However, because of this, people often make judgments based on themselves, and unconsciously apply things they think are unreasonable to others, thinking that this must also be unreasonable.

From the perspective of characteristic association, what do you associate with "eyes" as the center?

People with different knowledge, cultural regions, and experiences will have different associations.

Yao Yan began to think.

Using "body parts" as a direction, the first thing that comes to mind is the head.

Taking "sensory organs" as a direction, what comes to mind is the nose and ears.

Taking "outline" as the direction, what comes to mind is a circle or an ellipse.

But if you think about it further.

Head, eyes, in the country and region where he was alive, if this person is familiar with the myth of Pangu, he will think of things like the sun and the moon.

If you are not familiar with it, then it will usually be based on the things you are most familiar with and have related characteristics. For example, people who have been with cats and dogs for a long time and look at each other will think of the eyes of cats and dogs.

Forensic police officers who deal with corpses, if it were not for the subconscious escape caused by cognitive negative feedback, they would usually think of various damaged eyes and heads such as rotting, bruises, etc.

In the direction of the nose and ears, you may think of items such as cameras, monitors, and various sensors.

The spirit of the old humans that make up this trial space should also be associated with this aspect.

Although it is not impossible, because of the difficulty of replicating experiences, everyone will not associate exactly the same things.

So, in this world, the association of "eyeballs"

Monitor and observe this basic characteristic, it should not run away.

The vision he just felt was consistent with this.

In this kind of world, it cannot be understood through conventional thinking.

The best way is to think from the perspective of formation.

However, association is of course not just a kind of characteristic association, and creation is not just about using characteristic association.

Location association refers to the proximity in time and space. For example, if you do something today, you will think about what you did yesterday, what you did tomorrow, and what you are going to do. When you look at what happened in the living room, you will think about what happened in the bedroom.

Contrast association is a binary contrast association based on a certain element, from light to "dark" with no light or less light, from noisy to "silence" with no or less noisy, good and bad, etc.

Process association is in the form of a continuous process related to the association goal, from a heavy rainstorm to no rain, from light to heavy, and to the rain stops. Because of the lack of water, I think about what will happen after the lack of water, why there is a lack of water, and a series of processes. If I remember correctly, this association is also said to be a cause-and-effect association.

Creation, or imagination, is to string together and put together various things that come to mind.

According to some people's point of view, the creation process itself can be described as "stitching monster".

However, the moment this idea came up, he was suddenly stunned.

"Stitch Monster"?

The woman in the hell world, the one who made the "deal" with him.

It seemed that the woman really didn't tell him the truth.

Although I had expected it, I didn't expect it to be this way.

Turning his palm, the Shadow Crow appeared in his hand.

Paper pages and shadow crows, aren’t they just a suture made of two things?


His eyes turned to the sun stone in his hand.

Immediately, he summoned Mo Crow out again.

Mo Crow, can you cooperate with Shattered Shadow Crow to do some linkage?

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