Crow's Paradise

Chapter 111 The formation that is difficult to define

Triss, who made him suspicious, did not show anything that could make him suspicious further.

But Yao Yan would not let go of his doubts about her.

He looked at Triss for a moment, and after blowing a gust of wind, he returned to the second-floor cabin with Triss.

Including the top deck, the airship has four floors in total.

The lower three floors are protected and the windows cannot be opened. Only the top deck can directly lead to the outside world.

According to the information he obtained, the earliest banquet will be held on the second floor. At the same time, the auction will be set up on the third floor, and the first floor will also start preparing for the final banquet.

When the auction is held on the third floor, the cleaning staff will clean the banquet site on the second floor and complete preparations for the final banquet.

When he arrived on the third floor, preparations for the auction had already begun.

One by one, the staff of Stairway to Heaven are moving out the seats one by one.

Yao Yan just glanced at it and walked towards the second floor.

Triss looked at their move of seats with curiosity, but she did not stop, but continued to follow Yao Yan closely.

But when they reached the second floor, suddenly, two figures walked out of the stairs on the first floor from the side.

The two figures, a boy and a girl, both appeared to be fourteen or fifteen years old, but it was obvious that the girl was more mature than the boy.


However, Yao Yan's eyes did not stay on them, but passed over them and landed on several figures behind them.

They were several men in black clothes dressed as bodyguards. They stood beside the boys and girls, standing a few steps away in a protective posture, like stone pillars.

The boy yawned with a tired look on his face, and looked at the prepared banquet venue ahead with the girl next to him.

Huge square tables were arranged in a row, with two chairs on each side of the wide table. Even adding another chair wouldn't make it seem crowded.

Yao Yan, who saw this scene, was silent.

He looked away from the familiar pattern on the edge of the table.

Although it was strange to see the Eight Immortals Table in a place like this, he had seen a lot of mixed situations in the previous trial spaces.

Even if it is not an Eight Immortals table but a rectangular table, there are still many inconsistencies in other places.

The reason for the Eight Immortals Table may be that some of the spiritual consciousness that makes up this world came from his fellow countrymen during his lifetime.

This idea was quickly rejected.

Because besides the Eight Immortals Table, he also saw something special.


To be precise, it is a teapot with a bottle-shaped body, a curved neck and a swollen belly, and a spout, handle and lid consistent with those of a teapot.

However, at this time, he became thoughtful.

Because, he remembered something.

That is.

What does this mean?

What does it mean that the Eight Immortals Table and the hip flask, which are now rare in the country and region where he lived, appear here?

According to his previous speculation, the formation of such a posture in the world is related to the worldview of the spiritual consciousness that makes up this world.

What does it mean that such a hip flask appears in this world?

Is it the dominant consciousness that is deeply impressed by this hip flask?

Or does the dominant consciousness think that all hip flasks look like this?

However, this is not the key, the key is "why you think so".

This point is very important.

He wanted to know what happened between the time he fell asleep and woke up.

However, he has found no documents that directly record these histories.

There may be one in Yancheng, but he doesn't have any good way to sneak into Yancheng now.

Then, if you want to know the relevant information, you can only speculate.

The material for speculation is the "Three Views".

World view, values, outlook on life.

The three views are closely related to the current situation of society, knowledge and education, etc., and are deeply involved in political, economic and cultural aspects.

Interpersonal relationships and production relations affect social structure, and social structure in turn affects interpersonal relationships and production relations.

Relations of production.

Economy is a process of social, material and spiritual production, circulation, exchange, etc.

And politics is the concentrated expression of economy, economy affects politics, and politics affects economy.

If we want to define culture, all human spiritual activities can be counted as culture.

Culture, politics, and economy interact with each other and cross-influence everyone in society.

Yao Yan's eyes turned to other locations.

Various cultural works are a good tool for understanding various aspects of society at that time.

Folklore, religion, legends and other artistic works all have a social foundation.

At least, it was the creator himself who had relevant ideas that would create such a thing.

During his lifetime, people who studied economics would not just look at the economy itself in isolation, but would also study the impact of politics on the economy and the impact of culture on the economy.

Disciplines in all aspects of society mostly interfere with each other.

The current situation of society, such as the era of drought, famine, and economic downturn, how do people describe reality?

Another example is that in times of war, thoughts such as longing for peace and resistance to struggle will gradually arise. Within a country and region, hostility will arise against the enemy, the persecutors, and the country where the war originated. What about the emergence of related works? Drawn?

This is what culture describes about society.

Food culture is also an important manifestation.

Classes have existed throughout the ages.

This kind of different groups formed due to resource allocation left over from competition within the group when resources were scarce, derived from animal instinct, has never disappeared from human society.

The standards of "rare" and "universal" judged by how much are also in line with this primitive animal instinct.

When resources are scarce, there are few individuals who can obtain resources, and the individuals who can obtain resources themselves are the "upper class".

There are many cases where the habits of the lower class affect the upper class, but this situation of "rare" corresponding to the "upper class" has never disappeared.

Originally exquisite items that could only be used by those with abundant resources such as the palace, nobles, and aristocratic families, became the pursuit of the lower class.

One of the many names this pursuit had during his lifetime was "fashion."

Looking carefully at history, clothing culture in earlier eras often had little to do with the lower classes.

In later eras, the clothing of the previous era often evolved from top to bottom with the surplus of production and became the "regular clothes" of the lower class.

But this is not the only way to influence the evolution of

After all, there are many political events such as wars.

If it was the Tang and Song Dynasties, the holding pot and the Eight Immortals table would be used in this kind of "high-end" banquet. It is not surprising that they would be used in another cultural area, but

In his era, most people holding pots have been eliminated by society.

The same goes for the Eight Immortals Table. When he was still alive, he had not seen it for who knows how many years.

Because of the difficulty of making round tables, it is no longer difficult in modern times. The same materials and the same floor can accommodate the largest number of people. Round tables have become the shape of most tables.

Why does the spiritual consciousness that forms this world have this strange understanding?

What happened to society at that time?

Yao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

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