Crow's Paradise

Chapter 114 Understanding and Interpretation

He had been wondering about the formation of the world view in the trial space for a long time.

It was obvious that he had gone through several trial spaces, but the words in each trial space were similar to the words he knew.

This point can be explained in many ways. The simplest one is naturally that the origin of this world and this trial space is the spiritual consciousness of old humans. They originally had an understanding of words, and the words in their understanding were mixed together to form into its current form.

The writing in Dasheng World has the feel of cursive script, official script, and seal script, but he is not sure whether it is large seal script or small seal script.

This is very strange.

If you were a person of the time when he was alive, your understanding and impression of fonts and glyphs would obviously not be limited to this.

This can also be proven from the witch world and the hell world.

The words in the witch world and the hell world are not consistent with the original.

The characters in the Witch World are completely Latin.

The characters in the hell world are a mixture of glyphs from various characters.

In other words, his judgment is actually based on the hell world as the standard.

In the country and region where he was present, the characters were not pictographic, nor were they completely ideographic. They should be said to be phonetic characters.

However, the text in the hell world is completely Latinized, but the grammar is still the original grammar.

And, by all appearances, that world was completely Europeanized.

According to the information he found at that time, the urban world should have followed the path of colonization and Europeanization.

Similarly, the prototype of the Dasheng World has a lot of Spring and Autumn and Warring States feelings, as well as the Tang Dynasty.

If I have to say it, it is the feeling of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods with elements of gods and demons that developed into the Tang Dynasty.

But it’s just a feeling.

After all, if a dynasty does not perish, the development of its system will be optimized largely unchanged, rather than the destructive reconstruction of another system.

If a dynasty continues to develop normally, the possibility of forming a system like the next dynasty is not high.

After all, when it is not broken, it is the interest groups that determine the system. Before a dynasty is destroyed and rebuilt, the only thing that can change the system is the dispute between one interest group and another.

These trial spaces have a "parallel world" feel, but there are too many unreasonable places.

There are so many points that could raise issues.

Under normal circumstances, it would not develop into that situation.

After all, it can only be forcibly twisted into that state by the power of a deus ex machina.

The same goes for this world.

The shapes of cars and other means of transportation, the shapes of buildings, and all kinds of strange things.

But why does he understand almost every element that appears?

why is that?

Including his abilities, he can find corresponding descriptions in his lifetime knowledge.

From this point of view, the trial space is composed of various mental residues.

Rather, he interprets these spiritual messages based on things he understands.

Moreover, can the skull and the furnace be considered a coincidence?

After pondering for a moment, Yao Yan turned his head and looked at the second floor where the seats were gradually filling up, as well as the figures who had already stepped onto the podium:

"The party is about to start?"

At this time, the waiter came to the table with a cart and placed dishes with vegetables on the table.

"Yeah." Keller didn't wait for the banquet to officially start. After the waiter put the food on the table, he took his own plate, took a lot of food, and started eating directly.

While peeling the shrimp, Keller said:

"The Stairway to Heaven built by the Paradise Company, and the Helios Furnace to be auctioned, if you can successfully bid, it is still a police station after all, right?"

"Indeed, the company itself will not auction a sunstone of this size. I think the police station put pressure on it."

Keller's voice was lowered.

Hearing this, the other person just smiled.

"Did the Police Station put pressure on Giou Company? Make them have to auction it? What does the Police Station want to do with this Sunstone?"

Yao Yan responded and took the same action as Keller, symbolically starting to eat.

"Who knows?"

At this time, several figures walked up to the banquet podium.

ps: Ah, today I saw some well-known media spreading rumors again, but they got a lot of supporters. I just want to say that mankind is hopeless.

Anyone can claim to be objective and fair, but it is not certain whether it is objective and fair.

"rationality", "objectivity", "fairness", "freedom", "justice", "patriotism", "unity".

In the name of freedom, they do things that suppress freedom.

Doing irrational behavior in the name of rationality.

Doing unobjective things under the guise of objectivity.

Originally, I decided to choose the plan of setting the Faithless as the final boss, but it seems that it would be better as a character that runs throughout.

After all, this is the most common type of person in today's society.

The slogan is great and upright, but people who do bad things and are accustomed to labeling narratives put their crimes on the words corresponding to the slogan.

Well, humans, at least when it comes to spreading rumors, are hopeless.

Speaking of which, wouldn't this be a bit pessimistic?

Everyone should also pay attention to thinking rationally (finding various information for verification by yourself, finding as much information as possible, whether all kinds of information are true or false) and not being too easily influenced by the views I spread.

After all, if any of my ideas are wrong, I don't even realize it.

If I realized there was a mistake and still wrote it out, then it would be completely broken.

But can others judge it?

And there is another question. In today’s world of diverse values, will the things that I think are right be considered right by people with another set of values?

How will what I think is correct be judged by others?

Any work that can be read and understood has its own values.

It can be said that the author is a software, the author's three views and thinking logic are code programs, and the work is the product of inputting various materials into this software for processing.

Reading is to dismantle this product, obtain these materials, and then input the materials into it using yourself as the software.

Seeds can be buried in the soil and grown into trees, flowers and plants, but when the trunk is fed into a cutting machine, what comes out is not seeds.

Also, can readers fully understand my expression?

Semantics has contextual preconditions, and the more complex the thinking, the more logical it is.

When you say "country", what words do you subconsciously think of?

There is no complete understanding between people.

Ah, I'm sorry, I wrote some more, but my thinking was too divergent.

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