Crow's Paradise

Chapter 116 The flame strikes again

Yao Yan walked directly out of the second floor and walked towards the roof.

He planned to find the man in the lime-gray coat.

No matter what thoughts the man in the lime-gray coat came to him with, he himself needed to confirm them.

However, he walked through the first, second, third and fourth floors, but could not find the man.

This situation made him feel a little confused, but the situation itself might explain one thing.

That man is not a "normal person".

After confirming that the man could not be found, Yao Yan returned to the second floor.

At this time, the opening speech of the organizer has ended.

Not long after returning to Keller's table where there were still only two people eating, a soothing and melodious melody was played, and the obvious palace dance kicked off the day.

"Several styles are mixed together, it's really neither fish nor fowl."

It is not a long table with self-service food, but one with guests sitting there one after another. Eight Immortal tables with various foods are placed on both sides. On the tables are pots and various porcelain dishes.

But if you have to say it, it’s not unreasonable.

After all, importing large quantities of items such as porcelain and tea leaves is indeed something that happened in European history.

However, because of this reason, problems occurred.

Although different cultures may converge in certain characteristics in some places due to development laws such as mechanisms, the things developed by different cultures will have clear characteristics.

In this world, the country he had lived in did not exist.

So, where did these tables, chairs and porcelain come from?

His eyes fell on the pot in front of him. The patterns of clouds and branches were very obvious features no matter how you thought about it.

Never mind, this is only if he understands these characteristics.

In the eyes of people who don't understand these origins and names, these characteristics can be confused with other things through "like".

It's not like he has never seen dieselpunk and steampunk mixed together in the Land of Chaos.

Putting aside the thought of continuing to pursue the origin, Yao Yan turned his attention to the men and women on the central dance floor.

Basically, hair colors are blonde or red, and hair colors that are more brown or black are quite rare.

Men and women wearing various dresses supported each other on the dance floor and danced to the melodious music.

Although it was just the beginning, not many people entered the dance floor, only seven or eight couples. However, in Yao Yan's impression, this kind of scene only happened at night, which still made him feel a little inconsistent.

He turned his head, moved his gaze to Keller, who was still feasting, and asked:

"Do you have any news about Tamori and the place where you excavated the Sunstone?"

"Why are you interested in that weirdo? I usually see you interested in their skirts."

Keller was surprised at first, then looked at the women on the dance floor, laughed a little, and then continued:

"Taimori, I don't know much about this person, but I have heard some rumors that he got into the mining department through connections."

"Relationship?" At this time, another person interjected.

"Yes, not everyone can enter the mining department. The excavation and management of sunstones have always been the center of our company's focus. Any handling of matters must be repeatedly confirmed by the senior management."

Keller put a piece of dried fish meat into his mouth with a fork and responded while chewing.

"Can this strict management be intervened through connections?" Yao Yan asked, ignoring the sense of disobedience of using knives and forks on the Eight Immortals table.

"I'm surprised too, so I think it's just a rumor."

Keller shrugged his shoulders, and before swallowing the fish in his mouth, he put another piece of peeled shrimp into his mouth, chewing and nodding:

"Hmm, it sure tastes better when the two are mixed together."

While chewing and swallowing, Keller rolled his eyes as if he was remembering something:

"By the way, one more thing. I heard that he has been looking for various books."



Keller glanced left and right before lowering his voice and saying:

"Although he is not sure why, he is looking for various books, including myths about the sun god, as well as various archaeological materials, historical documents and so on."

Hearing this sentence, Yao Yan raised his eyebrows and said in a curious tone:

"Oh? This man was originally an archaeologist?"

"How is it possible? Tamori has nothing to do with archeology."

Keller suddenly cursed, and then said:

"As far as I know, he only became like that two or three years ago. He wasn't like that before."

"Don't you know a lot about it?" Another person smiled at this time, "You still don't know me well?"

"Hey, that's just a little bit of news." After Keller replied, he lowered his head and continued to gnaw on the food.

However, because of this information, in his judgment, the purpose of the man named Taimoli to find him became more important.

The banquet lasted for three hours in total.

During this period, Yao Yan was just wandering around, looking for characters who might be related to the myth of the sun god and the world's world view.

For example, the man disguised as a snake-faced man I met a few days ago, or the bird-faced man I saw later.

Or the boy he saw just now who burned his last body into a charred corpse.

Or, the girl named Triss who had been following him before.

But, except for that boy, he didn't find anyone else.

But there is a question. After he first boarded the airship, who was on fire?

At first he was suspicious of the girl.

Then his suspicions shifted to the boy. After all, looking at him with his eyes could set him on fire, and he could cope with the situations he encountered.

However, when he confronted the boy, he discovered that the other boy didn't seem to even know him before.

Therefore, there is something wrong with this situation.

However, at this moment, as he was walking around the airship, suddenly a white-haired man in a waiter's uniform walked past the corner with a cart in front. When he saw Yao Yan, he stepped out of the way and faced Yao Yan. He smiled and nodded, seeming to indicate that he should pass first.

There is nothing special about the waiter's uniform. He looks to be in his twenties, and his long white hair is mixed with some black.

After nodding in response, Yao Yan was ready to turn.

However, at this moment, suddenly, a sense of sight came over him.

In an instant, a burning sensation rose from the head, from the back of the head.

Almost at the same time, a voice came from behind:

"You dare to ignore my warning, you are really a lifeless snake."

ps: As of now, there is nothing more to say.

All I can say is that you should also pay attention to your body and pay attention to things like physical examinations, especially the lumps that appear in places like your neck.

To be honest, I have been very lucky. The lump has stayed on my neck for ten years. Because it never hurt, I didn’t take it seriously. I only had intermittent pain a few years ago, and it appeared in other parts. So I didn't think it was a neck problem.

It was only during a checkup last year that I found out that it spread from the neck, and the illnesses I have suffered in recent years are basically complications.

I am ready to resign, and then I will try my best to see all the things I have never enjoyed and seen. When the money is almost gone, I will find a small place to wait for death.

Or maybe I'll just say goodbye to you all when I really can't stand it anymore.

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