Crow's Paradise

Chapter 121 Intelligence

The opponent's counterattack was something Yao Yan didn't expect.

Because, judging from the descriptions of the other party, from the descriptions of "social language and characters", "our social characters", and "we are another group of people." According to general logic, the other party is talking about himself and them. This group is non-native, non-indigenous.

However, who knew that such a sentence would come at the end?

But it doesn't matter, he is just spreading rumors to prepare for the effect of his Mo Crow ability, just make it up at will.

However, we still need to pay attention to some details and try to avoid describing the era corresponding to their history, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes.

However, it is a good thing to be wrong in some details. Just support it with "the recorded history and facts are wrong."

Moreover, so what if he said something that could be seen through? In a short period of time, the other party would not have enough time to recognize it, so what if he could recognize it?

Through Mo Crow's ability, as long as he spreads the rumors, he can get what he wants, the ability to fight against the flames of this world.

And the reason why he negotiated with this person was to use him to fight against his previous enemies, at least to prevent this person from becoming his enemy.

In addition, the other purpose is to understand the history of this world through the other party, so as to decipher the world view.


"Who are the natives?" Yao Yan was not sure about this. He did not need and should not answer directly.

Thinking of this, he spoke out, and the voice of the woman in dark blue dress who was his body sounded:

"I don't know who the indigenous people are. I don't study their origins like you, and I don't care. I know that we fire eaters have some kind of relationship with you. We are just fire eaters. Your flames have no effect on me. On the contrary , I have done more harm to you.”

Yaoyan used words carefully.

His ability, Backfire Crow's ability is also in the form of flames. If the words are not used carefully, it may cause Backfire Crow's recovery ability and resistance ability to be weakened or even ineffective against him.

The slightly curly light blue hair swayed with the blowing wind, and Tamori's light blue eyes glowed with a flaming red:

"Can you let me experiment?"

The other party's performance and words once again exceeded Yao Yan's expectations.

He thought that the other party would immediately carry out the experiment, and also thought that the other party would not do it, but he did not think that the other party would ask "can the experiment be done".

Yao Yan took another look at the person in front of him.

This is the man who said, "He is an Aboriginal like us."

Who does he mean by "we"?

Refers to someone who can control the use of fire? Corresponds to the giants, strange birds, black snakes, and hounds that captured the power of the sun god in myths and legends?

Or do you mean ordinary people?

If it was the former, then after he realized that the changes in history and writing did not correspond, his view was that those things that took away the power of the Sun God were indigenous?

Or is it the other way around, that the sun god is a native and the one who takes the power is an outsider?

What does the other party regard as its standard?

If he doesn't understand this, he will become the opponent's default enemy if he is not careful.

As his thoughts were spinning, Yao Yan asked aloud:

"Can you, this matter requires a prerequisite - what do you think of the 'Sun God'? This determines my attitude towards you."

Turn this decisive question around to gather information, and then make up corresponding rumors yourself.

Her eyes were fixed on the other person's face, showing no expression.

"What do you think of the Sun God?"

Tamori repeated the question, then held his chin in thought:

"I think"

At this moment, Yao Yan interrupted:

"Come this way."

Yao Yan turned around, looked at the railing where there were more people, and walked over.

As the skirt of the dark blue dress swayed, she gradually approached the railing.


Tamori followed and walked to the railing.

At this time, Triss, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn't help being stunned for a moment:

"Why change places?"

She is just a twelve-year-old girl, with a short height of only 1.5 meters. She is wearing the maid costume that can be seen everywhere on airships. Even though her facial features are exquisite, she is not conspicuous.

She didn't feel like she had been discovered.

However, she still wanted to continue listening. She glanced around and saw the waiter standing at the door of the top stairs, cutting cakes for guests who needed food, and hurriedly walked over.

"Give me two cakes. If any guests need them, I'll deliver them."

Although she is not tall, she is persuasive in her maid costume, not to mention her affluent life and etiquette education, which gives her basic majesty and charm.

This indescribable charm and majesty made the waiter just surprised, but did not doubt his words.

After the waiter cut the cake, served it on a plate, placed it on a tray and handed it to her, she carried the tray towards her goal.

The lady in the dark blue dress was known to Triss, and she was the wife of the alderman Libit Biso.

But she didn't recognize the gentleman in the lime-grey coat.

Why are the two talking together?

Moreover, the topics of conversation were about history and the sun god, which was very strange.

Does Mrs. Bisso have any interest in history?

While thinking, Triss walked to the side of the two people standing at the railing. Because the other party had not met her several times, and Triss was not worried about revealing her secrets, she used the way her maid usually spoke to her. He smiled and said hello twice:

"Two guests, do you want a cake?"



Yao Yan, who was about to listen carefully to Tamori's speech, replied with the same words after Tamori was interrupted.

However, looking at the girl who brought the cake, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is this girl named Triss? And she was a guest, not a maid, so why did she come close to her in this kind of attire, because of him? This girl also has similar means to Taimoli, can she find him?

No, to be precise, it's not just Tamori, but also those "strange birds" before. They all have ways to see through their identities.

Then, I also need to use Mo Crow's ability and use rumors to add a feature that can prevent me from being discovered.

At this time, after rejecting Triss who was approaching disguised as a maid, Tamori continued to respond:

"I have collected a lot of historical materials. The original power of airships and various types of machinery was not sunstone."

"The influence of the sun stone that can be confirmed in the history of writing was first four hundred years ago."

"Earlier, there were no records of the impact of sunstones in various writings."

Taimoli's voice was deep:

"For example, Magio Company was the first to discover and use sunstones."

“Textological research has revealed that in history, which I believe is not truncated, the word ‘magnetic Europe’ that first appeared was the original reference to sunstone.”

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