Crow's Paradise

Chapter 124 Rumors, no evidence needed

"Fire will do no harm to fire eaters."

In Taimoli's increasingly solemn expression, Yao Yan looked for some "evidence" for the story he had made up:

"The stone body of Sunstone itself is a kind of fire eater."

As he said that, he glanced at Tamori again:

"It's not until now that you still think that living things only take the form of flesh and blood like you humans, right?"

"What else could it be?"

Taimoli seemed to subconsciously want to refute, but as soon as he spoke, he stopped abruptly.

His eyes fell on the palm of his hand, and on the fire slowly burning on it.

And his performance made Yao Yan couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Rumors without evidence.

It has the same characteristics as conspiracy theories. As long as there is self-consistent logic, at least logic that the listener will not find the flaws, it can be used as support.

And Yao Yan didn't think this sentence was wrong.

After all, the so-called "spirit" can exist alone, why can't flames?

"There aren't many fire eaters left."

"No, to be precise, there are not many fire eaters left who can act according to their own will."

Yao Yan tried his best to make his fabricated "fire eaters" rare and rare enough.

The primitive environment in which human beings live is an environment in which they constantly compete with other individuals for resources, an environment with limited resources.

In this environment, those who can be retained are often those individuals who value resources.

Hierarchy, the use of more and less as the basis for judging status, was deeply embedded in the human psyche of the time during his lifetime.

Many "niche circles" also have this tendency to some extent. They feel that they are superior to others because of their scarcity and "preciousness".

If you observe carefully, you will find that people in these small circles despise other circles, especially similar circles.

However, the occurrence of this phenomenon itself has multiple factors, and it is not just a simple slippery slope equation of "less" = "precious" = "noble".

Even if this equation does exist in the minds of some people, various aspects such as knowledge and education will suppress this primitive psychological fallacy judgment.

But, I have to say, this is a good strategy.

Things are more valuable when they are scarce. Business in the era of his lifetime would also use various means to make the quantity of goods appear small and raise prices through scarcity.

Yao Yan also had this plan.

This strategy is not unusual, and is even very common, but most people who usually use this strategy know it but don't know why.

If he still has a body and is still affected by it, this thought itself, this "I know, others don't know" situation will make him instinctively think of being superior to others.

This is a primitive idea rooted in biological instinct.

During his lifetime, it was very common for various video articles to use this method to belittle others, secretly elevate the audience, appeal to their primitive psychology, and incite emotions through this method.

People who use this method may not know the reason instinctively. The reason why they use it is basically "the data of talking videos and articles will be improved", and it is used based on the idea of ​​"practical", but this kind of operation is It really takes advantage of human nature.

Although he did not like this method during his lifetime,

He is no longer the same person he was when he was alive.

In his current judgment, human beings' physical instincts that can affect thinking and emotions are "foreign objects" and primitive defects that need to be eliminated.

However, some people believe that this kind of defect is also a part of a person. Without the body, a person who lacks these defects is no longer a complete person.

And he was waiting for the other party's response, his thoughts racing for a long time before he came to the other party's next words:

"Why aren't there more?"


Yao Yan deliberately left the bait to induce the other party's curiosity and exploration, and stepped on the pedal of this language trap.

"The sun and stars in the sky can stay bright for thousands of years."

An emotional speech came out of her mouth, and Yao Yan once again laid a trap for the other party's thinking, so that the other party would think in this direction in the next topic:

"But if the fire underground is constantly being brought to the surface, that's not necessarily the case."

He used an ambiguous sentence to create a meaningful feeling, and then said:

"The eternal fire from the underground has a relationship with the fire-eater. To be precise, after the two are combined, the sun stone will be formed."

"However, if the fire eaters want to move on the ground, it is not as simple as the eternal fire."

"The advantage of a fire eater facing the eternal fire is that it can continuously swallow the eternal fire, wrap it with an unharmed body, and turn it into a sun stone after combining."

As he spoke, he glanced at Tamori:

"Why does the Sunstone emit heat after being irradiated with light?"

This question made Tamori stunned.

He never thought about why.

From his birth, to becoming a fire thief, to now, it is common sense and a natural law that the sunstone will heat up after being exposed to light.

His expression also made Yao Yan breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that the other party has not thought about this kind of issue in detail.

Then, you can continue:

"Because the balance between the Eternal Fire and the Fire Eaters was broken."

"The eternal fire will continue to break away from the outer layer formed by the fire eaters when the balance is destroyed."

If placed in his lifetime, this story would have been easily decipherable through all kinds of knowledge, but in this world, due to the different worldview, Taimoli's expression became even heavier.

Following the "fire eater"'s description of the sun stone, he thought of all kinds of possible bad consequences.

At this moment, Yao Yan struck again, widening the torn crisis wound on the opponent:

"You have used various means, just like those priests in ancient times, to perform diligently through various means to enable yourself to control the eternal fire. However, the larger the sun stone, the easier it is to break after being exposed to light, releasing the energy contained in it. "Eternal Fire."

"You so-called 'fire thieves' gain power from the sun stone, but you yourself have become another kind of sun stone."

Yao Yan smiled, and the lady possessed by him showed a sarcastic smile:

"The Sunstone will break, and so will you."

"Furthermore, compared to the Sun Stone, which will never break without accidents over thousands or hundreds of years, the time you can maintain it is pitiful."

Exaggerating the crisis, exaggerating "the more immortal fire you get from the Sun Stone, from other people", the more dangerous it is.

Plus one of the most classic “resurrection” themes——

"I'm almost the only one left now. Although I'm curious about how much eternal fire it will gather and how much it will be resurrected, I don't want to worry about it."

He leaned the body against the railing and assumed a lazy posture:

"When it comes to life, let him bring out all the eternal fires from the underground. By then, this place may become like the sun."

Along with various descriptions of his own image, Yao Yan showed a smile:

"It would be a good idea to destroy this meaningless world."

"Right? Fire Thief?"

Taimoli's expression became extremely heavy.

And Yao Yan also smiled in his heart.

If he hadn't known what techniques and materials he used to create this story, he himself would even believe that what he told Tamori was the worldview of this world.

"Come on, let me see what happens between the fire thieves?"

"Let me see, what is the grand performance mentioned in the import interface?"

"Let me see what the Sun God is."

Yaoyan did not intend to face the thing called "god" that ordinary people could not fight against from the common understanding.

Then, a smart fire thief might be a good candidate.

I just hope that the judgment of "being smart" will not fall back on him again.

ps: I picked up a pretty good stone, but to be honest, the seaside in Shanghai is quite dirty, and the place to live is also expensive.

However, I also have new inspiration, which I should be able to use when writing about Haicheng?

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