Crow's Paradise

Chapter 129 Word Game

This disrupted the story part of the auction process and was quickly stopped by the auction host.

The auction scene became quiet again, and Yao Yan waited for the appearance of the Head of the Sun God without saying a word.

But at this time, Tris next to her lowered her voice and asked:

"Mrs. Bisso, is that myth you told true?"

The fire-eater who opposed the sun god and swallowed up light and fire?

Although she felt something was wrong, after all, the night was called dark because there was no light or fire.

As the uncle said, it is impossible for the sun stone to come into contact with light at night and it cannot be bright.

She had experimented with this kind of thing when she was a child.

Obviously it can be burned in the morning, at noon, and in the afternoon. Why can't it be burned at night?

However, although the reason is not known, it is a certain fact that the fire that is lit in the afternoon will be extinguished directly at night.

This is common sense and a natural law, of course she knows it.

But she had never doubted it before.

However, before, after she met the magician, she began to feel something was wrong.

She thought Mr. Magician was strange.

how to say. It's that feeling that the flame has gone out.

She had felt this way several times before, but what she felt at that time was the feeling of burning fire.

Only Mr. Magician felt the flame go out.

Moreover, the magician was very obviously prepared to guard against her.

In addition, the magician suddenly caught fire.

Although it was possible that the magic props prepared by the magician accidentally caught fire as the airship staff said, she could clearly feel the burning sensation from the boy at that time.

It wasn't her imagination. Although it had been five or six years since the last time she had this feeling, which happened when she was a child, she definitely remembered it correctly.

Those myths about the sun god and those about the fire thief may be true.


Mrs. Bisso also had the feeling of the flame going out.

Although she had never had close contact with Mrs. Bisso before, she had seen her before.

She had not felt this from Mrs. Bisso before, and she did not know when this feeling had appeared.

However, at this moment, Mrs. Bisso's response came to her ears:

"Real or false? I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't have to keep checking."

Yao Yan imitated the tone of the original owner.

A large part of human cognitive processes is through language.

Language is something that can easily shape a target's cognition.

Although he seems to be expressing the content of denying the myth, with the following additions, the content of the entire sentence becomes——

"I'm not sure if the myth is true or not."

"But I keep checking."

However, at least in the understanding of "ordinary people", at least in this era of the world, myths are generally considered to be fictions.

This is shown by the memories of his three bodies, the answers from Keller and others, and the guests just now.

So, common sense tacitly assumes that myths are false.

However, continued investigation can at least show that she has doubts about this "common sense", and there is even relevant evidence.

In fact, this sentence is inclined to "myths are true."

When you hear this statement, you will understand that at least part of the myth may be true.

Many people do not pay attention to the word games that exist in all aspects of life. They only see the surface or only part of it, and are not aware of the language traps inside.

The resulting various misjudgments are themselves a source of rumors.

His use of this sentence is still relatively superficial and simple, and you can feel it if you pay a little attention. However, in the era when he was alive, there were too many word games that were much more subtle than this kind of operation.

When he surfs the Internet, he can encounter six or seven people playing such word games and language traps a day.

However, human beings are human beings. Even if they are prepared, they will fall into traps. When they discover them afterwards, it is already too late.

Yao Yan's eyes fell on Triss, and he continued to whisper at a low volume that could be heard by everyone around him:

"The light at night is so beautiful, like a bright gem."

After uttering these words in a manner consistent with Madame Bisso's habit of loving gems, he continued:

"It is recorded in the book that the Sun God will definitely wake up, and the flesh and blood taken by the fire thief will be taken back by the Sun God himself."

"The immortal sun god, the eternal flame, the flame obtained by the fire thief actually has huge hidden dangers."

"However, maybe when the Sun God wakes up, the Fire Eater will also appear? After all, the Fire Eater, who lives with the Sun God and symbolizes the other side of day and night, is not afraid of flames."

Yao Yan once again took the opportunity to insert the power characteristics of fire eaters and once again emphasized the description of the characteristics of not being afraid of fire.

Triss was confused at first, then smiled subconsciously, and answered using the social routine she learned in etiquette class:

"What a wonderful story."

At this moment, the young man next to him and the men and women in the seats in front and behind who were leaning forward or back also showed different expressions.

Some were confused, some were surprised, some were amazed, and some were laughing.

Yao Yan didn't pay attention to this. His gaze just glanced at the man in a lime-gray coat with a pensive look on a certain seat in the auction.

There is no conflict between his mythology and Tamori's mythology.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that they fit into each other and can be connected.

Born under the ground, twins of immortal fire and fire-eaters.

However, he did not describe to Tamori that the "fire eaters" were symbiotic with the sun god, nor did he describe that the fire eaters were equivalent to the night.

According to what he said to Tamori, the other party would probably place the status of the fire eaters at about the same level as the fire thieves.

And now.

The "Fire Eater" has reached the same height as the "Sun God".

Through this, if Mo Crow's ability is used, can he be completely immune or even absorb the damage of fire?

He deliberately chose a name like "Fire Eater" that is simple and easy to understand and reminds people of eating flames, as well as predators and prey, for this purpose.

If the name "Black Vulcan" is added with a color of flame, he also needs to deliberately render that black fire is stronger than ordinary flames. Even if the color of the flame is not black, the basic understanding of black flames is special, but special does not mean strong. .

However, at this moment, a waiter came over and walked directly to the table, making Yao Yan couldn't help but turn his eyes to him.

The waiter, after stroking his chest and saluting, whispered:

"A guest gave it to you."

As he spoke, he handed over a note.


When Yao Yan understood in his heart, he opened the note and saw that it read:

[Are you interested in chatting? ]

There is only one sentence, no signature or other identification.

Yao Yan directly turned the note over, and at this moment, a faint flame flashed quickly on the back of the note.

The flame disappeared instantly, leaving behind a somewhat blurry black signature:

[——Fire Thief]

Isn't it clear who the fire thief is?

Forget it, at least I didn't use the names of other fire thieves to mislead.

"Take me there."

As the female voice reached the waiter's ears, Yao Yan stood up and looked at the waiter.

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