Crow's Paradise

Chapter 133 Snake Bird Giant

"Snake" and "Giant" followed the "flock of birds" to another place, reaching the top floor.

On the top floor connected to the distant sky, a white-haired man was watching the two of them come in front of them.

The four people who led the way quickly left the top floor after completing their tasks.

They also have the task of finding the "hound" and bringing them to the leader.

After reaching the top floor, "Snake" walked directly to the railing where no sunlight fell directly, leaned back, crossed his hands behind his neck, and stared at the white-haired man in a leisurely manner:

"Hey, you finally dare to show your feathery wings? Are you done with the days when you only dare to send some birds to your door even if you come to me?"

The white-haired man did not answer directly, but looked at Tamori, his gaze fixed on the other person's left eye:

"I didn't expect the other eye to be there for you."

"The other eye?"

Although there was still light and the shadow was not deep, the snake man whose body gradually disappeared also followed the words of the other person's voice and turned his gaze to Tamori.

Soon, he realized something, his eyes narrowed, and his pupils quickly shrank into vertical snake pupils.

But Tamori just reached out and touched his left eye with an indifferent expression:

"It seems you've been looking for a long time?"


"After taking away the head of the Sun God, how come the strange bird only got one eye?"

The white-haired man stared at Tamori. Above his head, scorching flames rose into the shape of a bird, and on the belly of the firebird, a huge, empty eye looked at the strange bird:

"I have been wondering whether it was the invisible black snake that devoured the body and snatched another one from the bird's beak, or the hound that devoured the bones and was fearless and would not give up the hunt until death. The reason? Another one was left behind during the hunt? Or was it "

The white-haired man's vision gradually became gloomy:

"I took the legs and feet of the Sun God and took them away with the speed of the fire-catching giant?"

Regarding his words, Taimoli's expression remained indifferent:

"Did you make a mistake?"

These words made the white-haired man stunned:

"What do you mean?"

But Tamori just tapped his left eye twice with his right hand. In the sound that seemed to be tapping on something solid, his vision changed, and his eyes swept across the white-haired man with the fire bird on his head:

"Although the flames on the surface seem to be consistent, the flames in the deeper layers are mottled and not uniform. Moreover, now that I have realized that the other eye is here, I should know that hiding among the birds is of no use."

He turned around and looked to the other side.

Among the four people who had led them to the stabbing before, one of them had returned at some point and was standing at the entrance of the stairwell behind them:

"No more hiding?"

The snake-eyed man also looked at the man who appeared there at an unknown time.

There's nothing special about the man's appearance. He doesn't have that white hair, nor does he have the cold temperament of the snake-eyed man, nor does he have Tamori's sense of stability where nothing can touch him.

"So it's you. No wonder there were only three of them who came to me before. The substitute didn't dare, and the main body was worried about revealing the truth. You're really timid."

"Snakes aren't the only ones who ambush."

The man standing at the entrance of the stairway slowly walked up to Tamori and stared at his left eye:

"This thing should belong to me."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Tamori's left eye.

However, at this moment, Taimoli's voice sounded again:

"Do you dare to ask for it?"

When he said these words, the man's hand stopped, and a slight lag appeared on his plain face.

"That's right. It's impossible that you didn't hear the noise that the fire eater made."

When Taimoli saw his movement stopped, he couldn't help but turn around and look at the white-haired man again:

"I've always been curious about why there are so many strange birds."

"It seems that you don't dare to put the flames stripped from the sun stone directly into your body, right? Instead, you shape those flames into new strange birds."

Taimoli's eyes were deep, as if he was on guard for something:

"You are not the strange bird that took away the power of the Sun God, and I am not the giant that took away the Sun God's legs and feet."

However, in response to his words, the ordinary man put on the bird mask again and said at the same time:

"Do you really believe what the 'fire eater' said?"

"you do not believe?"

Tamori asked rhetorically.

Of course, he had a lot of doubts. After all, what the other party said conflicted with him in many places.

But that didn't just conflict with what he already knew.

Judging from the other party's description, the things mentioned by the other party have a history that is older than the four hundred years he studied.

That in itself made him suspicious.

However, the darkness that the opponent's eyes could not penetrate before, the darkness that directly extinguished the "snake"'s flames, is enough ironclad evidence.

No matter what the other party said, he would remain suspicious, but the moment the deep darkness appeared, it was irrefutable evidence.

He had to find something to prove why the darkness like night existed.

However, only the words of the "fire eater" can serve as support for its existence.


The deep darkness, which was completely different from their power, was also fabricated out of thin air, or formed by imitating the night.


Being able to imitate the night itself has confirmed the existence of the night god from another angle.

In other words, the fact that night itself exists already requires an explanation.

Shadows during the day can be illuminated by any flame, but why is it that at night only the light of the Sunstone can gain vision?

Shadows and night darkness are not the same thing, they have different qualities.

There is only one explanation.

Either there is a problem during the day or there is a problem at night.

He had suspected this from a very early stage.

This was one of the reasons why he chose to believe it after hearing that statement.

The pointed questions hanging above his head with no answers made him exhausted.

As he said that, he glanced at the "strange bird" who put on the bird mask again:

"Don't tell me you never doubted day and night."

The strange bird didn't respond.

"How could I not have doubted it?"

The snake-eyed man spoke:

"Only a brainless fool would not doubt it. No one else can see other things at night, but the fire thief can."

"What's more, this kind of hairless bird likes to peek?"

The strange bird still didn't respond, but Tamori glanced around:

"Now, the question we should consider is that our power corresponds to the power of different parts of the legendary Sun God. So, what does the 'Skull of the Sun God' represent? And there's more."


"Hound, who is the betrayer?"

These words made the other two people's eyes freeze instantly.

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