Crow's Paradise

Chapter 164 The not-so-wonderful art school

He didn't stay in the funeral parlor for too long. Since he had business, as the only bone picker in the funeral parlor, Yao Yan naturally wanted to go with him.

As Francisco, a painter, and trainer of sky-buried crows, Grigo naturally had to come along.

The sky burial ceremony was held at the school located in District 2.

Of course, the three of them did not choose to fly over all the way.

If it weren't for the short distance to work, most birders wouldn't choose to fly all the way to their workplace.

The reason is naturally because of tiredness.

This principle is the same as that of the races on the ground. Even humanoid races such as centaurs and deer people who are good at traveling long distances will not choose to run to work. Taking other means of transportation saves effort and time.

The three of them were dressed a little more specially than usual.

The clothes on his body were changed into a black funeral suit with complicated and mysterious patterns.

The three of them also held a black cane in their hands.

The three people dressed like this naturally attracted a lot of people's attention. When they entered the campus, they even attracted a group of students to watch.

Looking at the heads of different types, although Yao Yan had no emotional changes, he could only imitate the behavior of the two people next to him to make himself not look so special.

As the students watched, Francisco, who was obviously a little shy, whispered:

"Grego, where is the client?"

"How did I know! That person didn't come directly. He made an appointment with the curator, and the curator just told me that the person who made the appointment was a professor from this college!"

Grigo just unconsciously pressed his left paw with his right paw, as if crows were falling on his hand:

"And I don't remember which professor it is!"

"You idiot, why can't you remember which professor it is? Didn't the curator tell you?"

"I really didn't say it!"

While the two were bickering, Yao Yan's eyes swept over the buildings of the college and the faces of the students.

This university, or college to be precise, looks like it should be an art college.

Painting classroom, sculpture classroom, poetry classroom.

From the different buildings and the different characteristics of the students, Yao Yan could barely identify the teaching staff of this school.

However, soon, Grigo and Francisco also made a decision——

"Let's go look for it separately and ask. Are you planning on asking me to go back to the funeral home to ask?"

It’s not that there is no remote communication technology, but that the law does not allow the use of remote communication tools——

Perhaps it’s because of the author’s portrayal of the world.

Yao Yan had no objection to this decision.

Under the curious gazes of some students, Yao Yan, whose dress and race clearly indicated his funeral-related professional identity, began to wander around the campus.

This campus consists of three tall buildings and six short buildings. It is certainly not difficult to distinguish the main buildings.

Thinking of division of labor, Yao Yan naturally chose the last building.

Entering the four-sided building surrounded by characters, Yao Yan once again attracted the attention of the students. However, the elves who were more or less carrying sketchbooks or drawing boards were obviously less interested in him than the other students.

Francisco and the others' purpose was to find the professor who had reserved the funeral of his old body for his consciousness transfer, but Yao Yan was not the one.

Yao Yan walked silently in the teaching building, looking into the classrooms.

It seems to be somewhat different from the teaching methods he was familiar with during his lifetime. Every classroom here teaches different content.

More realistic oil paintings, precision sketches, and abstract paintings of different styles

Yao Yan, who did not know much about art, could not identify it and could only generally summarize it as "abstract painting".

However, at this time, he came to a somewhat shabby classroom on the third floor.

This is a small classroom, much smaller than other classrooms. Rather than a classroom, it may be more suitable as a personal office or small warehouse.

However, there is a figure in this classroom.

There was no light, and the light pouring in from the window with the half-open door only made the room look dark and quiet.

And that figure was standing in front of the window, staring blankly out of the window.

However, at this moment, Yao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he seemed to smell a hint of blood.

A hint of mellow flavor.

The arakkoa are familiar with it. After the death of a living thing, it has just begun to decay. The decay that has just begun is like the fragrance of flowers brought by indole. Only a small amount of it is a fragrance. When it is too strong, it will be recognized as a stink.

The same is true for the arakkoa. The blood of living people has no attraction to the arakkoa. However, the smell of a corpse that has just died and has not been more than a period of time will be recognized by the arakkoa as a fragrance.

The concentration of this fragrance should not last more than one day.

Yao Yan clearly understood this, this "common sense" engraved in the memory of the original owner Nord.

The peak-like curve first gradually becomes fragrant as time goes up, and reaches its peak in about six hours. After that, the aroma weakens, and after one day, it turns into a stinky smell that even Crow people don't like.

But a room with a dead body and the door ajar?

Squinting his eyes slightly, Yao Yan stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, which was obviously deliberately set ajar.

And at this moment, he seemed to see several shadows rushing towards him from the darkness.

Almost instantly, Yao Yan retreated, raised his right claw at the same time, and fiercely tore out a claw in the direction of the shadow.


As if hitting something with a hard shell and a bone-like texture, the thing that collided with his claws was thrown away by his claws.

Not big.

Yao Yan made a judgment almost as soon as he felt the touch.

But he didn't stop. As he jumped back, he pulled back his right hand and grabbed the door handle with his left hand——

Boom! ! !

Along with the sound of heavy wooden doors slamming, the sound of doors closing echoed in the building.

And Yao Yan immediately shouted:

"There are bodies here!!!"

With a hoarse sound like a crow, his voice echoed throughout the teaching building and even reached outside the building.

Yao Yan did not forget that his abilities were limited in this world and needed to be used with caution.

After his shouts rang out, humanoid creatures walked out of each classroom one after another, quickly or slowly.

Or an elf, or some kind of arthropod.

A large number of grotesque bugs appeared in the corridor alternately with long-eared humanoid elves.

Although I had seen bugs outside the room door and looking into the classroom through the window, now

The number of insect-men was far greater than he imagined.

In the time when he was alive, this situation might have frightened many young people into fainting.

Especially those who say they have a certain phobia just because they have a fearful emotion.

Yaoyan himself had no emotions.

At this moment, he was just recalling the touch of his claws while alerting himself to the possible dangers inside the door.

It was obvious that what his claws had just hit was the limb of a certain insect man or some kind of insect race itself.

ps: There are already many people traveling today. I feel it would be better to stay in the hotel for National Day tomorrow~

However, it feels like there is much less than before the epidemic.

Maybe it’s also related to the region?

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