Crow's Paradise

Chapter 17 Buzhou Mountain

Along with the feeling of rising, Yao Yan seemed to feel an extremely grand thing.

It is vast and boundless, as if the whole world is enveloped.

However, inexplicably, Yao Yan could feel that this huge thing was more like a machine, constantly operating in a messy and chaotic movement.

No, to be more precise, it should be regular, but I can't grasp this regularity and I don't have enough ability to understand this regularity.

Soon, this sense of grandeur disappeared.

He seemed to have entered a certain space.

And the moment his consciousness became clear, he saw a strange scene.

how to say.

Möbius strip? A space of contradiction? Klein bottle? Penrose Triangle?

This is a huge, twisted space, like the interior of a spiraling tower-shaped building.

However, there are countless buildings scattered in this high tower. These buildings are not perpendicular to the ground where he is, but perpendicular to the wall where he is.

There are even suspended buildings.

He could see various scenery staggered together. Each part was logical and impressive, but when combined together, it deviated from logic and contradicted his understanding.

For example, next to where he is, there is a triangular broken staircase that folds and rises.

However, the other side seems more intuitive than this.

In the distance of his field of vision, strange figures were walking up along the twisting upward "wall" or should I say "ground".

Such a scene could not help but make Yao Yan a little dazed.

He had never seen a place like this.

However, at this moment, he heard a voice.


Yao Yan turned his head and saw a woman.

This face was different from the Yan Ren just now, but Yao Yan could feel that the feeling she gave him was the same as the Yan Ren before.

However, she was not in a cowardly manner.


It's off-white, like a doll.

Just like those ball-jointed dolls he had seen in his previous life, they did not have the wood-like or metal-like texture, but felt closer to bones.

However, it has a chitinous texture, like an exoskeleton.

His gaze passed over the other person's eyes, which seemed to be composed of countless fine small crystals.

If he still had a physical body, he might feel uncomfortable because of the fear of decay and dense objects engraved in his DNA.

Maybe there will also be an uncanny valley effect?

It's a pity that he doesn't have this idea now.

Including the novelty of this strange space that was somewhat familiar but unfamiliar to him, he had no emotions.

Indifferently, he looked at this woman:

"Wall of the Faithless?"

Facing his question, Loulan took a deep breath, raised her delicate face that could make ordinary people feel uncomfortable, and opened her magnificent eyes that were densely packed with crystals:

"This place is called 'Buzhou Mountain' by the Yan people, the 'Tower of Babel' by the Yi people, and the 'Pillars of Heracles' by the Hai people. There are many names."

Her mood gradually calmed down, allowing her to speak more stably:

"Whether it is a container or a contaminated object, they can enter this tower through the guide."

She looked at Yao Yan and said:

"Here, after joining a certain force, you can obtain the qualifications to use a certain trial space."

"Every time we go through a trial, we can gain a certain amount of 'rationality', which allows us to maintain our personality and prevent our personality from going to extremes due to repeated use of abilities."

"And if you pass the trial, it is possible to obtain the spiritual residue of the old era from the trial, allowing us to gain new strength."

Lou Lan's words made Yao Yan silent for a moment.

Not to mention Buzhou Mountain, the Tower of Babel, the Pillars of Hercules, etc. These are obviously related to mythological elements and should be related to the "Nightmare Game".

But trials? reason? Maintain personality?

Based on the logic of what she just said, does it mean that using the ability multiple times will lead to extremes, loss of rationality, and loss of personality?

He carefully checked the changes in himself.

Although he has not been awake in this world or this era for a long time, and the number of times he has used his abilities cannot be considered too many, but it is also frequent.

Apart from losing my emotions after waking up because I have no body, has there been any change in my thinking?


But it cannot be ruled out that such a situation will occur after using the ability many times in the future.

He glanced at this "woman" whose appearance was different from the previous Yanren, recalled what happened with the "Unbelieving Order", and then said:

"What forces are there here?"

He asked a very basic question, and he was not afraid that the other party would know that he did not understand this place.

In other words, the other party may have already seen it.

He even thought that there might be a trap here, so he did what he did before.

In fact, Loulan was a little unsure.

How much does this polluted entity of unknown origin know about the Cult of the Unbelievers?

To be able to say "no bottom line" is obviously an unusual understanding of the Cult of the Unbelievers.

The Cult of the Unbelievers cannot be said to be little known, but it is also extremely hidden, whether in Buzhou Mountain or outside Buzhou Mountain.

Even those who know about the Cult of the Unbelievers will be more or less blinded by the "unbelief" they promote, making it difficult to distinguish.

The action mode of the unbelievers, at least on the surface, is all kinds of anti-blind worship. In this representation, it is a bit extreme. It looks like it does not accept all non-empirical existence, so it seems dogmatic. change.

Even many inmates and polluters who have joined the Faithless Cult will be deceived by this skin, thinking that the "Unbelievers" are really "Unbelievers".

Loulan is not a high-level person, but she has had contact with high-level people.

The identity of this loose organization, this "Unbeliever's Order" is just an identity that can be exploited by the top leaders of the Unbeliever's Order.

The image of the "Cult of the Faithless" is what they can use as a cover for their operations.

She said that the only "principle" or "common ground" she knew about the "Cult of the Unbelievers" was that "everything can be used."

No matter the organization, identity or even the "interest" itself, it can be used as an object of exploitation.

No bottom line, no principles, willing to give up everything for various goals.

That's why she said to this "contaminated body" of unknown origin, "Is it an unbeliever or has no bottom line?" She couldn't figure out the other party's identity.

However, with such a level of understanding of the Faithless Cult, it is obviously impossible for them not to know Buzhou Mountain.

The Yan people are quite conservative and will basically not let the weaker Yan people enter Buzhou Mountain.

But even so, as long as you ascend to the second step, you can access the information of Buzhou Mountain, and you can even directly enter Buzhou Mountain from the second step.

What is the origin of this pollutant?

Could it be that the recipients of a certain organization have transformed into contaminated bodies?

Lou Lan, whose thoughts were uncertain, could not grasp what the contaminant in front of him was planning, so he had to answer honestly to this extremely basic question.

ps: Sorry for the late update. I went to the hospital, but the situation didn’t change much, so it’s not a big problem.

Speaking of which, how many vaccinations have you had?

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