Crow's Paradise

Chapter 169 Racial Image

After that, no matter how much the scorpion man Danian asked, Yao Yan kept silent and concentrated on continuing the sky burial ceremony.

Soon, Grigo followed the crows and arrived above the Jungle University.

After getting permission from Danian to start, Yao Yan also backed away from the corpse.

Accompanied by Grigo's crow-like cry, the corpse of the harpy was quickly devoured by the hungry crows.

In less than half an hour, only feathers and bones remained of the harpy's body.

After glancing at Francisco to make sure he had finished painting, Yao Yan's eyes returned to the corpse.

"Well, Miss Danian, the sky burial ceremony is over. Welcome to visit us next time."

After speaking businesslikely to Danian the Scorpion, Grigo flew away with the crows.

Yao Yan also gathered the corpses and came to Danian:

"Then, Ms. Danian, the bones will be taken to the sky burial funeral parlor. You can come over at any time within three days to remove the remains and bury them elsewhere. After three days, if they are not moved, a monument will be erected on the sky burial."

After speaking professionally and in accordance with the funeral home regulations stipulated by law, Yao Yan tied the shroud tightly, carried it on his back, and gestured to Francisco:

"It's time to go, Francisco."

Immediately, he flapped his black wings and flew into the sky.

After Francesco handed over the completed painting to the scorpion man Danian, he flew into the sky, followed closely behind Yao Yan, and flew back towards the Sky Burial Funeral Parlor.

Looking back at the scorpion man Danian standing on the roof of the teaching building, the thin Francisco spread his wings and flew around Yao Yan with a more flexible attitude than the weight-bearing Yao Yan.

Understanding the meaning of this action from the memory of the original owner, Yao Yan flapped his wings and accelerated his flight.

Soon, the two caught up with Grigo in front.

Although Grigo, who guided the crows back, did not look back, he realized from the cries of the crows that the two men were coming, and immediately used his cries to drive the crows apart.

Soon, the three of them lined up in a sky burial ceremony.

In the city, such a scene naturally attracted the attention of others, including other birds and insects. Even if they didn't understand why there was such a queue, they all basically gave way.

The three of them didn't have much conversation. Although as a mortician, he was basically used to crows eating corpses, they were still affected and felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, it was Francisco who was the first to break the silence. He spoke in a somewhat puzzled tone:

"This guest seems to have transferred consciousness quite frequently, sixteen times? How much memory can be retained in this way?"

As a painter, after getting the sixteen photos and the composition mentioned by the other party, his first thought was that each photo was the identity of the scorpion lady who had previously transferred consciousness.

Although consciousness transfer is popular, it is not cheap, and, more importantly, one thing they all basically understand is——

The transfer of consciousness cannot completely retain the memory, and some memories will be lost more or less.

Theoretically, the number of consciousness transfers is unlimited, but in fact, the more frequent the consciousness transfer, the worse the effect of the consciousness transfer, and the more serious the memory loss will be.

However, they don't know how much will be lost during the transfer, nor how much will be lost.

Consciousness transfer is not a one-size-fits-all technology.

"Why do you care so much?"

As for Francisco's question, Grigo, who was at the end of the team, still had a nonchalant attitude.

Obviously, even if being at the end of the queue can reduce the flight burden, it is still too tiring to fly back and forth between the funeral home and Jungle University in a short time. A slightly tired voice came to the ears of the two of them:

"I have to work for at least another ten years before I can buy the new body I want."


Francisco couldn't help but sigh.

It's just a transfer of consciousness, and the price is not very expensive. Making a new body is the bulk of the cost.

The prices of different races are also different, because the cost of manufacturing and cultivating the bodies of different races is different, and the difficulty of consciousness transfer is also different.

Then, Francisco couldn't help but ask:

"Speaking of which, Grigo, what race do you plan to transfer to?"

Grigo yawned and opened and closed his beak:

"Of course 'Angel'."

"Obviously they are all funeral professionals, so why is our social status so low?"

Grigo said, still a little angry:

"Is it because they have white-haired wings? Or is it a human face?"

"Ha ha."

After hearing this, Francisco also laughed:

"The social status of an angel is indeed quite high, but the body of an angel is really expensive, and it's also a funeral profession. I'd better switch to an elf later, at least I'll have more freedom in painting."

While the two were talking, they didn't forget to ask Yao Yan for his opinion:

"Nord, what about you?"

After hearing Francisco's words, Yao Yan, who was recalling the image of "angel", was also slightly startled. He flipped through the memory of the original owner and responded:

"Fairy or devil."

The original owner Nord is a quiet person who likes to be alone and plant flowers and grass, so he plans to transfer his consciousness to the race of "elves".

However, Yao Yan is more inclined to "devil".

The reason is because of the special characteristics of the devil race.

Angels with human-shaped outlines are mostly products of the Renaissance. It can be said that as long as you see human-shaped angels, most of them can be dated to after the 14th century.

As for the "devil" race, its creation and fixation of its image also have a fairly clear historical evolution process.

In the early days, most of the religions were animist, and there was no so-called "demons" in them. The first ones that came close to the concept of demons were just a group of evil spirits.

In the primitive religion of animism, these evil spirits are actually closer to the concept of good.

However, after the formation of a certain religion that absorbed a large number of primitive religious concepts, especially the dualism of good and evil of Zoroastrianism, it began to combine the gods of other faiths, whether polytheism or animism, into primitive religions. Things are absorbed, and those that cannot be absorbed are stigmatized as demons.

And because the main ethnic group of this religion is a nomadic people, with sheep herding as their main way of life, concepts related to priestly mythology, such as "shepherd", "devil", "lamb" and other concepts will be mixed with sheep-related images.

It is generally believed that the decisive source of the image of the devil is the god Pan in Greek mythology.

Many people will think that everything is just fiction and has nothing to do with reality. However, people's ideological creation is not rootless. Only materials can be produced and created. The image of the devil itself is the product of the basic structure of reality.

To decipher the worldview of this world, we can start from many angles.

From the social status and appearance of these different races, as well as from ordinary people's senses and understanding of these races, we can find some details that ordinary people easily overlook.

And "Devil" is a good target.

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