Crow's Paradise

Chapter 171 Rhythm is a basic skill

Thinking can be induced.

Moreover, compared to instilling opinions into others, this method of inducing others to "think" about the answers on their own is easier for people to believe.

Yao Yan didn't know if there was so-called hypnotic control in the era when he was alive, but this kind of thinking induced him to be a witness. Although it was a bit awkward to use, there should be no problem.

This technique is so common and so hidden that if you don't take special precautions, it would be difficult to detect it even if you have knowledge in this area.

Moreover, after this kind of operation arouses the topic, there is no need to control it too deliberately.

Without any special performance, Yao Yan used another method——

"What do you mean, is it possible that the prophet or pope of the Holy Church is a devil? Impossible, what are you thinking too? How can a person with such a high status in the Holy Church be a devil? Francisco, you are thinking wildly again, I told you not to read fantasy novels all the time, this idea is too stupid. "

After Yao Yan said these words, Francisco's expression changed slightly and he immediately retorted:

"Why is it impossible? In the Dark Ages, various forces can be hostile to each other. Why can't the Pope of the Holy Church be affected? Doesn't he have his own interests?"

very smooth.

Unexpectedly, Yao Yan took advantage of the situation and pretended to be speechless.

Backfire effect.

When Francisco expressed what he wanted to say, instead of complying with him, he used an aggressive and hostile stance to refute.

Unlike his physique, Francisco's self-esteem is very strong, especially in terms of art and expression.

If his paintings are said to be unsightly or incomprehensible by clients or their family members, although Francisco will not refute them on the spot due to work reasons, he will definitely complain or complain to these people on the way back to the Sky Burial Funeral Home or afterwards. Ridicule them for not understanding art.

In other words, it is because of his physique and low self-esteem that he is particularly sensitive and has a strong self-esteem. When he is refuted, belittled, or ignored, it is easy for him to have a backfire effect.

They actually don't care whether these views are right or wrong, and they don't even know whether their own views are right or wrong, but because of the backfire effect, they will defend these views in order to protect themselves.

From the perspective of the mechanism, it is not because these views are "correct", but because these views "belong to oneself". When these views are belittled and refuted, it means that he is refuted and belittled.

Especially for the sake of insurance and triggering the backfire effect, Yao Yan specifically took various actions——

Disparaging the fantasy novels that Francisco enjoyed.

Call Francisco's idea stupid.

The three-pronged attack, as expected, gave Francisco a rebellious mentality and had a backfire effect.

However, the fire was not burning brightly enough.

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Yao Yan looked compromised.

compromise? No, this is perfunctory. I don’t actually agree with it, but choose to compromise perfunctorily for other reasons——

Think he's annoying.

There is no argument to be made.

Think he is stupid, ignore him, etc.

People with different personalities and experiences will have different judgments on this seemingly compromising but actually perfunctory attitude.

If you are a person with strong self-confidence or even arrogance, you may be inclined to 1 and 2, but they are already firm in their own ideas and this kind of operation will not cause a backfire effect.

People with strong self-esteem due to low self-esteem tend to tend to judge one and three. Although they appear to have strong self-esteem, they are actually not firm about this view. This is just because the backfire effect strengthens the awareness of self-protection, making them They hold opinions driven by the idea of ​​"protecting themselves."

This kind of superficial compromise but actually perfunctory attitude will arouse their resentment and further anger them.

And sure enough, after he said these words, Francisco's face became a little angry:

"Nord! What do you mean!"

"It's not interesting. You dare to make wild guesses without evidence, scoff."

Yao Yan turned his head, not looking at him at all, but facing forward.

People who appear to be arrogant but actually have low self-esteem will become even more angry when they encounter such situations of being ignored.

Yao Yan originally planned to point out his inferiority on purpose.

The same is done using the backfire effect.

When it is pointed out that "inferiority is disguised as self-esteem", this "exposure" is also a kind of derogation for those with low self-esteem.

Yaoyan himself was very clear about this.

For example, when I was pretending to be strong when I fell down and got injured as a child, and an adult pointed out that I was just pretending, I would get very angry, and I might even do things to prove that I was strong and get hurt again on purpose.

As a child, he had a strong resentment against the adults who pointed this out, and this resentment remained until he realized his naivety as an adult.

If he were alive, he would even think that he had been devalued due to self-analysis, leading to subconscious resistance to this kind of knowledge and resistance to the person who spoke this kind of knowledge.

And Yao Yan's "sarcasm" finally made Francisco unbearable.

With wings flapping, Francisco left the team directly.


Francisco flew away, and Grigo couldn't help but scream.

However, Francisco did not respond.


Yao Yan made a judgment silently, but for Grigo, he did not need to perform similar operations because the two had different personalities. He said out loud:

"No matter what he does, if there is no evidence, it is not right."

Upon hearing this, Grigo opened his mouth:


From the memory of the original owner, Yao Yan could know that Grigo was a good old man.

This was also the reason why the original owner didn't like Grigo.

The original owner was taciturn, not because of other reasons, but because he liked silence and hated those who were chattering around him.

The reason may be that he is confident enough to insist on self-evaluation, but he does not have condescending and contemptuous thoughts towards the people around him. He only expresses boredom with the voices of the people around him and acts with an idea close to escaping.

In this case, there is only an attitude of boredom for people like Grigo who try to have a good relationship with everyone and choose to organize various activities.

Making use of such people is both easy and difficult.

Among people with the same personality, some are easy to deceive and others are difficult to deceive.

People who regard personality as a standard and try to template it, and come up with the rule that "everyone with xx personality is easy to deceive, and everyone with xx personality is hard to deceive" cannot be said to be simple-minded, but the label of "lazy" cannot be escaped.

Individual differences are not something that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Yao Yan would not do things with the idea of ​​formulating answers according to rules.

Adjusting measures to local conditions is also a basic common sense in compulsory education.

The backfire effect is not easy to use, so just use the general method of preferring to believe that something exists rather than believing that something does not exist.

Guide Grigo with what he cares about.

Immediately, Yao Yan glanced at the crow:

"Speaking of which, Gregor, if the Holy Age returns, will we, the Ravens and the Crows, be liquidated?"

Quietly, he set the default premise that crows are related to demons.


ps: The back of my head hurts, but there should be no problem in the short term, right? Pain intermittently.

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