Crow's Paradise

Chapter 180 Time bomb?

Near the cemetery.

The humanoid armor, two gargoyles, a circus doll and a tall minotaur that Yao Yan had seen before were gathered together.

Among them, the circus puppet's eyes fell on the watch face that was running minute by second on his right wrist.

It was obvious that they were waiting for something.

Not far in front of them, a huge mirror with scorch marks from the flames stood in front of them all.

Their eyes basically fell on the mirror.

And at this moment, their eyes all caught what they were waiting for.


Not as they expected.

Their colleagues emerged from the mirror incomplete.

A head, most of the body, and the small half of the snake's tail connected to the lower body, like unassembled equipment parts, piles of body fragments emerged from the mirror.

However, what's worse is——

On these things, there are strange eyeballs that are as dark as shadows but have clear outlines, like the eyes of some kind of bird.

Moreover, as they watched, the outlines of these eyeballs continued to become clearer. On the contrary, their colleagues, the body of the Mecha-Snake was shrinking as a whole, and the parts where the eyeballs were located were especially obvious. They were shrinking very quickly. The rate at which it ages and decays.


At this moment, all the eyeballs opened simultaneously!


They reached this conclusion at the same time.

At this moment, almost everyone's body, whether it was their chest, abdomen, head, or arms, pushed out a wooden card.

The next moment, those shadowy eyeballs exploded instantly!

Dark, shadow-like ripples rippled out, and explosion-like circles quickly enveloped the bodies of several Yanren.

The huge tauren at the front raised his arm and used the machine to push out the ability cards. The arm, which looked like flesh and blood, was pushed away by the machine -

A shield-like machine shield expanded, and when the numbers on the ability card changed, a wall-like texture with dense and complex lines appeared on the shield.

Those shadows that spread like waves and water waves, when they hit the shield, seemed to be absorbed into it and disappeared instantly.

On the contrary, there are some shadows among those dense lines.

The defensive measure of the humanoid armor was to quickly close the cracked body. With a bang, a sound like an impact was heard. The closed armor that was hit by the shadow could not block the impact of the shadow, and was knocked away by the shadow. Got out.

As for Yan Ren, who looked like a circus doll, his body was knocked away at the moment of impact. However, he adjusted his body in mid-air, changed his posture, and landed as if performing acrobatics.

However, the card that appeared in his hand and the changes in the numbers on the corners also proved that he was not completely without losses.

As for the two gargoyles, one curled up suddenly when the ripples rippled, lying on the ground like a real statue, blocking the impact forcefully, while the other opened his eyes and used offense instead of defense to block the attack.

However, this situation, which everyone used their abilities to resist, is obviously not a situation that can be ignored casually.

not to mention.

Their eyes fell on the ground.

In the impact that just broke out, their colleague, the Mecha-Snake who had lost the ability to resist, had disintegrated into countless Mecha-shattered pieces.

Several people looked at each other, and although they didn't speak, they could all feel the solemn attitude of the others.

Half a day later.

District 3, although it is still in District 3, in terms of straight-line distance, Yao Yan has moved far away.

Sitting in another restaurant, Yao Yan was reading the newspaper while eating, and his eyes fell on a news report.

[Serial explosion! Terrorist attacks! ? Four districts.]

The newspaper described two bombings that occurred within one day.

The news about the explosion was not long, and it simply explained the location and time. As for the people who died in the explosion, it was still "under investigation."

One of them is over the crematorium, and the other is located next to the crematorium.

The former is a large explosion, and the latter is just a "small explosion."

Among the guests, he was not conspicuous, either in his bird-like posture or in his behavior of reading a newspaper.

However, regarding the content in the newspaper, Yao Yan shook his head silently in his heart:

"Probably not killed."

His ability cannot completely eliminate the enemy that attacked him. If the opponent is an enemy with an effective scale, he will definitely not be killed.

However, from the opponent attacking him, it can be confirmed that this Yanren, who can travel through the mirror, has some kind of tracking ability.

Yao Yan looked away from the newspaper, turned his eyes to the other side, and then

"Is this explosion also a prophecy of the person who wrote it?"

He was "talking" to himself in a medium voice.

He wasn't quite ready to give up on the idea of ​​finding a pen writer.

Although the main purpose is to help Lao Jia act, if it can cause a big enough impact and cause conflicts in the thoughts that constitute the world view, maybe he can get a piece of spiritual condensation with good weight and quality, and gain a good ability.

However, the chance is not great.

[1/3], [1/3], [3/3], [2/3]

The One-Eyed Crow has been used twice, the Black and White Crow has been used twice, the Backfire has been used once, and the Draft has never been used.

I have to say that the ability of the Backstage is indeed useful.

After two experiments, he can be sure of one thing.

That is, the ability of the Backstage is not that others "cannot find him" after hiding in the curtain, but that they cannot recognize him.

In a sense, he has "no longer existed".

Others cannot recognize him as a subject.

Not only him, but also the things he did and the actions he took will not be recognized as his doing because he entered the curtain.

But similarly, once he leaves the curtain, he will be noticed immediately.

Although this "side effect" is somewhat fatal and not conducive to hiding, if used well, it can be used as an ability to attract attention, which is not bad.

As for the delayed destructive ability that Rumors gained when he advanced to the effect scale, the effect is also very good.

When used in conjunction with the ability of the Black and White Crow, the effect is quite good.

No, it should be said that it works well with the ability to focus multiple times.

In the words of the game, the more hits you have, the better the effect.

Even if you don't get any good abilities this time, it's enough to test your strengths and weaknesses and things you need to pay attention to.

As for the others?

Yao Yan took a look at the card of the One-Eyed Crow.

When he used it for the last time, he forcibly left this world.

There are too many enemies in this world, and he doesn't intend to risk his life to help Lao Jia do things.

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