Crow's Paradise

Chapter 197 Thinking also has a developmental period

Some people may think that not having love or being infatuated is not a big deal.

But no.

At least Yao Yan didn't think so.

Among the studies he knew about human emotions, human physiological mechanisms, and the relationships between love, family, and friendship, Yao Yan was familiar with several types.

A theoretical model that can be succinctly explained as an interlaced circle is that friendship, love, and family affection have overlapping intervals, and they overlap with each other.

As for how much overlap there is, it is also an unknown matter due to individual differences and the inability to quantify.

Or another theoretical model, which believes that love, friendship, and family are the same thing.

It's because people artificially divide and define the so-called differences between love, family, and friendship.

And because humans can vaguely define this flaw, they will also include "relevant" things.

For example, sexual impulse is also included in the so-called love.

If this can be called love, then small movies and the like are indeed full of love.

There is also a theoretical model that has four levels: association relationship, individual relationship, close relationship and intimate relationship. According to this progressive ladder, medals are given to strangers, friends, relatives and lovers.

Unfortunately, Yao Yan preferred the first and the second.

He believes that human emotional relationships originate from social group relationships in ancient times and develop from group relationships. The basis should be the same, but after a long period of development, humans will tend to certain ranges.

To represent it with an example, it is like the petals of a flower.

The circles in the center are common, with friendship, love, and family each occupying one area, divided into red, yellow, and blue, and then...

The center is divisible.

To the extreme, depending on the individual, the middle part can become any emotion, a palette with different proportions of red, yellow, and blue.

The central part of an individual may be 1:1:8, which makes him value family affection, or it may be 1:8:1, which makes him value friendship.

During his lifetime, he was most fed up with remarks that said spiritual consciousness and values ​​could not be changed.

The value of memorizing language experience is destined to change people's spiritual consciousness, and the mechanism of "learning" itself is destined to be changed.

If you want to say that xx is of great weight, the content of learning will not change...


Life is very important, right?

But can’t the outlook on life be changed?

How to change and to what extent are issues that need to be studied. Those who insist that they cannot change might as well find a place to stay by themselves.


That's not even the most important thing.

If this theory endorsed by Yao Yan is extended to other fields.

How do people judge something?

What is the process of people’s judgment on a thing?

Is "favorite" love?

Is "fetish" love?

Yao Yan believed that love, or something like emotion, has a great influence on the human thinking process, and it is a hidden influence that is difficult to detect.

If the "full-temporal estrus" disappears, the impact on humans will not be that simple.

Moreover, there is also a question of the genetics of thought.

Simply put, it’s the way people think.

Most people have a very vague understanding of ways of thinking, values, and logic.

However, just like the body, the mind also undergoes a development process. If it is underdeveloped in the early stage, it may not be able to make up for it later.

I suffered a fracture due to calcium deficiency in my early teenage years, but without treatment. After receiving calcium supplementation later, will this person be the same as a normal person?

Or, if you are malnourished in the early stages, can you grow taller if you supplement nutrition as you grow older?

The bones will heal at a certain stage, and so will the mind. What if something goes wrong during the development process?

It is not uncommon for the system software installation order of mobile phone and computer software to be wrong and the installation to fail. So what problems will occur in subsequent installations?

When thoughts were floating in Yao Yan's mind, he shook his head.

He did not remember these memories clearly.

Not to mention that the fuzzy memory auto-complete mechanism would make him think that he remembered correctly.

If he "accidentally" omits any details or makes a wrong sentence, in terms of interests, it is a trivial matter to mislead others and make him confused, causing him to have some problems. That would be the worst thing.

Because of the floating thoughts in his mind, he didn't listen much to the "teacher"'s subsequent lectures.

After all, he later began to sort out the general situation at this time.

The political structure of this world is not complicated.

It is divided into several "races" based on terrain and climate.

Using the analogy of Yao Yan's knowledge during his lifetime, it is...

Polar plants, rainforest plants, aquatic plants.

These vegetative people form different categories due to different regional conditions.

And his race corresponds to the rainforest plants, the jungle people living in the woods.

Then there are the polar people who live in extremely cold climates.

There are also floating people in the water and sea in life.

Mainly these three categories.

But that's not what's important.

"No restricted abilities?"

In other words, creatures all over the world have various extraordinary powers.

Junglers are relatively short and live on tall trees in the rainforest. They are flexible, good at camouflage, and can use toxins.

Polar people are physically strong, able to adapt to various harsh conditions, resist various external attacks, are good at searching and tracking, are tall and have extremely strong endurance.

The floating people in the water are good at camouflage and are extremely explosive and have strong recovery power.

Yao Yan opened his palms.

The palms covered with traces like leaf veins appeared slightly transparent.

But there are no blood vessels inside, and there is no red blood.

However, this is not the point.

The point is...

Next to Yao Yan, a voice came:

"Light Spot, have you considered becoming a pretender?"

Spot is the name of Yao Yan's body.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Yao Yan turned around and looked at the speaker.

This jungle man has a similar body shape to him, but is closer to a woman, especially the bulge in the chest.

Now that humans are extinct, why do we act in human form?

Oh, by the way, Yao Yan looked at the other party's head.

The reproductive organs of these vegetative people are on the top of their heads, which are the hair-like leaves.

And other places...

mouth? It is indeed one of the eating organs.

Eye? One of the senses indeed.

nose? It is also one of the senses.

skin? They can all perform photosynthesis, secrete resin, stick targets to themselves, and secrete toxins.

Chest? There was nothing special about it, except that it had more resin. He understood the reason from its hunting purpose.

As for the reproductive part, it is also a mouth.

There is not much to say about the eating scene.

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