Crow's Paradise

Chapter 215 Fragile Ties

His question, after the five demons looked at him for a moment, they turned to look northwest.

There are many demon forces surrounding this demon city.

Some are composed of a few individuals, and some are small collectives formed by dozens of demons. As for the composition, they are basically a mother body and its offspring.

Even further away, there is a gathering place of medium and large demons with hundreds of individuals.

However, the scale only ends there.

There are no specialized individuals who are food providers like the breeders and producers in this demon society. Even if the amount of food that demons need to obtain through eating is much less than that of creatures of the same size, it is not equal to zero.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some of them will follow a similar path to the cultivators and producers of this demon city.

But Yao Yan's goal was not here.

He only planned to rely on the attack of this demon city, and even promote their attacks on other demons and settlements, expand the scale, and collect relevant information on various human civilizations.

On Ligil's side, he was also trying to induce Ligil to take a detour and avoid the hunting range of this demon city.

Whether it's "Don't put your eggs in one basket" or "Multiple choices, multiple paths", these are the superficial principles that support his current choices.

Under Yao Yan's inducement, the gene hunters who switched their targets to other demon forces also turned away and headed towards their destination.

The destination chosen by the gene hunters is at the edge of a forest.

Inside the forest, there is a small river running through it.

The demons who were specially transformed into "gene hunters" all set their sights on the forest in the distance.

Previously, the demons who specialized in reconnaissance, search, and patrol would patrol the area around the demon city for confirmation every day.

In the forest here, there is a collective of demons with a family structure.

Compared with ordinary demons, these demons did not leave their mothers when they were sub-adults, but continued to use their mothers as a link to establish a collective.

Yao Yan's eyes swept across the forest.

Being tied to the mother does not mean that the mother has a high status.

In a primitive society where violence is respected, strength is power.

Especially when other demons can give birth on their own, the bond of "mother" becomes even more fragile.

In human history during his lifetime, because of group marriages, it was difficult to identify whether one's children were one's own, and mother was the best way to identify.

I don’t know who the father is, but my mother is very sure.

This is the so-called "matriarchal society".

As for whether matriarchal society is matriarchal or female? Yao Yan could not determine this, and most of the archaeological research he knew had no answer.

Because human beings are different between male and female individuals, relatively speaking, men are more likely to gain muscle and women are more likely to gain fat.

In primitive societies, most men had higher strength than women.

Just like wild animals, it is more likely to have the power to allocate resources among primitive tribes.

It’s easy to confuse the issues of “paternity” and “patriarchy.”

Paternity uses the father as the link to identify kinship ties, and is not the same concept as fatherhood.

Because it is impossible to confirm whether the offspring belongs to oneself at that time, if one wants to confirm, the only way is to ensure that the spouse mates only with oneself.

In this way, a "possessing spouse" is formed.

When the group marriage system comes to an end and the structure of "possession of spouse" comes, when you can confirm that your offspring belong to you, it is "patrilineal".

However, "possessing a spouse" requires a guarantee of power.

For the paternal line, it's either complete monogamy, or polygyny like an animal like a lion.

The maternal line does not need any special structure to ensure that its offspring belong to itself.

It was not until modern times, with the emergence of the technology to give birth through the womb, that there was the threat that "the child does not belong to the mother".

Patriarchy is mostly accompanied by paternity.

Matrilineal lineage does not come with maternal authority.

The animal instinct of primitive society makes them focus on "offspring".

The so-called maternal and paternal lines all focus on the possession of offspring.

In modern times, "women's rights" and "men's rights" refer to the possession of spouses by both spouses.

Later, it developed to men and women who were not spouses, and became "female" and "male".

Regarding these issues of women's rights and men's rights, there were too many debates in Yaoyan's lifetime.

Including the debate between matriarchal and patrilineal societies.

However, Yao Yan was very clear that the key point had nothing to do with matriarchal society and patriarchal society. In essence, it was the two sides projecting their gender onto the "matriline" and "patriline".

When the maternal or paternal line "wins", it is their own victory.

However, none of them understood the difference between "tie" and "quan".

They use the characteristics of "patriline" as a trigger point and believe that paternity and paternity are consistent.

If it is paternal, then the father must have high power and status, and then the male must have high power and status.

Therefore, if it is matrilineal, then the mother has high power and status, and then the woman has high power and status.

The "status consciousness" formed by the human subconscious's "possession of resources" has been entrenched in human consciousness from its emergence to the present.

This is a concept that plays an important role in human consciousness, human culture, and human thought.

There are many culturally related creations that will be involved to some extent.

Unfortunately, they often do not realize what determines "resource possession".

One monkey group confronts another monkey group, and the monkeys in the group occupy few resources. The monkeys use "male" and "female" as the criterion for resource possession, while ignoring the monkey king who occupies the vast majority of resources.

A group of monkeys with low status and lack of resources beat each other to death.

Yao Yan knew very well that during his lifetime, many people were not unaware of this, but chose to subconsciously avoid this issue because they were "powerless", "difficult to handle", "unable to do" and "unable to change".

It is the nature of living things to bully the weak and fear the strong.

However, in this demon world, it is different.

Because of the existence of the characteristic of "the ability to integrate genes", the demons themselves are not gender differentiated, so the "individual differences" are amplified a lot.

The result of this natural competition of "violence comes first".

The devil's "mother" is just a bond.

Demons themselves lack a sense of community and are not as uneasy as humans when they lack communication with the same kind.

"Family love" itself is "collective", a variant of collectiveness hidden in genes.

The same goes for "spouse". If they can produce offspring on their own, their spouse has no special meaning to them.

For the demons, "because she is a mother, she has a high status"?

This concept does not exist.

The reason doesn't stop there.

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