Crow's Paradise

Chapter 230 The most dangerous thing is around you

Are there any standards in life?

Yes, in every aspect.

Are there stages in life?

Yes, in every aspect.

So why is it said that the stage is wrong?

But when did Yao Yan say that the stage was wrong?

Genes that reduce consumption have brought humans the instinct to simplify reading, simplify memory elements, and simplify thinking processes, not only in the physical mechanism structure, but also at the thinking level.

"Pointed out" = "problem" = "mistake".

In the process of thinking, people often slip unconsciously, perhaps because of presuppositions formed by experience, or because they lack the habit of re-examining what they understand before expressing it.

If he had to use any short sentence to simplify the thoughts that had flowed through his mind before, it should be——

People will habitually cut and divide most things into stages according to certain standards.

He did not say under what circumstances it was wrong, let alone "dividing into stages is wrong."

However, it is a pity that the act of "simplifying" and "summarizing" is the easiest place to erase important information.

People will unconsciously tend to the standards they think are important, and then simplify the content according to this standard and make so-called "generalizations."

"Standards" are a terrible thing.

No, it should be said that the act of "drawing standards" is terrible.

People will unconsciously use various simplified methods to erase and cut information, and unconsciously complete the production of rumors and fallacies.

Human beings are living rumor-producing machines.

As long as the operation of "simplification" exists and the structure of "experience" exists, it is absolutely impossible for rumors to disappear.

Of course, if the entrance cannot be blocked, operations can be carried out at the exit. However, even if the production of rumors is charged with a felony, it will not eliminate the rumors.

Yao Yan looked at the staged obstacles that appeared in his body and did not match the genetic template he had set.

In this world, "stage" has become a natural law.

Yao Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

This is different from Dasheng World.

Dasheng World also has clear stages, this level and that level.

However, those things in Dasheng World that are closer to people's subconscious cognition are relatively gentle because people do not have a unified understanding of the curve "within the stage".

And this world has a clear rule that it is easy in the early stage and difficult in the later stage.

However, what Yao Yan paid most attention to was not this.

But something else.

"Reality", "phenomenon", "effect", "law".

Spiritual scale levels.

This clear ladder division, this clear hierarchical scale.

Compared with this world, the power he possesses, the power possessed by the recipients and contaminated bodies, is more closely related to "standards" and "stages", these cognitive things shaped by human life.

Raising his paw slightly, Yao Yan finally understood why Lao Jia was so excited at that moment.

after all

Even the power you use may be affected. Is there anything more resentful than having your enemy affecting you all the time?

According to different standards, of course there is, but it is obvious that his question only expresses a vague degree. In order to express the great hatred that this situation can cause, the focus is not on whether it is the first.

Yao Yan can only say that exaggeration, like vague expressions, is one of the best ways to create rumors.

Turning his head, Yao Yan looked at Thiele who was leading the dragons to build nests and collect things in preparation for breeding and improving their life levels:

"The guidance is over, and I can temporarily switch to the observer's perspective."

Compared with these giant dragons, the world view represented by the laws of nature itself is more worthy of his study.

On the edge of the lake, Tiler, the queen of the dragons, seemed to have realized something at this moment and said:

"Can I fulfill my mother's expectations?"

"You can definitely do it." The dragons looked at him with some awe at the characteristics that were different from their own. Mother and Mistress had told them that those were the characteristics of a leader and the King of Dragons.

Tiller smiled, and his claws covered with bark-like scales were slightly raised, grabbing the red thing that appeared on the distant horizon:

"Yes, I will succeed my mother and become the Dragon King, leading all the jungle dragons to become the master of everything."

"My mistress says I can do it, so I can do it."

When he said this, another sentence suddenly appeared in Tiller's mind:

"Even if my mistress says I can't do it, I can still do it."

I am the king of the dragon!

The desire to possess status and dominate quickly emerged as she developed into a leader-type dragon.

She who had timidly obeyed her mistress' words and did not go against her thoughts was now different.

"I am the king!"

Under the light of the sunset, under the awe-inspiring gazes of the giant dragons, the words that Tiler had only dared to describe in his heart just now blurted out.

The dragons who were close to her and hunted wild beasts by the lake also raised their catches high as if cheering in response to his declaration.

Yao Yan looked at all this indifferently.

Memory told him that at this time he should feel angry because of the "son" he had cultivated, or because Tiller's reaction was created by him, and he acted sarcastically with a sarcastic attitude.

It is a pity that he does not have these emotions, and his brain tissue will not secrete any substances to affect his thinking judgment due to physiological instincts such as control, possessiveness and self-protection.

He only has one idea now.

"If I personally control it, although it is clear enough, it will be a waste of my own time. I need to study the relics and various records left by humans."

"Although it will be very inefficient if left to them, and it will lead to conflicts and more problems due to various desires and too many missing operations, but"

"It doesn't matter."

Once they are all dead, just create another group.

Hopefully they were wrong clearly enough to allow him to make up for it when he created the next group of demon cubs.

As for other things, for example, will it be destroyed by other demons, such as the demon city?

He also planned to send a group of jungle dragons and jungle dragons directly to the demon city to kill them, and spread the gene of "collecting and protecting things with complicated patterns".

Of course, not now.

Three months.

Three months passed quickly, and the jungle dragon group had occupied the entire lakeside area.

Artificial buildings made of trees and rocks form undulating platforms.

There were originally less than twenty jungle dragons, but now they had expanded to a hundred.

Visible to the naked eye, among the group of jungle dragons, with the lakeside as the central base, there are seven huge dragons, more than ten meters tall, scattered around.

Their wings, at this time, are closer to movable armor than flying organs. They can be temporarily moved during battle and transferred to the heart and head for self-protection.

In addition to these seven guarding dragons, there are also a group of agile dragons that are only about three meters long, have slender and agile bodies, and have delicate and close-fitting scales, like poisonous snakes.

They are either hiding among the leaves of the lakeside forest, or floating on the water with broken branches, or even hidden inside the armored wings of the guarding dragons.

The queen of the jungle dragon, Tiller, has also developed into the third stage of life.

With a body of about five meters, the development of various organs is basically balanced with the body shape, except that the proportion of the head is slightly larger.

The result is that she thinks and behaves far more than other members of her race, and she is smarter than her peers.

When the collecting dragon and the messaging dragon brought various things back, she was squinting her eyes and looking towards the south.

She is no longer the same person she was three months ago.

His eyes fell on a map made of animal skins and bark, marked with several special symbols:

"The demons in the south are expanding again."

Her voice was low and powerful, with an ups and downs frequency that made the jungle dragons intoxicated and irresistible.

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