Crow's Paradise

Chapter 251 This is... which Tiller?

Chapter 251 Which Tiller is this?

Surrounded by the flying dragons, Queen Lige accepted the worship and shouts of all the flying dragons.

However, Feilong did not realize what the queen was thinking.

On the other side, in an almost identical scene, Tiller, standing among the dragons, was also looking in another direction from a distance.




A three-meter "young" second-generation ancestral dragon, she looked at her mother who spread her veined wings under the sun.

She also imitated spreading her wings, and in her thoughts that gradually slowed down, she curiously asked:

"Queen, can we really find paradise?"

"Queen, we"

She is the queen's heir.

However, unlike the other offspring, she is more like a king than the other second-generation dragon kings.

She is a born king.

Every time Tiller saw her, he felt like he was seeing a mistress.

And this child obviously didn't think as much as the queen thought.

Although the dragons who attach great importance to the collective have mothers who gave birth to themselves, they are raised by the collective.

It can be said that all dragons are her mother.

Even the Queen does not have too special meaning on the level of "mother".

As a young child, she was very curious about the myth of "Paradise".

She was also quite curious about the "Crown of Paradise". However, although she felt that the Crown of Paradise was magical, it did not look like a naturally growing plant, but rather seemed to have been specially created.

It's not that there are any flaws.

But it’s amazing.

It can turn dragons into ancestor dragons.

Just a flower crown can do such a thing?

But Tiller just nuzzled her gently with his head, watched her get up again after being pushed over, and looked at her with pious and stubborn eyes as she laughed.

Just like the way the mistress treated Tiller when he was young.



The dragon queen said in an unquestionable tone:

"The hometown of the dragons is Paradise. We want to return to Paradise. We want to find Paradise. We want to lead all the dragons back to Paradise."

Tiller's wings were spread out, and the sunlight shone on the bright green wings covered with vein-like veins.

There was a strange look in her cloudy eyes.

Looking at the sky, the queen of the giant dragon murmured to herself, lifting the Crown of Paradise with her wings and lifting it to the sky, as if she wanted to send it to someone:

"The Crown of Paradise is the ancestor of dragons, the dragon of origin, the great relic left to us by the dragon god."

There was a firm light in her slightly cloudy eyes, as if she was sure of it.


Yao Yan stopped exhaustively arranging and combining words and recorded the meaning of the words. Then he eliminated them one by one and looked in the direction of Tiller.

What did he just hear?


He has never accompanied Tiller. He educates all dragon people and all young dragons together.

Yao Yan can be sure that he has not described anything like "god" to Tiller.

Naturally occurring?

Indeed, primitive religion is actually ignorance and a legacy of rationality. It is a description of the world formed when people have insufficient understanding of the world.

It is mixed with people’s assumptions about the world and their numerous assumptions about the world.

But was the formation of primitive religion so fast?

In the country where he lived, settings about "bloodlines" emerged one after another in many fantasy novels.

The origin of this setting may be very simple, which is an expansion of simple proverbs such as "dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and mouse's son can dig holes."

It may also be caused by people's increased understanding of things like "animal nature" and "instinct" after the advent of the technological age.

Or maybe it's people's exaggeration of "talent", "instinct", and the skills that creatures are born to master.

It may also be a further expansion of the beautiful imagination in the concept of life and death about the deceased continuing to retain memories after "resurrection" and "reincarnation".

Yao Yan didn't know where the description of this kind of blood-lined memory first came from.

However, it is true that in his settings about the "dragons", in order to allow their offspring to master the means of survival more quickly after they reproduce, in order to meet the "quick birth and quick death" strategy, he has made provisions.

The specific form comes from "epigenetics".

People may not have understood it in middle school and high school, or even directly heard the assertion that "the evolution of living things is not one's own choice, but the result of nature's elimination."

It's not "what abilities you want to acquire, you can develop them into".

But here's the problem.

During his lifetime, there was a lot of discussion and research on "epigenetics."

In compulsory education and popular education, these undetermined knowledge are rarely discussed in textbooks. Only when everything is settled can they be selected, so many people may not know much about it.

To simplify, epigenetics is “changing genetic expression without changing the genetic sequence.”

To illustrate with program coding, the program coding remains unchanged, but the use of the program can be affected through external operations.

In the real world, genes do not determine everything.

Rather, "genes are genes" and "expression is expression."

If nothing else happens, a person's expressed genes will be expressed one by one according to their dominant genes.

However, it is not just the gene sequence itself that determines gene expression.

There are also various subsidiary tools and processes, such as DNA methylation, regulation of non-coding DNA, etc.

Let's use some examples.

Let's use a flow workshop as an example. Under "normal" circumstances, a series of processes will produce a large yellow cat doll according to the plan.

However, external factors such as unstable voltage, particularly strong winds, or problems with the mechanical tools used to assemble the doll will affect what the doll will eventually become.

What's even bigger is if a leader comes to the workshop and talks nonsense, which affects the mood of the workers and distracts them.

However, in the study of epigenetics, there is still a question about whether these effects can be passed down to future generations.

Indeed, the genetic sequence did not change.

However, workers who have been affected will tend to choose materials and processes with certain characteristics when assembling new tools because of their "experience".

Although it is not the same thing, "the patient's different moods also have an impact on the changes in the condition" may be a simpler way to describe what Yao Yan is thinking about.

Yao Yan didn't know whether his examples were appropriate enough. They probably weren't enough, and there were even many mistakes.

However, when he involved the dragon's genetic template through the Shadow Crow, he followed this pattern.

In order to still retain the individual's memory when the genetic template is replaced, Yao Yan also performs relatively few brain-related operations.

In other words, in Tiller's case, the previous version of Tiller, after retaining her consciousness and tendencies, would also have an impact on the expression of genes.

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