Crow's Paradise

Chapter 255 Song of the Dragon

As for cell enucleation and denucleation, it goes without saying that this is the classic ability of red blood cells.

These are used as a means of defense against genetic plunder during life.

After physiological death, another set of means to prevent genetic plunder will begin.

After the body dies, in order to avoid robbing genes from the corpse, after death and after the death of the subject's consciousness, the cells in the body will consume all the energy in the final time to produce a large number of nucleases and helicases and other substances that can disintegrate chromosomes, and then Carry out mineralization, carbonization, and replacement to fossilize the corpse to ensure the completion of genetic disintegration.

The remaining energy will be consumed by keratinization or lignification.

These functions he arranged during the cell apoptosis process automatically run when the dragons die.

Under various processes, the dragon's corpse will soon turn into an "empty shell" that is difficult to reuse and for the demon to obtain genes.

Because of this, they are not even considered food——

If not eaten in time, it will take less than a day for their bodies to become completely inedible "garbage".

And such characteristics are also reflected in the lives of the dragons, in their habits, and in their culture.

Because of the physiological functions of self-awareness and self-protection, the view of life and death is a culture that all intelligent life will inevitably form.

They formed different funeral cultures.

Yao Yan observed this scene indifferently.

After Hilde's decision, the funeral culture will change again.

Moreover, although their writing originated from the teachings given to them by Yao Yan, through the transcription of Longzhao script, misreading through dissemination and recording, and the most important racial differences, their culture will only become more and more different from that of human beings. Come farther and farther.

The gap will also become wider and wider.

However, this is not important.

He has no interest in dragon culture.

All he needs is the effect of Mo Crow to spread rumors and legends related to himself among the dragons.

Then, through the legends spread by the dragons and through the ink crow, he obtained enough strength and ability.

Time passes.

"Song of the Dragon"

The pioneering dragons Ensu and Yongquan found the remains of the ancestor dragon and recovered the last Crown of Paradise.

The dragons.

Queen Tiele has been supporting the Crown of Paradise all her life, one dragon after another that is powerful enough. After growing to the most mature stage, she got the Queen's permission to wear the Crown of Paradise, and was recognized by the will of her ancestors. Became the ancestral dragon.

Queen Thiele passes away

At the last moment, at the moment of the Queen's death, the Crown of Paradise sprouted.

God, born from the crown.

The will of the ancestors came down to the Queen through God, through God who was born from the Crown of Paradise.

Hilde, the dragon queen, bowed her head to the god.

She seeks the guidance of her ancestors and seeks to return to the dragon's paradise.

She enshrined the crown of paradise and the god and enshrined it in the garden temple.

She is God’s spokesperson and God’s priest.

She is also a king.

She ordered the naming, and all the dragons could not take the crown out of the temple.

All dragons can only walk up to the temple and cannot approach by flying.

However, constraints and orders can regulate behavior, but they can also create desires.

And desire is the seed of disaster.

The second-generation dragon, "Quan Shui", the queen of the new city, has returned to the City of Dragons.

She did not expect that her mother would pass away, nor did she expect that the royal city would undergo such a big change when she came back.

It looks like a huge temple garden built in the sky.

Through the Dragon King and the War Dragons being able to secrete substances that affect plant growth, eight huge trees raised the huge temple hundreds of meters into the sky.

The large temple, formed by overlapping branches and surrounded by green leaves, casts a huge shadow from the sky onto the ground.

The stairs leading to this garden temple are also trees.

However, there were many corpses arranged on both sides of the trees.

Those are the corpses of dragons.

The naming was ordered by Dragon Queen Hilde. The dead dragons should bow to Queen Tiele when they were alive, and they should continue to do so after death.

The immortal corpses of the dragons have become the decoration of the sky garden.

A giant dragon, lying prone on the ground and looking up, formed a circle around the giant tree.

Giant dragons standing one by one, like guardians, stand on the edge of the giant tree steps leading to the sky garden, as if they are watching every giant dragon that goes up the stairs.

One after another, lifelike dragon corpses stand like statues in the sight of the Queen's "Fountain".

This staircase leads from the ground to the sky, connecting the temple garden that is held in the sky.

Both the stairs and the garden itself are carved with intricate patterns, showing off their beauty.

Queen "Fountain" also feels the same way.


She saw a curious young dragon trying to fly up, but was knocked down by a swift black shadow.

He even extended his claws.


The Queen's Fountain issued an order.

The posture and voice of the Dragon King caused the figure to stop immediately.

However, the other party did not bend down to her like other giant dragons. In fact, this shadow dragon looked at her in reverse with an attitude of scrutiny and resistance.

"What are you doing? Why are you attacking a toddler!?"

The instinct in the genes of dragons makes them instinctively protect and take care of their young.

But instinct is not without conflict.

Instinct can also be put on a coat.

At this moment, obeying Queen Hilde's order was greater than protecting the cubs, so she chose to attack the cubs.

And this is something that Queen's Spring Water cannot agree with.

She is different from ordinary dragons. She is the king of dragons herself and will not surrender to other dragon kings.

Therefore, protecting the cubs at this moment is her judgment and what she takes for granted.

However, on the day she came back, she also learned something about the new Queen Hilde.

This is the sister she has never been in contact with.

From the moment she was stationed in the new city, she had been to the new city once.

And that time was before Hilde was born.

This is a city that feels strange to her.

Not her mother, not Queen Tiller's city.

The gap between memory and reality made her feel uneasy, disobedient, and disgusted.

And she retroactively judged this physical feeling as——

"It's Hilde's fault. It's Hilde's fault. She shouldn't have built the city like this."

The instinct and judgment to protect the cubs "supports" this judgment.

ps: It turns out that the snow in the north feels like this, it keeps falling.

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