Crow's Paradise

Chapter 280 The Undead Spying in the Sea

However, after he used his core ability to cover up and returned to the public's sight, he found that Split Skull was observing some traces.

"It seems that the second level of the Dead Sea has appeared."

"Second level?"

Yao Yan repeated it.

Black Arm and Black Wrist also immediately approached Split Skull.

"Yeah, undead."


Black Wrist and Black Arm looked at each other.

They fell from the second level, and directly faced the second level of the dead from the sea of ​​filth.

The living dead and the first-level dead can still be dealt with, but only the lowest level.

Different from the dead in the Gray Sea and the dead in the Black Sea, the size of the dead in the Dirty Sea will become larger and larger as the stages increase.

The "living dead" are only slightly larger than the Black Sea dead like them, only half a head to a head.

But the "immortal", in terms of body length alone, is at least the size of two white bones.

And more importantly -

"The bodies of the 'undead' have harder scales and bones."

Crackhead squatted next to the corpse left by a living dead, watching the corpse gradually change from soft to hard, and said.

Yao Yan glanced at the corpse and asked:

"How are you sure?"

Splitskull called his bone bird down, and asked it to turn over the living dead corpse located on the edge of the ship's side. He pointed at the back of the living dead corpse and said:

"One of the reasons why the living dead are called 'floating corpses' is because of the way they move on the sea, which is drifting."

"But that's not the case with the 'undead'. They will step on floating corpses to move, and their bodies will secrete a strange mucus that can corrode bones, so they are also called 'rotten corpses'. Look here, There are corrosive marks on the back of this floating corpse.”

Yao Yan took a few steps forward and saw that there were indeed traces of corrosion on the back of the living dead corpse——

There are some dents on the scaly bones on the back of the living dead corpse, but if you look closely, it is not deformation, but the result of corrosion. The thickness of the bone scales is thinner than the surrounding bone scales.

And it roughly presents a strange nearly round shape. A bit like a hoof?

Splitskull turned to the other living dead, let the bone bird turn it up, then pointed to the marks on its back and said:

"I remember that this living dead came ashore much later than the one just now. In terms of the way the living dead moved, this living dead was farther away from our ship at first, and the weight on this living dead's back was The corrosion marks are also relatively deeper——"

"When the living dead are injured, as long as their heart is not damaged, they will recover slowly like a living person."

"Although the difference is very small, compared to the two living dead, the one on the boat at night has deeper corrosion marks."

"After comparing the corrosion marks on several other living dead, we can rule out the possibility that this 'undead' stayed on the back of a certain living dead for a long time."

"Then this means that this 'immortal' was moving away from the ship."


When raising this question, Split Skull's gaze swept across the three of them:

"Remember how our ship was damaged?"

At this moment, Black Arm and Black Wrist paused slightly, seeming to realize the reason:

"Is it because of 'broken teeth'?"


After a brief answer, Split Skull turned to look at Yao Yan, the mask on his face shaking slightly:

"Although the dead in the dirty sea have destroyed their voices, their memory and cognitive abilities have not completely disappeared."

"The living dead will instinctively look for the dead who have voices to attack. They have certain cognitive abilities, but they just don't have more complex thinking."

"And the 'undead' have recovered part of their cognitive abilities and thinking. They will actively avoid enemies they cannot face, and they may also disguise themselves as the living dead and wait for opportunities."

After saying this, Yao Yan understood what he meant.

If you just talk about the living dead, you will feel that they are irrational monsters, not even beasts.

The "immortal" already has the consciousness of a beast.

Later, Split Head's words also verified Yao Yan's judgment:

"This 'undead' avoided the broken-toothed bone ship, but it shouldn't have gone too far. It should still be near this sea area, and may even have discovered us."

He shook his fingers, and the created bone birds flew in all directions, flying in a spiral trajectory around the bone ship, surveying the surrounding sea area.

However, watching the bone birds fly away and the sound of the skull cracking did not give any feeling of relief:

"It would be fine if we just disguised ourselves as the living dead and approached in a floating manner. However, the undead often choose to destroy the bone ship from the pass and let us fall into the sea."

Yao Yan already understood that the water in this ocean would swallow up the "spirits" and cause the dead people to lose consciousness. He was very aware of the danger of this situation.

Splitskull continued:

"Before, when I was still a second-level person, I was on another ship, following a fleet. That time, we encountered an attack by the living dead."

"It was a large group of living dead floating on the sea. Because of the distance, it was impossible to tell whether they were ordinary bones."

"At that time, we had many third-level dead and one fourth-level dead on our bodies, but the bone ship was still destroyed."

"The reason is that several undead people destroyed the hull of the bone ship from under the sea."

"Except for the fourth-level deceased and the two 'death birds', only I and another ferryman were out of danger——"


If Yao Yan remembers correctly, he must be the Black Sea Dead from the Scavenger branch——

Scavenger, Tidecaller, Ferryman.

The death bird is the Black Sea dead of the Corpse Poet branch——

Corpse poet, soul player, and death bird.

As for the fourth stage, he didn't know yet. Split Skull had only briefly mentioned it before.

The Black Sea Dead from the two branches will merge when they reach the fourth level. However, the fourth level promoted from different branches will have different abilities.

The fourth level of the Scavenger branch will retain the abilities of the Scavenger branch, but will not have the abilities of the Corpse Poet branch?

However, the ferryman

If he remembered correctly, the ferryman was the boatman of the underworld in ancient Greek mythology? Responsible for carrying the dead across the River Styx?

At this time, Split Skull seemed to think that they did not realize the level of danger represented by his words, and explained:

"The ferrymen can directly control the sea water as a ferry, and are not affected by the sea water. They can use the sea water as a weapon to attack. However, there will be no danger if they fall into the sea. However, the three ferrymen were still attacked by the undead. killed."

"Undead people?" Yao Yan seemed to understand what the other party meant.

And Split Skull also nodded:

"I hope the number of undead appearing in this sea area will not be too large."

ps: I probably stayed away for the Chinese New Year.

Compared with this, I have recently read several PM articles and pet articles, and I want to translate the outlines of my two previous novels about exotic animals and pets and write them.

However, the original text can be written in this book, and there is no need to open a new book.

In fact, as you are very familiar with, the previous dream sequence and blood dragon sequence of Silver Crow were based on the settings of these two books.

It was also a long time ago, when I was still working in society, I made the setting, a book of "Nightmare Tamer" and a book of "Dragon Tyrant"

When I was reading novels, I always had the feeling of "I can do whatever I want", so I wrote a lot of settings, including all the cool novel routines that can be seen on the market, and wrote an outline.

I had planned to write Night Crow before, but I just couldn’t get over the hurdle and didn’t want to write a routine and enjoyable novel.

Oh, I don’t mean to say that routines are not good for writing. After writing a book, you will know that it is very difficult to organize routines coherently, set up various tricks, foreshadowing, etc.

Moreover, who said that routines are just mindless white writing? It’s 2022, and the routines are much better than mindless writing.

It's just that I'm not good at writing and can't do it.

If there is anything else, it’s probably because my motivation for writing a book has more of a desire for expression.

This is the so-called "literary youth disease".

That’s why I don’t want to write business routine articles.

Not to mention now.

Turn around, turn around.

Compared with original novels about exotic animals and pets, I currently don’t have enough energy, and original novels also require detailed settings.

When writing PM fanfics, there are ready-made settings, which can save you a lot of worry.

Moreover, there are more elements of "feelings".

After all, PM is also my childhood memory and teenage memory?

What do you think I should do?

Well, actually as I write this, I actually have a tendency in my heart.

If you carefully analyze your psychology, there should probably be a reason why you don't want to take responsibility for your own decisions and have no independent opinions.

It feels quite ridiculous. Although during this period I went through the outline of the nightmare book, recast the setting, and spent time refining it, I actually still leaned towards another book.

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