Crow's Paradise

Chapter 285

After the incident with the undead, the few of them encountered no more danger.

Yao Yan also learned several heart-stirring playing methods from Captain Split Head.

An elegy to aid recovery.

An aggressive funeral song.

Resurrection poems that can mend your heart.

In the process of learning, Yao Yan gradually mastered the operation of these abilities.

He studied it carefully.

In this world, "voice", to be precise, is the "core" of a person.

As for the blue light group in the skull, it was "attracted" away.

An analogy can be made with magnets and iron filings.

The iron filings themselves are not important, the voice is the core of a dead person.

That is, the "voice" itself has no specific substance.

Is it "thinking"? "memory"? then what?

However, Captain Skull's description is "voice".

The voices these dead people can make are the "voices of the heart."

Does this describe a person who cannot speak as having no voice or something?

The worldview of this world is not clear enough yet, at least, the lowest and most basic structure is not clear enough.

However, he thought none of this was quite right.

Because his thinking is still there, his memory is still there, and by reasoning based on the memory process, there is no lack or "new discovery".

Of course, there may also be situations where "all memories related to certain items are cleared or blocked."

However, there are big mistakes in this cleaning method.

For example, if you see numbers like 1, you can associate them in sequence, and you can associate them with 1234567.

There are also associations of "part and whole", such as 11, 111, 123, 124 and so on.

Or it may be related to dates. When you see 1, you think of what happened on the 1st of June.

Or some people have the habit of keeping memos, and when they see 1, they will think of "Item 1".

People like lawyers may also think of Article 1 of a certain law.

One thing can involve many things.

The association mechanism itself is a very complex thing.

Of course, human memory will have weights and a ranking of importance.

Although this weight itself is invisible, it does exist. However, this weight itself is constantly changing.

It is difficult for people to confirm their own weight table.

Moreover, when people think, they themselves will be affected by the weight, leading to misjudgments during reverse tracing.

This "confirmation" itself will lead to changes in weights.

There is nothing wrong with saying that this complex and changeable process system is a chaotic system.

Even if "date" is used as the core of memory judgment, it is theoretically impossible to delete memories after a certain day.

Because the memory recording mechanism itself is not stored according to date.

When thinking about the process of "date", you need to first call the "date" itself, and then call the "marker" related to the date, and then spread the marker information to other stored information based on this marker information.

The called information itself is not arranged from morning to night. It is necessary to call the "morning and evening order" again, then reintegrate the information, output the information, then input it again, and call it again.

This series of processes involves multiple judgments.

More importantly, human memory does not retain every piece of information, and some “unimportant” and “duplicate” information will be deleted.

But here's the problem.

What counts as "repetition"?

80% the same? 50% the same? 80% similar? 50% similar? What is the definition of "same" and what is the definition of "similar"?

Because the deleted memory does not exist, the memory will call the "same" and "similar" parts to supplement it.

The person himself is not aware of this process. Without external reference, he will feel that he is right.

However, the question is, is the basic mechanism of memory in this "real" world the same in this world?

Even the memory storage mechanism may have been changed.

It is not impossible to store memories according to date, in order of distance, in order of size, etc.

Then, his memory and thinking may also be affected.

However, he has investigated his memory and thinking. Unless these memories have been affected, he will find problems if he goes through the thinking process.

Could it be that this part of his memory has also changed?

If so, then his "confirmation" itself is not credible.

Put this possibility aside for now and take another path.

That has nothing to do with memory.

Or, his memory was not affected by this for some reason.

Let’s put the latter aside and start with speculations that have nothing to do with feelings and memories.

So, what is the voice of the heart?

At present, we can only judge from the "voice of the heart" that the Corpse Poet can influence.

Captain Split Skull is about people losing their "voices", and they need to find their voices in order to become stronger.

Everyone except Yao Yan had blurred memories. This was also the reason why he judged that "only his own memory was not affected."

However, the problem is that "voice of the heart" and "voice of the heart" are different.

"Getting your voice back", "losing your voice".

Have they really lost their voice? Is what they retrieved the so-called voice of their hearts?

He had had similar thoughts before.

It was sealed, blocked, imprisoned, and the thing recovered is similar to the function of a key, opening the lock.

They lost memory, but the reason why he didn't lose memory was because of "intensity".

His spirit and his memory were strong enough, so they were not successfully "cut off" and caused amnesia.

However, he was "suppressed" for this reason.

So, this "reason" is probably the worldview of this world, because of the "rules".

He is currently very close to the rules level scale.

No, to be precise, after acquiring those secondary abilities last time, they were already full.

If you follow the previous promotion method, you only need to obtain enough spiritual power to be promoted.

However, the information Lao Jia provided him was not like this -

If you want to be promoted to the rules level, you must obtain the power of the rules level.

Yao Yan glanced at the sea shrouded in fog.

It is necessary to find a rule-level secondary ability that is sufficiently consistent with his core concept.

If you can't find it, you won't be promoted.

The greater the suppression, the stronger the level and scale of the ability itself corresponding to the worldview.

However, this sentence also means——

After that, if you want to be stronger, you have to go to suppress a bigger world.

Moreover, this also requires that, in addition to a world where the core of the worldview is related to "rumors", it must also have a sufficient impact in this world.

The former is relatively simple for him.

The concept of "rumors" is quite broad, and concepts such as "artistic processing" can be used.


This world suppresses his power like never before.

Not only the suppression at the scale level, but also the suppression of his core abilities.

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