Crow's Paradise

Chapter 30 The old man by the lake

Qi Li never thought that the strange bird that King Sheng kept that he had been thinking about for several days turned out to be the one that the waiter in the shop learned about from the storyteller.

However, the storyteller, the old man surnamed Gao, is asking questions

Inquiry? Did he know it from somewhere and seek confirmation?

After being guided by the waiter, Qi Li found the place where the old man surnamed Gao lived.

However, after asking, I learned that the old man named Gao had just gone out.

"Where did he go?"

"Old Man Gao said he was going to Baize Lake."

Baize Lake?

Qi Li knew about Baize Lake, which was a lake south of Ju City and connected to Ju River.

Neither big nor small, it is named after the shallow water that forms during the dry season.

The place where his group of five went yesterday was not far from Baize Lake.

After a brief hesitation, he did not return to the inn to wait for the other brothers who had gone to investigate elsewhere to return, but moved directly towards Baize Lake.

With the goal in mind, Qi Li moved very quickly.

Without stopping at all along the way, he used the Taoist light body technique to support his body and rushed to Baize Lake.

But he didn't notice that the crows in the trees on the side of the path were watching him.

At the same time, on the edge of Baize Lake.

Yao Yan, who was possessed by the old man, turned his head and looked back.

Although Old Man Gao has no legitimate name and is not a wild cultivator, he is not an ordinary person either.

At least, he knows a lot of unofficial history.

Such as this lake.

In the memory of Old Man Gao, this lake became famous very early, and it may even have been named Baize in the early days of the founding of Dasheng.

Moreover, according to the unofficial history that Old Man Gao knows, there is a Lake Lord in this Baize Lake.

Old Man Gao knew everything about the children of hundreds of families, the rectification of wild cultivators, demons and other things, but what he knew was relatively superficial.

Moreover, the authenticity cannot be determined.

After all, most of them were unofficial histories, and even some things that in his opinion were completely scripts of novels and dramas were believed by Old Man Goriot to be true.

The reason why Yao Yan came to Baize Lake was because of the "Lord of the Lake" in the wild history book.

As a storyteller, Old Man Gao would talk about "Lake Lord" from time to time.

According to the unofficial history description that Old Man Gao knows, this Lake Lord is a Dragon Lord, and there is a saying of "Hundred Zelong Lord".

While thinking, Yao Yan walked along the lake.

On Baize Lake, except for the occasional fishing boat that can be seen in the distance at the entrance of the Koma River, there is no human habitation.

However, as he walked, he saw a wooden sign inserted by the lake. The wooden sign was rotten and even covered with moss.

There are several large characters written on it in a Sheng script that looks like seal script:

"Baize Ferry"

Is this a ferry?

He glanced across the lake from this place, and then looked around, but found no trace of a ferry, and there were no ships stopping by the lake.

After a short search, he found a hut in the middle of sparse trees by the lake.

There were several piles of chopped wood piled near the hut. An old man was sitting on a tree stump chair next to the wood, stroking what looked like a wine bottle on the small table next to him.

Yao Yan walked over and shouted:

"Brother, is there a boatman in Baize Ferry?"

The old man turned around, not sure whether he was surprised that someone was coming nearby, or he was surprised by "Baize Ferry".

He stared at Yao Yan for a moment with cloudy eyes:

"Ah, Baize Ferry, Baize Ferry, there is no boatman anymore, thirty, no, fifty years ago there was no boatman."

The old man seemed to have forgotten something and couldn't remember how much time had passed.

Yao Yan did not dwell on how long, but walked to another tree stand next to the small table and sat down:

"Brother, do you know where there is a boat nearby? Brother, I want to cross the lake."

He smiled and continued in an elderly tone:

"I can't get around it with my legs and feet."

“Can’t get around it”

The old man who seemed to be a little deaf muttered:

"Yes, there is no way around it. No one can go around Baize Ferry, and no one can go around Baize Ferry. It's not possible to cross it."

"Why did brother say that?"

Recalling what happened to Bai Zelongjun, Yao Yan continued to ask:

"Is it related to Mr. Hu?"

That is, when he mentioned "Lord of the Lake", the cloudy eyes of the old man in front of him seemed to light up slightly and become clearer, but then fell back again:

"Mr. Hu is not here, not here."

"Why do you say Mr. Hu is not here?"

Yao Yan asked patiently.

The old man, who looked much older than Old Man Gao, stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched the wine bottle on the table.

Yao Yan could notice that the joints on his almost skinny and jagged palm were as thick as bamboo, especially at the tiger's mouth. It was obvious that he had mastered the manipulation of some kind of weapon all year round.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the area near the hut. In addition to the chopped firewood that should be used for burning firewood, there were also some wooden boards that were obviously not firewood.

The scattered pieces seem to form a small boat.

Like a sampan?

However, some of these wooden boards are almost completely decayed, while others look relatively new, as if they have been cut for a long time.

After glancing in the direction of Baize Lake, Yao Yan seemed to understand something and asked directly:

"Has my brother been a boatman from Baizedu before?"

Hearing Yao Yan's question, the old man slowly raised his head. The combination of his somewhat cloudy eyeballs and his expression revealed a bit of confusion. After a moment, he seemed to remember something:

"Ah, yes, I am a boatman. I was ferrying people at the ferry twenty years ago, no, forty years ago."

The inconsistent expressions and the reaction that was a few beats too slow all showed that the old man seemed to be somewhat demented.

Unfortunately, although it is a clue, it is not very clear.

Rather than continuing to talk to the old man, it might be faster to go find him directly.

Thinking of this, he stood up, left the table, and said goodbye casually:

"Forget it, brother, I'm leaving first."


The old man with cloudy eyes responded in a daze, playing with the empty wine bottle on the table:

"Well done, Mr. Hu, I'll get you some good wine next time."

This sudden sentence made Yao Yan pause. When he looked back, the old man's eyes were blank and muddy.

With his eyes slightly narrowed, Yao Yan did not return, but left the vicinity of the hut and returned to Baize Lake.

Looking at the calm surface of Baize Lake, his eyes paused slightly:

"It seems that something did happen in Baize Lake."

He seemed to have come to the right place and had an unexpected harvest.


He thought for a moment, then waved his right hand, and a white crow with horns flew out of his hand, flying close to the water towards the center of the lake.

To no avail.

Yao Yan recruited a few more white crows and flew along the water in different directions.

Soon, he saw what he wanted to see.

At the upper left of the center of the lake, almost to the edge of the other side of the lake, when a white crow flew past, the water surface suddenly swelled, and a huge mouth rose from the bottom up, as if to bite the crow and pull it away. Get into the water.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on his face while fucking the white crow to rise rapidly.

found it.

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