Crow's Paradise

Chapter 32 So what?

in the lake.

The giant beast kept shaking its body in the lake, looking very painful.

And the reason why it keeps struggling is not caused by the magic of the Taoist disciple who used his spirit to become a beast.

In the spirit of the beast.

The shadowy giant crow is attacking again and again.

"You have been forgotten. You are no longer what you used to be. If you are so excited again, be careful of your mind collapsing."

The crow's beak with a clear outline is open, Yao Yan has the posture of a giant crow, and the ability of the crow's beak is used.

A crow with a clear beak flew out of his body like a drop of water, and charged towards the vaguely dragon-shaped spiritual body in front of him.

Or, to be more precise, it should be said to be the shape of a dragon.

Yao Yan also did not expect that this giant beast called Lake Lord was just a black crocodile.

A huge black crocodile.

It's not a dragon.

In other words, it is a black crocodile that took the form of a falcon because of the "natural laws" of this world and the "spiritual power" formed by rumors.

He indifferently drove the white crow to attack, and drove the black crow to trigger the mark formed by the white crow.


The spiritual body, which vaguely looked like a dragon but was actually closer to a beast and crocodile, roared angrily under Yao Yan's blow.

Moreover, after this blow, the black cat's movements seemed to become more primitive, closer to that of a beast.

Yao Yan knew the reason, it was just that the ability of "crow's mouth" was triggered.

However, this did not seem to improve the situation he was facing, and even seemed to have the opposite effect. The black cat's figure swayed, and in the fluctuations full of anger, power like water waves rose up, crushing several white crows. and Black Crow ready to trigger damage.

And, the castration continued to bombard Yao Yan.

It's dangerous, quite dangerous.

He didn't have any advantage.

Although this Lake King Black Tiger is a beast with little intelligence and has a weak spiritual foundation. Now it has lost its source of spiritual power because it has been forgotten. It is delirious and is getting closer to the beast. However, it was originally near this Jucheng city. The big demon.

Compared with Yao Yan's power, in terms of strength, this Lake Lord is stronger, and more than one step stronger.

It would be impossible for Yao Yan to win if he relied solely on head-on challenge.

From a panel perspective, Yao Yan is undoubtedly weak.

It's just Yao Yan's ability.

"Crow's mouth", "Wolf is coming"

The former is a debilitating ability, while the latter is a delayed explosive ability that can be accumulated and detonated by accumulating marks, and can be accumulated to exceed one's current strength.

By adding a series of weakening effects to this Lake Lord, Yao Yan has a chance to win.

Otherwise, he would not have changed his plan temporarily and planned to seize the body of the Lake Lord as a boarding house.

Seeing the wave-like power coming towards him, Yao Yan's body suddenly curled up, and black and white crow shadows flew out from his body one after another, colliding with the water wave.

Every time he collided with the white crow, a white line appeared on the water waves.

After colliding with the black crow, the white lines were torn apart instantly.

However, he consumes a lot of money.

In terms of physical strength, he is far weaker than this Lake Lord, but the other party is unconscious and has a chance to succeed.

Yao Yan knew very well what his strengths and weaknesses were when facing the Lake Lord, and he did not want a protracted battle.

He opened his mouth again:

"There is not much source of spiritual power left. If you are still wasting your strength, I'm afraid you will run out of strength soon. Be careful and turn back into a beast."

The dim shadow of the crow flew out from his body and pounced on the Black Lord of Lake Lake.

Facing Crow Shadow, the already unconscious Black Lake Lord suddenly opened his mouth and bit Crow Shadow.

However, when he bit the crow shadows, those crow shadows directly attached themselves to Lord Black Lake Lake, leaving hazy black shadows on his mental body.

The ability of "Crow's Mouth" is very effective, but it also has great limitations.

The various limitations of Crow's Mouth's ability will make the scenarios in which this ability can be used become quite narrow. Under the influence of various restrictions, it is an unstable remote-controlled bomb. It may not explode when it wants to explode, and it may not explode when it doesn't want to. It exploded inexplicably.

The upper limit is high, but the lower limit is also unusually low.

However, Yaoyan's ability was to be able to ignore premises and do not need to be confirmed.

Although the ability itself is not offensive, by combining this ability with various highly restrictive but highly effective abilities, you can fully exert the upper limit of this ability.

It's a pity that now I can only use one ability at the same time.

Yao Yan's strange crow body with the characteristics of half sheep and half wolf suddenly flew upwards, his wings set off a storm, and he used his last bit of strength.

Success or failure depends on this.

The lack of emotions allowed him to have no fear of failure, allowing Yao Yan to give it a go and execute the plan with all his strength without shrinking due to emotions such as fear.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, he is a crazy gambler and a crazy desperado.

But for Yao Yan himself, he was just executing a strategy with the highest probability of success.

If he were an ordinary person, he might choose a conservative strategy out of fear. If so, he would not make a direct decision to seize the body of the Lake Lord.

What he wants is the method with the highest success rate.

Sometimes an aggressive strategy has the best success rate, and sometimes a conservative strategy has the best success rate.

For Yao Yan, whether it was conservative or radical had no real meaning to him.

A flock of black and white crows flew out as his crow wings flapped, sweeping towards the Lake Lord's spiritual body.

Yao Yan also flew towards the Lake Lord, exhausted all his strength, and launched the last attack.

The moment the black and white crowd of crows collided with the Black Lord of the Lake, the shadow of the crows on the Black Lord of the Lake suddenly exploded.

Like a spider web, like a current of water, it spread all over the body of Lord Black Lake, further tearing its spiritual body apart.

Crow's Mouth's three consecutive weakenings are fatal to the Black Lake Lord.

The little spiritual energy left became even less, the already delirious thoughts became duller, and the already exhausted body became weaker.

What's more, it's not good at fighting with a spiritual body?

At this time, the huge, hazy giant crow had already pounced down.

The sharp claws pierced into the spiritual body of Lord Black Lake.

The huge crow's claws pulled, and the jagged crow's beak pierced the black shrew's head.

The next moment.

Amidst the sound that sounded like flesh and blood being torn apart, mixed with the sound of some kind of crystal shattering, Lord Black Lake's spiritual body was torn apart.

At this moment, Yao Yan swallowed the spiritual body of Lord Hei Taihu into his belly piece by piece.

It is difficult for ordinary people to accept this action, which can be described as "eating alive". For Yao Yan, there was no psychological burden at all.

Yao said that there is no emotion at all.

Yao Yan knew this clearly, and he also knew what was the difference between himself and others.

But he also knew that from the moment he woke up, he was no longer a "person" in the ordinary sense with only his spirit left.

He knew that to most people, he was no different from a beast, or even a more terrifying monster than a beast.

But, so what?

Without any fluctuation, he tore off a piece of spirit and swallowed it into his belly, seizing the memory and strength in the weak resistance movement of Lord Heihu, who was gradually losing his ability to resist.

ps: The protagonist is not a decent character. It can be said that he is a mechanical consciousness that follows his own logical framework, or he is an inhuman monster.

Anyway, he is no longer a human being.

If there are book friends who can't accept this kind of protagonist, I can only say I'm sorry.

However, there is still something to be said.

According to the background of the world, anything that can be condensed into the spiritual residue of "rumors" and coupled with the type of power of "rumors", regardless of whether it is innocent or not, is essentially extremely evil. What I mean is that I didn't mean it, I did it unintentionally. , all useless.

In terms of the harmfulness of rumors, if the protagonist dies a hundred times in various ways, the punishment will be considered light.

If possible, I still hope that all book friends will not choose to "substitute", although it is indeed more enjoyable to substitute as a villain to destroy order and conform to the destructive impulse and desire for conquest engraved in genes.

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