Crow's Paradise

Chapter 57: The Quiet Detective Agency

After a brief conversation with Yu Qing to say goodbye, Yao Yan began to fully understand the worldview of this trial space while sorting through Mu Zhongheng's memories.

The results of the actual investigation are no different from Yao Yan's judgment based on memory.

The world view of this trial space is what the world looked like during his lifetime, before the great disaster occurred.

There are high-rise buildings, roads and railways, satellite networks, and the "modern" world of television and movies.

No, the word "modern", from Yaoyan's own perspective, no longer corresponds to this kind of environment.

Should it be called "21st century"?

Or. "Internet Information Age"?

But more than anything else, this familiar yet unfamiliar world still brought back many memories for him.

The city he lives in is at a level comparable to the third- and fourth-tier cities before the catastrophe during his lifetime, except that three universities are located in the same city. This situation is rarely seen in third- and fourth-tier cities.

There is a mountain to the northwest of the city and a lake to the southeast.

The reason why I can't mentally leave my body is undoubtedly due to the influence of this world's worldview.

And more importantly, his ability.

Except for his original "rumor" ability, all other abilities have been transformed into coins.

His abilities want to use.

After glancing at the mobile phone held in his right hand, Yao Yan's eyes turned to the three crow coins held in his left hand.

However, an important question is

What is the relationship between Buzhou Mountain's trial space and "Crows Paradise"?

Does the fact that he will be restricted have anything to do with the easy, skilled, hard, and hell modes of "Crows Paradise"?

If it does correspond, he should be careful.

Because in hell mode, the player's "phenomenon card" can only be used once.

In other words, if this trial space is related to the hell mode of Crow Paradise, then he cannot "experiment" casually.

Otherwise, after using it once, the ability cannot be used a second time in this world.

But, it doesn’t seem to be right.

Because of the hell mode difficulty of "Crows Paradise", only 1 phenomenon card is allowed to be carried.

Now, including the original "rumor", he carries 4.

Is it "difficult"? In comparison with Hard Mode, although the number of carryable Phenomenal Cards may be reduced, it may not be reduced. It basically limits the number of times the ability can be used.

But this doesn’t seem right.

In other words, it wasn't right from the beginning.

In hard mode, players are only allowed to bring in the number of phenomenon cards corresponding to the level.

According to previous speculation, player level 1 corresponds to the real level, player level 2 corresponds to the effect level, the total number of phenomenon cards he can have is 4, and the number he can bring into the game is 2.

But now he includes his own "rumors" and brings in 4. Even if the "rumors" are not included, it should still be 3.


If it completely corresponds to the rules of "Crows Paradise", then this trial space should correspond to the "normal" difficulty.

Because the general difficulty will increase the upper limit of the number of cards that can be carried by 1 to 2.

But, that's where the problem lies.

What is the relationship between the trial space and "Crows Paradise"?

Without confirmation, he could only gain experience through trial and error.

But if there is really a connection, his "trial and error" must be cautious and cautious to avoid waste, which may lead to a crisis for himself.

After thinking for a moment, he left the place and left the student activity center.

One day, two days, three days.

What makes Yao Yan strange is that, as Mu Zhongheng, he has been operating for three days, but he has never investigated any situation that seems to be similar to the description when he was introduced.

He also never encountered any "carnival feast".

Such an encounter, such an extremely peaceful life, and every other day, I would write scripts and play detective games with other members of the writing literary club and the detective novel enthusiasts club. A total of ten days passed.

Nothing weird happened, and he didn't find anything on the Internet that could be related to the "carnival feast".

While wondering what was going on in this world and this trial space, Yao Yan moved towards the student activity center and towards the location of the literary club.

Arriving in front of the literary club, Yao Yan once again sorted out Mu Zhongheng's character and values. While maintaining life as the first priority, he adjusted his own value standards so that he could try not to reveal any flaws.

With a smile on his face, Yao Yan opened the door and walked into the literary club's club room.

When he walked in the door, he saw three people, a man and two women.

"I don't think the island model is necessary."

"No, no, no, the meaning of the island mode, for the author himself, is to avoid excessive interference from external forces and control variables when an event occurs."

"The intention for readers is that the island mode prevents forces such as the police from intervening. This isolated environment can avoid some possible tough logical breakthroughs."

"After all, once the violent agencies intervene, the relevant groups will be controlled and moved. Moreover, under the constraints of professional violent agencies, the murderer will not continue to commit murders."

"In this case, more professional forensics and criminal investigators than detectives will replace the protagonists and directly push the story to the end."

"The core of detective mystery novels lies in the murder method and the crime process, as well as the investigation and revelation of the method and the obstacles encountered in the process. These are the key plots."

“If you don’t have an island model, then you need to lower the level of these violent organs that represent social order.”

"Pushing the times forward and setting the environment in an era where the level of technology is as low as possible is also a method."

When Yao Yan came in, the three of them were having a heated discussion.

Seeing him come in, the president of the literary club, the girl with a high ponytail who was still talking just now, stopped and greeted him with a smile:

"Lao Mu, come here, what do you say?"

Yao Yan sat down at the huge table that could accommodate sixteen or seventeen people, glanced at the books on the table, and then said:

“The central point of detective fiction, I think, is the author.”

"As we all know, the author's intelligence and expression level determine the upper limit of mystery novels."

Hearing this, all three of them smiled.

Yao Yan also continued:

"The biggest gap between the author and the reader is the information gap. A mystery novel author who is good at taking advantage of the information gap can turn a script that does not require many intellectual elements into a high-level intellectual battle script."

"On the modern stage, various technologies have helped criminal investigation and increased the upper limit of criminal investigation to obtain clues. However, ordinary detectives do not have these props. The easiest way to achieve it is to reduce the strength of these 'detective opponents', but if it is too much If it’s stiff, the script will naturally appear stiff.”

"So going back in time, lowering the level of technology is the best way."

"If you don't use this method, then the easier strategy to choose is-"

"First, let this detective have the same or even better technology than his 'opponent'."

"A tech company tycoon himself or an acquaintance is secretly working as a detective?"

"Second, it is to create a background that will 'theoretically' surpass the 'opponent'."

"Like an artificial intelligence robot?"

When they said this, the three of them laughed out loud:

"Mu Zhong, don't let yourself add personal goods into it just because you are a major in artificial intelligence."

“How can the current level of artificial intelligence be applied to criminal investigation?”

"Without reality as a basis, your artificial intelligence will be like an alien detective or a detective with mind-reading superpowers. It will become a deus ex machina. It won't work."

"Is it possible to write a detective novel set in the future?"

ps: Off topic, even if I now know why I thought the authors of detective novels were so awesome when I was a kid, I still really think the authors of those suspense novels are awesome.

After all, knowing and doing are two different things.

After all, I'm the kind of noob author who knows why but can't do it.

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