Crow's Paradise

Chapter 67 Trial Space

Has that "wooden man" been assimilated into this world?

Yao Yan thinks so.

Through Mo Crow and "rumors", although he did not get the "these things can't hurt me" as he wished, he also got the effect that can be said to be "the harm these things do to me is reduced."

However, what really confirmed Yao Yan was another one——

He can cause damage to the "wooden man" who is supposed to be in spiritual form with his hands.

As for this matter, is it caused by "I can do anything" or "my power completely restrains things in this world".

He prefers the latter.

It was precisely this idea, because of the qualifier of "this world" in the sentence, combined with the words on the wall, that he realized that the wooden man might have gradually become a part of this world after it continued to die and reappear.

So, what does this information mean when combined?

Yao Yan stopped and glanced back. After confirming again that the wooden man was not chasing him, he glanced into the prison.

A huge tiger with abnormal shape lay in the prison, its body was entangled with chains, and a huge blood hole penetrated its body.

Looking at the obviously dead tiger, Yao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is there something in this world that is deliberately capturing foreign "contaminants" and "containers"?

The world view of this world, he thought at first was a "normal" world, but now, it was obvious that it was not.

While thinking, Yao Yan left from the prison of the big tiger corpse.


At this time, he suddenly stopped and opened his left hand.

The Big-billed Crow Coin and the Strange Crow Coin were still in his hand.

Although he is not sure what the situation in this world is, if he runs out of coins, he will most likely die directly.


His eyes were fixed on two coins.

If possible, try not to use it.

Then, Yao Yan continued to move forward and walked around the corner again. After seeing all the monsters in the prison, he walked towards the curtain in front of him.

Standing in front of the curtain, Yao Yan turned his head and glanced at the dark prison.

Apart from the wooden man, no other clues were found. Was it the wooden man who killed Haiqin?

But it doesn't look like it. The wounds on Haiqin's body are more like being bitten by some monster.

But in the prison, apart from the wooden man, no other clues could be found.

After thinking for a moment, he stretched his hand towards the curtain.

However, just as he was about to lift the curtain, he suddenly discovered something that made him stop reaching for the curtain.

That is, there is a gap in the middle of the curtain.

After a brief hesitation, he stretched his hand towards the gap.

No danger.

He did not encounter any danger that he expected.

He opened a crack in the curtain.

As the light and shadow changed, what was reflected in Yao Yan's eyes was endless white.

The top of the head, left and right, front and back, and the ground are all white.

There is nothing to use as a reference.

Although the feeling coming from under his feet indicated that there should be a floor, he could not visually observe the part that could be defined as "ground".

It's too white, all the colors are completely unified, there are no gaps or shadows, there is only white in the field of vision.

This situation made it impossible for him to identify.

He first glanced behind him.

Behind Yao Yan, the curtain still disappeared. Even if he reached out to touch it, there was no actual touch.

After a brief thought, he turned his gaze back and cautiously took a step forward, using his feet to take a few steps first to explore the path.

Still endless white.

He didn't know how long he walked, but when he was already hungry and thirsty, he still didn't see anything.

After thinking briefly, he turned his attention to his feet.

Stretching out his hand, he gestured it like a knife and pointed it toward the white ground.


As he slashed with the knife, a mark appeared on the ground.

But this sound.

It sounded like paper being torn into pieces.

Yao Yan narrowed his eyes, and in a weak movement, he tore open the ground with his hands.

Below the ground, there was no white, only darkness.

However, he did not hesitate and jumped in directly.

There was no permanent darkness below, and Yao Yan's vision quickly recovered.

However, what appeared in his field of vision was a room that looked like a prison. Apart from the dim environment, there was only a torn book under his feet.

Looking at the broken book, Yao Yan opened it directly.

The first page is densely packed with text.

[The trial space collapsed. ]

[Although it was expected, we did not expect that the trial space would collapse in this way. ]

[We investigated the cause of the collapse of the trial space. ]

[However, the results were beyond our expectations. ]

[The trial space collapsed on its own, but why? ]

[The trial space is dominated by the spirits of dead genetic fixers. ]

[Collapsers whose genes have been repaired have developed supernatural abilities with their minds as the main body, and can thus affect the minds of other people, and even devour the minds of others. ]

[However, the problem is that according to research, the mental will of a collapsed person cannot be stably maintained. ]

[Why? ]

[The supernatural abilities of the Collapsers are based on their own concepts as the core and their own memory and cognition as the form of expression. ]

[Swallowing too many other people's spiritual bodies will lead to confusion in self-awareness. ]

[The trial space is essentially made up of fragments of the memory and knowledge of the Collapsers, operating under certain rules. ]

[The memory and spirit of ordinary humans have no entity at all. How can it be possible to form such a cognitive space with a fixed form? ]

[Our world is a material world. Consciousness and spirit are structural virtual wholes combined with electrical signals. There is no actual spiritual entity. ]

[Only those with genetic collapse will produce the substance "spirit" under the influence of genetic repair agents. ]

[The human spirit and the "spirit" of the collapsed people are not the same concept. ]


[Trial space confuses these two concepts. ]

[Previous research has clearly stated that the trial space, as a product of the collapse's consciousness, will be affected by the collapse's three views and various concepts and perceptions, resulting in a different world view. ]

[But, fortunately, although the worldview of this world is rather weird, there is no doubt that the 'worldview' of this trial space also has the ability of the Collapser as the core body, wrapped up by various spiritual substances, forming a different specific appearance. ]


Yao Yan looked at the words above and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

The "trial space" described in these words conflicted with the information he received from Lao Jia and Lou Lan.

Who should be believed?

To be honest, Yao Yan trusts the things described in the book he is reading now because

Collapser, Gene Repair Agent

These words were engraved deep in his memory.

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