Crow's Paradise

Chapter 83 Aria of Freedom

Small but complete.

Although there are many missing places for detailed differentiation that would develop into large-scale settlements, the basic prototypes are still there.

The church on the outskirts of the town and the cemetery behind the church, the bar in the center of the town, and the grocery store also in the center of the town.

If Aunt Richel, who replaced the coat shop, also moved to the center of the town, maybe this could be called a small commercial street?


More than these, Karina now needs to face the person in front of her more.

Yao Yan looked at the visitor.

This is a tall middle-aged man.

"Dear Miss Karina~"

The middle-aged man shouted loudly with an exaggerated aria like an opera:

"It seems you have decided~"

Yao Yan wanted not to speak. After all, although opera arias may sound very special, in terms of ecological niche, they are equivalent to the operatic arias on the theater stage.

The curiosity reward that the body produced when exploring novel things due to unfamiliarity in life no longer exists.

In other words, because it is part of an overly familiar local culture and loses the filter of the reward of curiosity, the drama seems banal.

For Yao Yan, this exaggerated aria could not give him any sense of elegance or nobility.

It's just that Karina needs him

Need a job from him.

"Mr. Macbiak, why does your tavern need a maid?"

"I~ am~"

Before Maibiak could finish speaking, Yao Yan recalled the conversation between Karina and the tavern owner in front of her in Karina's memory and said:

"Although I need a job to be able to live in this small town, if I were to be a maid, I would refuse any job other than serving food. Is that okay?"

In Karina's tone, Yao Yan said such words.

After saying this, McBiaak now seemed to be choked, his words stuck in his throat.

At this time, Yao Yan answered:

"So, Mr. Macbiak, please tell me what you plan to ask the bar maid to do? Depending on the situation, I may agree."

Karina's main purpose for coming to this town was to visit relatives, but that was not the whole purpose.

After all, he fainted after working in a sewing factory and then lost his job. He was weak and probably suffered from some disease.

When there is no other source of income, the job of a bartender is still more suitable.

Although it was not easy, there seemed to be no other jobs available in this small town.


Whether it is Yao Yan's own knowledge or Karina's knowledge, the temperament of this tavern owner does not match the tavern.

After hearing her words, the middle-aged man, the bar owner, Mai Biak coughed:

"Ahem, I think it would be a good idea to perform in a bar."

As he spoke, he unconsciously raised his voice again:

"Let's perform a great opera belonging to McBiaak!"

Hearing these words, Yao Yan was a little surprised.

Karina originally thought that the bar owner was going to ask her to do something involving sex or even flesh-trading, but now it seems that she was wrong.

Yao Yan carefully looked at the man in front of him who didn't know what information he could provide him. He asked Karina to straighten up slightly and asked in a tone that suited Karina:

"What kind of opera is great? Number of performers? Number of audiences? Great intentions?"

These words made the middle-aged man and Maibiak slightly stunned. He clenched the black umbrella in his hand. He pondered for a moment and answered decisively:

"Of course I have great intentions!"

Yao Yan smiled and walked away holding an umbrella:

"What kind of ambition is lofty?"

Seeing Karina's movements, Maibiak followed up and was also thinking about this question. He was a little slower than the previous answer, but he still answered:

“Of course it’s the freedom and sublimity of humanity!!!”

"Human freedom? What kind of freedom? What kind of sublimity?"

“To what extent does it count as freedom, and to what extent does it count as sublimity?”

Yao Yan continued to ask the question. Karina was not pleasant to listen to, nor was it clear and sweet, but her relatively mild timbre reached Maibiak's ears.

This question made Maibiak take a deep look at Karina walking in front, and then thought about it carefully:

"Take me as an example, of course it is based on my choice, my personal will. Only when personal choice can be fully exercised can it be considered freedom. This is human nature."

“What is in line with human nature is noble.”

Simple and plain diode.

Yao Yan listened silently, made a judgment, and then said:

"That is to say, Mr. McBiak, do you think that individual freedom and individual will should have the highest priority in society?"

Using concepts that are difficult to detect, Yao Yan spoke words of inducement.

Maibiak thought for a moment, and yes, it was the same as his idea:


"So, Mr. McBiaak, whose freedom do you think should be given top priority?"

Yao Yan smiled in his heart, and the corners of Karina's mouth also raised slightly, and she began to take the words out of context, directing freedom to something that sociology would inevitably touch upon.

"No one's freedom should be given priority, everyone is equal!"

Maibiak frowned and responded.

"Are all people equal?"

Yao Yan only repeated half of the sentence and then continued:

"So when freedom and equality conflict, what do you choose?"

"There is a conflict between freedom and equality?" Maibiak's brows also frowned, as if he had thought of something, and his face looked a little bad.

"Is it my freedom to attack others and oppress others?"

Faced with these figures of "different eras", Yao Yan could only express his views in as crude and crude or even distorted expressions as possible.

"Of course not, freedom should not be oppressed!" McBiaak's voice became much duller.

"So, does that mean freedom should be restricted?" Yao Yan smiled.

"Yes, yes." Maibiak responded reluctantly.

"Which freedoms should be restricted? What kind of restrictions should be imposed?" Yao Yan continued walking, and the bar came into view.

"Oppressive, aggressive" McBiak's voice dropped a bit.

Yao Yan had no sense of victory and could not experience this feeling.

Moreover, is defeating an ordinary person who is a simple liberal, not even an absolute liberal, something worthy of superiority?

not to mention.

What he said has long become a cliché in discussions about freedom, and it is a basis of reality that no one can avoid.

It can be said that it is a preschool-level topic in the discussion about freedom.

He, she stopped and stood in front of the bar:

"Is it freedom for me to express opposition to others? Is it freedom for a group of people to express opposition to someone? Is it freedom for everyone to express opposition to someone?"

Maibiak also stopped, he was also thinking about this issue.

Oh, this is the first grade of elementary school.

Yao Yan looked at his thoughtful movements and couldn't help but shook his head.

If he answered, Yao Yan had the next one:

"My opposition is said to be against the spirit of freedom, the opposition of a group of people is said to be against the spirit of freedom, and the opposition of everyone is said to be against the spirit of freedom. Is this freedom?"

What if the other party still answers?

Well, I'm sorry, but I have completely fallen into his trap.

Such empty and unspecific discussions are fruitless.

Specific cases will be discussed in detail. After all, not every question has a definite answer or a definite standard.

In the absence of a definite answer, this topic should be left to other criteria for determination.

Thinking of this, he smiled in his heart again.

Without the interference of emotions and will, there would be no ideology?

Thinking too much.

Although it is a very rough judgment, as long as it includes a discussion of value judgment, it is already an ideology in itself.

So, is “logic” ideology?

Whether you realize it or not, the composition of language symbols itself contains the condensation of meaning.

Who knows how many value judgments are hidden in the included "meaning"?

For example, what he is talking about now is "ideology" and "freedom."

There is no way to escape this.

He, she looked at the tavern owner.

Language traps are always set unknowingly, both for others and for ourselves.

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