Crow's Paradise

Chapter 96 The roving airship

Above the starry sky, lines of text appeared in Yao Yan's sight.

Then, a map appeared in front of his eyes.

It's just that it's not the electronic city map like before, but a paper map.

And then, there were pictures that looked like wanted warrants.


【Crow's Mouth】

【The wolf is coming】




[Phenomena 1: When you are affected by external influences and have an effect on yourself that is contrary to what you know, and you are hurt as a result, you can use the phenomenon card to weaken the effect and restore part of the damage caused by the effect, and to deal with subsequent damage. Similar effects and damage increase resistance and can be superimposed in small amounts. 】

The description of the fire crow's power appeared in the form of text description in his field of vision.

As expected, it was consistent with his feeling. It was a protective and restorative skill.


Yao Yan's eyes wandered away from the first half of the sentence for a moment.

His ability can ignore preconditions and requirements, so can this ability be used on other things besides himself?

However, what he wanted to know more was another thing——

His core ability [Rumor], the ability he gained after entering the phenomenal level:

[You can change the performance of phenomenon cards to a certain extent. 】

He had always had trouble understanding what "phenomenal card manifestations" meant.


Appearance characteristics?

It refers to the performance effect when the ability is used? For example, when he uses the ability of the black and white crows, a black crow and a white crow will fly out and hit the target.

When using the Crow ability, there is also the same performance as the crow pounces and attaches.

Or does it refer to the appearance of the ability itself?

That is, the specific characteristics of various crows.

He has never used this ability, and it's because of this.

He is not sure which one it is, and he deliberately consumes power to change the main body of the ability or the form of its performance when using it. This kind of disguise is generally not needed.

Disguise is required.

Stretching out his claws, Yao Yan first grabbed the wanted list of the Shadow Crow.

The Shadow Crow's ability is very versatile and can do many things, so of course it is the top priority.

Then, his eyes fell on Mo Crow.

In a trial space where there are enough people, no, enough intelligent beings, Mo Crow can help him quickly gain a certain level of combat effectiveness. Although there will be no chance to spread rumors like in the witch world, it should still exist. Not too much.

The third.

Black and white strange crow.

Although Big Mouth Crow's ability is good, if Mo Crow's ability can take effect, his lack of combat ability can also be solved.

However, if he really encounters a place like the witch world where the ink crow's ability cannot take effect again, he will have to make another escape operation.

Huge, shadowy claws grasp a wanted list depicting a black and white crow.


No feeling of falling.

There is no situation in the Witch World where you can only choose three abilities.


Yao Yan's claws reached out to the wanted list depicting the flaming fire crow.

Still nothing happened.

Can I choose everything in this world? It seems that there are not many restrictions.

Yao Yan's claws grabbed the last crow.

A falling sensation enveloped his body as he grabbed hold of Jaw's wanted list.

On the streets at night, lights and shadows passed by.

In the sky, a huge airship streaked across the sky.

In the southwest corner of the city, a long-faced man held a telescope with a smile on his face and looked at the airship flying across the sky:

"It doesn't matter, keep flying, it will be mine after that."

However, at this moment, he seemed to see a black shadow falling from the sky.

The long-faced man turned the telescope and stared at the black figure for a moment:


Although it's not very clear, the shape should be that of a crow, and the whole body is basically black.

But it seems to be on fire?

Struck by lightning?

However, just as he was thinking, he saw the falling crow suddenly spread its wings and seemed to regain its ability to move.

However, it was just when the crow was flapping its wings that he saw that the other side of the crow's body was white.

Is there such a bird? One side black and one side white?


That strange crow seems to be flying towards him?


The long-faced man removed the telescope and rubbed his eyes.

However, when he moved the telescope in front of him again, the strange crow disappeared from his sight.

Where have you gone?

The long-faced man turned his gaze, trying to find the strange crow.

However, while he was trying to find it, suddenly, the sound of flapping wings sounded in his ears.

Almost at the same time, his consciousness sank.


The long-faced man held the telescope in his left hand and punched the wall with his right hand.

"Well, his physical fitness is normal and he has no special strength."

Yao Yan took a look at his new body.

Although this world is not like the previous two worlds, the spirit cannot leave the body, but like the world of Dasheng, if the spirit body leaves the body, its power will gradually lose and weaken.

And it cannot be said that there are no restrictions. Compared with the world of Dasheng, where you can use power at will, this world should have lowered the upper limit a lot.

At least, the same power can cause less damage in Dasheng World.

He opened his hand, and a white crow with goat's horns emerged from his hand.

He just stared at the white crow in his hand.

Although it is not very obvious, it is still visible to the naked eye that the white crow's figure is slowly shrinking.

Just give it a try and you’ll find out.

Stretching out his hand, the white crow followed his will and pounced on the telescope in his hand, leaving a white spot.

Turning his right hand, a black sharp-toothed crow emerged from his palm and pounced on the telescope.

The moment the wolf and crow pounced, a sound like biting suddenly sounded.

The next moment, a huge gap appeared on the telescope, and two-thirds of the telescope disappeared into thin air, leaving only a tearing edge gap.

The destructive power is indeed very low.

What I thought was right.

Yao Yan broke the remains of the telescope with his hands, walked into the room from the balcony, and threw the telescope into the garbage basket.

And his gaze swept across the various items in the room.

"He is really a thief."

Closing his eyes, in the spiritual realm, the shadowy giant crow lowered its head, looked at the humanoid spiritual body grasped by its claws, suddenly opened its huge and abnormal crow's beak, and tore the humanoid spiritual body into pieces.

Memories flowed by, and scenes emerged one after another, allowing Yao Yan to quickly understand the identity and experience of this long-faced man.

A city with a unique style.

A world whose history, style, and appearance are all inconsistent with what he remembers during his lifetime.


The directions of technological development are different.

At least, the situation of using the airship technology tree instead of the aircraft technology tree is an incomprehensible situation.

Judging from this man's memory, even if he said that this world developed from the steampunk worldview, he would believe it.

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